Game Of Thrones Gazizova Rufina Finance 241
It’s the best “world-building” there is Adult audience: it is meant to keep you on your toes to follow all the plot lines and innuendos The show is complex meaning it engages you cognitively Wether you like it or not you are emotionally invested in what happens next
It’s funny smart: Your brain has no choice but to stay engaged It is arguably superior to all other shows in both plot and language So smart, that it can be hard to follow Basically it works our brains, and your brain likes that
The concept of “good” and “bad" become blurred Except for a handful of truly wicked people -Joffrey Baratheon- even the best characters are flawed and even the worst have something redeeming the characters’ actions can be so unpredictable that it forces us to give up trying to decide who’s a good guy and who’s a bad guy
Archetypes used wisely conniving queens, ruthless kings, valiant knights… Called “The Imp” or “The Half Man, ” Tyrion is supremely intelligent and possessing of a quick, biting wit. He is very much an embodiment of the Trickster archetype seen in mythic storytelling throughout history around the world.
The Women Female characters might be even more diverse than the male characters The tomboy, the spoiled princess, the conniving queen, the loving mother, the witch, the warrior, prostitutes, and lots of others
The show uses “medieval” fantasy to point out modern-day reality One of the best examples of modern-day metaphor in the show is the Wall It’s designed to keep out others
Works Cited http: //www. forbes. com/sites/alicegwalton/2014/07/08/deeper-than-swords-10 -reasons-were-soaddicted-to-game-of-thrones/ images from google https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=F 9 Bo 89 m 2 f 6 g
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