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Game industry Game Design Vishnu Kotrajaras, Ph. D Game industry Game Design Vishnu Kotrajaras, Ph. D

Platforms n Console- most games are sold here. – PS 2: most dominant one. Platforms n Console- most games are sold here. – PS 2: most dominant one. • 52. 5 million unit shipped worldwide in 2003. • Broadband – Xbox: doing well in the U. S. , but not in Japan and Europe. • 9. 4 million unit shipped worldwide in 2003. • Xbox. Live • Although 2 nd , it is rich.

– Nintendo Game. Cube • Equal to Xbox in 2003. • Aimed at younger – Nintendo Game. Cube • Equal to Xbox in 2003. • Aimed at younger audience. • Although the market may not seem as massive as the first two, Nintendo always produce original games.

n PC – Windows • Dominate • Players prefer strategy and simulation games. This n PC – Windows • Dominate • Players prefer strategy and simulation games. This is different from console games. – Macintosh • Second, but it’s actually only 3 – 5 % of the PC game market. • Games may not be ported to Mac unless it’s a really good game.

n Game Boy Advance + DS – Dominate handheld market. n PSP – Yet n Game Boy Advance + DS – Dominate handheld market. n PSP – Yet to see if it’ll be successful. n Arcade – it will disappear because the PCs today are so good. – But still good for games with special controls- footpads, motion capture, cars to sit in, VR n Mobile phone game – Big in Japan but not successful in the U. S. n Pay-per-play – Doing well in the U. K. but not the U. S.

Genres n Careful, don’t let this restrict your creativity. Genres n Careful, don’t let this restrict your creativity.

Action game n Unreal tournament n GTA n Tetris n Often overlap with other Action game n Unreal tournament n GTA n Tetris n Often overlap with other genres – GTA is also a driving/adventure. – Tetris = action+puzzle. – Zelda, Wind Waker = action adventure. – Diablo = also role playing. n Real-time + Physical.

Strategy games n Conquest, exploration, trade – Civilization – Settlers – Risk – Warcraft Strategy games n Conquest, exploration, trade – Civilization – Settlers – Risk – Warcraft n Originally, they are turn-based. n But now most are real-time.

Settlers 4 Settlers 4

Risk II Risk II

RPG n Creating and growing characters n Rich storylines – Baldur’s Gate – Dungeon RPG n Creating and growing characters n Rich storylines – Baldur’s Gate – Dungeon Siege – Net. Hack n Mostly slow pace, but some are fast, like Diablo.

Dungeon Siege 2 Action RPG (lots of action) Dungeon Siege 2 Action RPG (lots of action)

Sports n Madden NFL n Tony Hawk Pro Skater n NBA Jam Sports n Madden NFL n Tony Hawk Pro Skater n NBA Jam

Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3

Racing/driving n Real-world simulation – F 1 Career Challenge – NASCAR Thunder n Fantasy Racing/driving n Real-world simulation – F 1 Career Challenge – NASCAR Thunder n Fantasy – Carmageddon – Diddy Kong Racing

NASCAR Thunder 2004 NASCAR Thunder 2004

Carmageddon Carmageddon

Simulation/Building Focus on economy and systems of trade. n Choice must be made, if Simulation/Building Focus on economy and systems of trade. n Choice must be made, if develop one thing well, other parts may fail. n Player has indirect control over the growth of simulation. (This is the challenge. ) n – – – The Sims Sim. City Roller. Coaster Tycoon Zoo Tycoon Sim. Ant

Flight and other simulations n Approximate real-life aircraft. n Realistic control. – Microsoft flight Flight and other simulations n Approximate real-life aircraft. n Realistic control. – Microsoft flight simulator – Spearhead

Adventure n Exploration, collection, puzzle solving – Myst n Today, it often combines with Adventure n Exploration, collection, puzzle solving – Myst n Today, it often combines with action – Jak and Daxter n Character do not accumulate wealth like an RPG.

Edutainment n Putt-Putt saves the zoo n Sierra’s Driver Education n Chutes and Lifts Edutainment n Putt-Putt saves the zoo n Sierra’s Driver Education n Chutes and Lifts

Children n Age 2 -12 n Focus on entertaining. – Mario – Aladdin Activity Children n Age 2 -12 n Focus on entertaining. – Mario – Aladdin Activity Center – Freddi Fish

Family and mass market game n Simple games – Yahoo! Games – Scrabble – Family and mass market game n Simple games – Yahoo! Games – Scrabble – Monopoly – Wheel of Fortune

Puzzle n Scrabble n The Incredible Machine n Super Puzzle Fighter Puzzle n Scrabble n The Incredible Machine n Super Puzzle Fighter

Top tools 2007 n Engine Cry. Engine 2, Crytek Gamebryo 2. 3, Emergent Hero Top tools 2007 n Engine Cry. Engine 2, Crytek Gamebryo 2. 3, Emergent Hero Engine, Simutronics Corporation Unreal Engine 3, Epic Vision Game Engine, Trinigy Gmb. H Books Game Design: From Blue Sky to Green Light, Deborah Todd, AK Peters Game Writing Handbook, Rafael Chandler, Charles River Media GPU Gems 3, ed. Hubert Nguyen, Addison-Wesley Professional Second Person, ed. Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin, MIT Press XNA Unleashed, Chad Carter, Sams

n Middleware Euphoria, Natural Motion Gameface Studio, Anark Havok Complete, Havok Kynapse, Kynogon Path. n Middleware Euphoria, Natural Motion Gameface Studio, Anark Havok Complete, Havok Kynapse, Kynogon Path. Engine SDK, Path. Engine Programming/Production Hansoft 5. 0, Hansoft AB NVIDIA Perf. HUD 5, NVIDIA Corporation Perforce 2007. 2, Perforce Software Replay. DIRECTOR, Replay Solutions XNA Game Studio Express, Microsoft

n Art 3 ds Max 9, Autodesk modo 301, Luxology Mudbox 1. 06, Autodesk/Skymatter n Art 3 ds Max 9, Autodesk modo 301, Luxology Mudbox 1. 06, Autodesk/Skymatter Softimage XSI 6. 01, Softimage Zbrush 3. 1, Pixologic Audio Fmod, Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd. Miles Sound System, RAD Game Tools, Inc. Vivox Precision Audio, Vivox, Inc. Voice-O-Matic, Di-O-Matic, Inc. Wwise 2007. 2, Audiokinetic

Top Publisher 2006 Ranking Game Developer magazine's October 2006 issue. 1. Electronic Arts (100 Top Publisher 2006 Ranking Game Developer magazine's October 2006 issue. 1. Electronic Arts (100 games a year) – – – Is the world’s largest independent publisher. (not part of a platform company) In 2005, 60% of its games come from its internal development studios. Focus heavily on licenses and sequels. • • The Sims Def Jam Vendetta Medal of Honor Command & Conquer

n Year formed: 1982 Headquarters: Redwood City, Calif. Studios: Criterion (Guildford, U. K. ); n Year formed: 1982 Headquarters: Redwood City, Calif. Studios: Criterion (Guildford, U. K. ); Digital Illusions CE (London, Ont. , Stockholm) EA Black Box (Vancouver); EA Canada (Burnaby, British Columbia); EA China (Shanghai); EA Los Angeles (Playa Vista, Calif. ); EA Mobile; EA Montreal; EA Mythic (Fairfax, Va. ); EA Japan (Roppongi, Japan); EA Redwood Shores (Redwood City, Calif. ); EA Singapore; EA U. K. (Chertsey, U. K. ); Maxis (Emeryville, Calif. ); EA Phenomic (Leipzig, Germany); EA Tiburon (Orlando (

2006 n EA’s sports titles – more impressive performance than in previous years – 2006 n EA’s sports titles – more impressive performance than in previous years – the Sims series and its expansions continue to generate high sales. The company has announced an intention to focus more on original intellectual properties. n EA ended its contract with the James Bond license early, likely due to poor sales. n Licensed properties continue to be a major source of income, however, with games based on n – The Godfather and – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire • having sold millions of copies each .

It has its own digital distribution system for games and a system for collecting It has its own digital distribution system for games and a system for collecting micro-transactions for in-game purchases. n It acquired Jamdat Mobile, a global publisher of mobile phone games and the largest distributor of its kind in the U. S. n Other acquisitions included n – developer Hypnotix, responsible for Outlaw Golf and Outlaw Volleyball, who now reside at EA’s Tiburon studio. – German strategy-game developer Phenomic. n In February 2006, EA announced a partnership with Neowiz, a Korean publisher of online games, and – by the end of June the resulting project FIFA Online had beaten all previous records for online games in Korea. n Plus , – expanded into Asia , – new hires in its Shanghai studio – Asian localization in Singapore .

. 2 Nintendo n Year formed: 1933 Headquarters: Kyoto, Japan Studios: Intelligent Systems (Kyoto); . 2 Nintendo n Year formed: 1933 Headquarters: Kyoto, Japan Studios: Intelligent Systems (Kyoto); Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development (Kyoto, Tokyo); Nintendo Software Technology Corp. (Redmond, Wash. ); Retro Studios (Austin); Systems Research & Development (Kyoto, Osaka (

In the past – Rely on sequels and spin-offs. – But only use licenses In the past – Rely on sequels and spin-offs. – But only use licenses for 3. 5%. – 46% are produced by third party. • Mainly Japanese teams. • Pokemon, Mario, Zelda

2006 n n n DS nearly doubled the number of releases. Nintendogs, Brain Training, 2006 n n n DS nearly doubled the number of releases. Nintendogs, Brain Training, and related titles, as well as New Super Mario Bros. , more than made up for its continually sliding console-game revenues. If Wii can manage to reach an audience similar to that of the DS, Nintendo’s position near the top of our list will likely be solidified for next year. The company continues to maintain excellent relations with third-party publishers and external developers as well. Highest scores for producers and milestone payments out of any company via the mag’s anonymous survey.

. 3 Activision n Year formed: 1979 Headquarters: Santa Monica, Calif. Studios: Beenox (Quebec . 3 Activision n Year formed: 1979 Headquarters: Santa Monica, Calif. Studios: Beenox (Quebec City); Infinity Ward (Encino, Calif. ); Luxoflux (Santa Monica, Calif. ); Neversoft (Encino, Woodland Hills, Calif. ); Raven Studios (Madison, Wis. ); Red. Octane (Sunnyvale, Calif. ); Shaba Games (San Francisco); Toys For Bob (Novato, Calif. ); Treyarch (Santa Monica, Calif. ); Vicarious Visions (Mountain View, Calif. , Troy, N. Y. ); Z-Axis (Foster City, Calif (.

In the past – License + sequels – Original ideas are only 14% – In the past – License + sequels – Original ideas are only 14% – 69% of its output are for console. – 22% are handheld. – 9% for PC. • • Return to castle Wolfenstein Tony Hawk Spider-man Quake III Arena

2006 Call of Duty 2 and Call of Duty: Big Red One sold extremely 2006 Call of Duty 2 and Call of Duty: Big Red One sold extremely well. Activision’s release count declined over 2005, but a higher average review score and favorable developer survey ratings helped the EA rival maintain its footing. n The company struck agreements that gave it licenses to produce games based on the n n – – – n Spider-Man and Transformers movies , four additional new Dreamworks pictures , Mattel’s Barbie toy line, and the potentially lucrative James Bond franchise, taken over from EA. Guitar Hero’s brisk sales led Activision to purchase the game’s publisher Red. Octane in May. As of this writing, the company faces two separate lawsuits : – one over its labor practices and – another over allegedly backdated stock options. n At the same time, the company has tightened its belt for the generational transition by reducing its workforce by seven percent back in February .

. 4 Sony Computet Entertainment n Year formed: 1993 Headquarters: Tokyo Studios: Bend, Ore. . 4 Sony Computet Entertainment n Year formed: 1993 Headquarters: Tokyo Studios: Bend, Ore. ; Cambridge, U. K. ; Contrail (Tokyo); Foster City, Calif. ; Guerrilla Games (Amsterdam); Incognito Entertainment (Salt Lake City); Insomniac (Burbank, Calif); Liverpool, U. K. ; London; Polyphony Digital (Tokyo); San Diego; Naughty Dog (Santa Monica, Calif. ); Seoul; SN Systems (Bristol, U. K. ); Tokyo; Zener Works (Tokyo (

n In the past – 44 games a year – Ps 2 games – n In the past – 44 games a year – Ps 2 games – 45% of its games are made by external developers. – Action, sports, and racing make up 54% of their output. – Sony invests in original ideas (opposite to EA) 50% of its games in a year are new intellectual properties. • SOCOM • Gran Turismo

2006 first-party software sales for the platform fell off. n First-party PSP software sales 2006 first-party software sales for the platform fell off. n First-party PSP software sales buoyed Sony though, and allowed it to hold steady in terms of revenue. n A slightly higher average review score — to which Shadow of the Colossus’s shining critical reception contributed — doubtless helped the company’s standing. n Guerrilla Games has proved to be a valuable asset to Sony’s first-party portfolio, n – with Killzone games on the way for PSP and Play. Station 3

. 5 Take-Two Interactive n Year formed: 1993 Headquarters: New York Studios: Cat Daddy . 5 Take-Two Interactive n Year formed: 1993 Headquarters: New York Studios: Cat Daddy Games (Bellevue, Wash. ); Firaxis Games (Hunt Valley, Md. ) Irrational Games (Quincy, Mass. ; Canberra, Australia); Kush Games (Camarillo, Calif. ); Rockstar Leeds (Leeds, U. K. ); Rockstar North (Edinburgh); Rockstar San Diego; Rockstar Toronto; Rockstar Vancouver; Rockstar Vienna; Venom Games (Newcastle, U. K. ); Visual Concepts (San Rafael, Calif (.

In the past n (25 games a year) – – – – 80% of In the past n (25 games a year) – – – – 80% of its games are from external developers But the internal team has GTA. Action + sport Aggressive + original 41% new idea 50% sequels 10% licenses • Max Payne • Railroad Tycoon 2

2006 n n n The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, co-published with Bethesda, broke sales 2006 n n n The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, co-published with Bethesda, broke sales records for Xbox 360 games and was no slouch in the PC format either. Civilization IV also performed well. The PSP release of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories proved to be one of the top-selling titles on the platformใ Unsurprisingly, the now $20 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas continued to contribute to the company’s revenues. Take-Two acquired Irrational Games in January as a result of a relationship the two companies formed around Irrational’s upcoming release Bioshock. – Nabbing this team will likely result in even more high quality, original IPs for the publisher.

. 6 Microsoft Game Studios n Year formed: 1975 Headquarters: Redmond, Wash. Studios: Bungie . 6 Microsoft Game Studios n Year formed: 1975 Headquarters: Redmond, Wash. Studios: Bungie Studios (Redmond, Wash. ); Ensemble Studios (Dallas); FASA (Redmond, Wash. ); Lionhead Studios (Guildford, U. K. ); Microsoft Game Studios Japan (Tokyo); Rare (Twycross, U. K (.

In the past – 55% for console. – Focus on original concepts (58%). – In the past – 55% for console. – Focus on original concepts (58%). – 64% made externally. • Halo • Age of Empires

2006 n n n The lack of a release as popular as the company’s 2006 n n n The lack of a release as popular as the company’s Halo series for Xbox has caused the publisher to drop three spots in our ranking. The stable of studios holds much promise for its home platform, however, with Halo 3 on the way. A pledge of support from Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi and his studio Mistwalker. With a lower console price point than Sony, Microsoft has some real opportunities to move forward in the coming generation. On the PC side, Age of Empires III has consistently cleaned up the charts since its October release, reaching platinum status and becoming the fastest selling entry in the long-running series. Windows Vista-only Halo 2 will make for interesting results next year.

. 7 THQ n Year formed: 1989 Headquarters: Calabasas Hills, Calif. Studios: Blue Tongue . 7 THQ n Year formed: 1989 Headquarters: Calabasas Hills, Calif. Studios: Blue Tongue Entertainment (Melbourne); Concrete Games (Carlsbad, Calif. ); Cranky Pants Games (Kirkland, Wash. ); Heavy Iron Studios (Los Angeles); Helixe (Burlington, Mass. ); Incinerator (Carlsbad, Calif. ); Juice Games (Warrington, U. K. ), Kaos Studios (New York); Locomotive Games (Santa Carla, Calif. ); Paradigm (Dallas); Rainbow Studios (Phoenix); Relic Entertainment (Vancouver); THQ Australia Studios (Spring Hill, Australia); THQ Wireless (Calabasas Hills, Calif. ); Vigil Games (Austin); Volition (Champaign, Ill (.

The company had a lower average review score, and respondents to our survey were The company had a lower average review score, and respondents to our survey were less than favorable when ranking their milestones and payments. n THQ’s highly rated producers and significant revenue aided the publisher’s climb up the list of Top 20 Publishers. n While the company has continued to expand its original releases, its bread and butter is still its collection of licensed titles n – Cars – WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 n Established – the internal studios Kaos and Incinerator, and – the acquisition of Juice Games, Vigil Games, and Paradigm Entertainment (along with its Stuntman franchise. (

. 8 Ubisoft n Year formed: 1986 Headquarters: Paris Studios: Annecy, France; Barcelona; Blue . 8 Ubisoft n Year formed: 1986 Headquarters: Paris Studios: Annecy, France; Barcelona; Blue Byte (Düsseldorf, Germany); Bucharest; Casablanca; Milan; Montpellier, France; Montreal; Montreuil, France; Quebec City; Red Storm (Morrisville, N. C. ); Reflections (Newcastle, U. K. ); Shanghai; Wolfpack (Austin (

Ubisoft’s average review score and pay and perks ratings fell a bit from last Ubisoft’s average review score and pay and perks ratings fell a bit from last year. n Its revenues were quite solid, however, and were kept steady by healthy sales of n – – Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter , Peter Jackson’s King Kong , 3 DO acquisition Heroes of Might & Magic V , and releases from the Far Cry franchise. While Far Cry developer Cry. Tek has signed an exclusivity agreement with EA, Ubisoft has purchased the game’s engine and intellectual property. n Another key acquisition this year was Ubisoft’s purchase of Driver developer Reflections from Atari. n Overall, the company hasn’t been as active as other major publishers in snatching up outside development houses, n – preferring to develop its existing talent instead, promoting its name talent whenever possible.

. 9 Konami n Year formed: 1973 Headquarters: Tokyo Studios: Blue Label Interactive (Los . 9 Konami n Year formed: 1973 Headquarters: Tokyo Studios: Blue Label Interactive (Los Angeles); Hudson Soft (Tokyo, Sapporo, San Francisco); Konami Computer Entertainment (Tokyo); Konami Software Shanghai

In the past n (64 games a year) – 93% internally developed. – 78% In the past n (64 games a year) – 93% internally developed. – 78% of all its games are sequels. – Mainly consoles and handheld, but also has Arcade, toys, card game. • • Silent Hill Metal Gear Dance Revolution Yu-Gi-Oh

n 2006 Konami this year has continued its restructuring efforts, which began last year n 2006 Konami this year has continued its restructuring efforts, which began last year with – the consolidation of its Japanese development studios into a single branch. – Gaming and non-gaming divisions have been shuffled and reorganized , – culminating with the consolidation of Konami’s European business operations into a single branch located in Germany , – and the closure of its Honolulu studio. Sales of games in the Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania, Yu. Gi. Oh!, and Dance Revolution series brought the publisher relatively consistent success in the U. S , . n though Pawa. Pro and Winning Eleven sports titles brought much more success in other territories. n Also looking to increase its involvement in the ever-growing mobile market, Konami purchased Los Angeles mobile developer Blue Label Interactive and formed a partnership with casual game publisher Play. First for mobile distribution. n But the Japanese publisher is clearly affected by the transition as well, with fewer major releases this year and more effort being spent on next-generation development. n

. 10 Sega Sammy Holdings n Year formed: 1952 (Sega); 1975 (Sammy) Headquarters: Tokyo . 10 Sega Sammy Holdings n Year formed: 1952 (Sega); 1975 (Sammy) Headquarters: Tokyo Studios: Creative Assembly (West Sussex, U. K. , Fortitude Valley, Australia); Racing Studio (Birmingham, U. K. ); Secret Level (San Francisco); Sega Shanghai Studios (Shanghai); Sega Studios (Tokyo); Sega Studios USA (San Francisco); Sports Interactive (London (

In the past – Sequels + licenses – Arcade -> but it’s suffering • In the past – Sequels + licenses – Arcade -> but it’s suffering • • Virtua Fighter Phantasy Star Online Shinobi House of the Dead 3

2006 n U. S. sales of games in the Sonic series, especially the platinum-selling 2006 n U. S. sales of games in the Sonic series, especially the platinum-selling Shadow the Hedgehog, held down the fort in the U. S. n The company published a mix of Japanese and Western -developed titles, like Treasure’s Gunstar Super Heroes and the first Total War title, resulting from Sega’s acquisition of The Creative Assembly. n Sega has set its sights on Western audiences for the next generation of consoles. Over the last 12 months, the company has acquired skilled developers – Sports Interactive – Secret Level – Also formed partnerships with Obsidian, Petroglyph, and Bizarre Creations for exclusive next-generation and PC projects. High marks with regard to producers and milestone payments. n The company has tuned up its Japanese-oriented nextgen development as well, n – with Sonic titles promised across all new home consoles, including the Xbox 360, Play. Station 3, and Wii, in the coming

. 11 Namco Bandai n Year formed: 1950 (Bandai); 1955 (Namco) Headquarters: Tokyo Studios: . 11 Namco Bandai n Year formed: 1950 (Bandai); 1955 (Namco) Headquarters: Tokyo Studios: Banpresoft (Tokyo); Namco Networks America; Japan Bec Co. , Ltd. (Tokyo); San Jose, Calif. ; Yokohama; Tokyo

Unfortunately for both participants, sales of their major titles (including Soul Calibur III and Unfortunately for both participants, sales of their major titles (including Soul Calibur III and Ridge Racer 6 domestically and Mobile Suit Gundam titles overseas) fell short of expectations for the year. n The publisher admits to being too soft in taking advantage of handheld development for the surging DS platform. n Licensed titles proved to be the biggest help for the company over the period, with its externally-developed Curious George games debuting in the U. S. market, and a new line of Tamagotchi games doing well in all territories. n In addition, in October 2005, Namco established a subsidiary mobile games division in the U. S. known as Namco n

. 12 Vivendi Games n Year formed: 2000 Headquarters: New York Studios: Blizzard Console . 12 Vivendi Games n Year formed: 2000 Headquarters: New York Studios: Blizzard Console (Aliso Viejo, Calif. ); Blizzard Entertainment (Irvine, Calif. ); Blizzard North (San Mateo, Calif. ); High Moon Studios (Carlsbad, Calif. ) Massive Entertainment (Malmö, Sweden); Radical Entertainment (Vancouver); Sierra Entertainment (Bellevue, Wash. ); Swordfish Studios (Birmingham, U. K. ); VUG Mobile (Meudon, France (

In the past – 43% are for children. – 61% of its product are In the past – 43% are for children. – 61% of its product are for PC and Mac. – 50% are produced by external developers. – 11% of the games are original ideas. • • Warcraft Barbie The Incredible Hulk Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex

n 2006 Blizzard’s online RPG World of War. Craft — still the most popular n 2006 Blizzard’s online RPG World of War. Craft — still the most popular game in the world — was responsible this year for driving revenues. – Also with successes such as 50 Cent: Bulletproof and games based on the Ice Age 2 movie license. n n n Vivendi established a mobile development division in Meudon, France. snapping up Darkwatch developer and former internal Sammy developer High Moon Studios. Sadly, Blizzard’s Star. Craft: Ghost was put on indefinite hold recently . Reduced release schedule and lower average review scores hurting its overall score, while a higher producer rating raised them back up. Vivendi Games has chosen to revive the Sierra publishing brand.

. 13 Square Enix n Year formed: 2003 Headquarters: Tokyo Studios: Beijing; Osaka; Tokyo; . 13 Square Enix n Year formed: 2003 Headquarters: Tokyo Studios: Beijing; Osaka; Tokyo; UIEvolution (Bellevue, Wash (.

Less than one title released for each month. n Sequels n – Dragon Quest Less than one title released for each month. n Sequels n – Dragon Quest VIII – Kingdom Hearts II Final Fantasy XI receiving an expansion during the year and increasing its subscriber base to over 500, 000 users. n A friendly takeover of Japanese publisher and arcade distributor Taito was completed. Taito’s strengths are in amusement machines and mobile development. n A high average review score and the successes of its mobile releases helped the publisher rise. n

. 14 Capcom n Year formed: 1979 Headquarters: Osaka Studios: Capcom Interactive (Los Angeles); . 14 Capcom n Year formed: 1979 Headquarters: Osaka Studios: Capcom Interactive (Los Angeles); Clover Studio (Osaka); Cosmic Infinity (Burlington, Ont. ); Flagship (Tokyo); Team 1 (Osaka); Team 2 (Osaka (

n n n Monster Hunter 2 (Play. Station 2) and Monster Hunter Freedom (PSP) n n n Monster Hunter 2 (Play. Station 2) and Monster Hunter Freedom (PSP) sold extremely well. Retro remakes and compilations. The DS version of the innovative courtroom adventure game Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney surpassed Capcom’s sales expectations again and again in the U. S. Beat Down and Final Fight Streetwise failing both critically and commercially. Those titles’ poor critical reception helped drag down the publisher’s average review score this year, and Streetwise’s failure was the final nail in the coffin for California-based internal developer Capcom Studio 8, which was shut down in March. Capcom’s new mobile division, Capcom Interactive, bought up Ontario wireless developer Cosmic Infinity in May .

. 15 NCSoft n Year formed: 1997 Headquarters: Seoul Studios: Arena. Net (Bellevue, Wash. . 15 NCSoft n Year formed: 1997 Headquarters: Seoul Studios: Arena. Net (Bellevue, Wash. ); Austin; Seoul

sales of Guild Wars have reached more than two million. n Guild Wars: Factions, sales of Guild Wars have reached more than two million. n Guild Wars: Factions, which also sold well, has helped to make up for another new release this year that didn’t fare so well: Auto Assault. n Overall, NCsoft boasts only three releases. n the publisher’s future among the big 20 may already be in doubt: n – City of Villains, reportedly has been experiencing a drop in subscriber headcount (as of press time), which likely contributed to significant layoffs among NCsoft’s U. S. staff in June. – Analysts have expressed concern over Auto Assault’s failure and whether Richard Garriott’s long-awaited MMO Tabula Rasa would make its current launch window. n Partnered with Spacetime Studios for a new online game, and it will also be publishing the Barcelonadeveloped, hooligan-friendly Soccer Fury .

. 16 SCi/Eidos n Year formed: 1990 Headquarters: London Studios: Beautiful Game Studios (London); . 16 SCi/Eidos n Year formed: 1990 Headquarters: London Studios: Beautiful Game Studios (London); Crystal Dynamics (Palo Alto, Calif. ); IO Interactive (Copenhagen); Pivotal Games (Bath, U. K (.

n n n Since its purchase by competitor SCi last year, Eidos seems to n n n Since its purchase by competitor SCi last year, Eidos seems to have kept its day-to-day operations largely independent from the parent company. But a slow release schedule and slightly lower average review scores have caused it to drop from the number 14 spot. Eidos’ Tomb Raider series has been revitalized by Crystal Dynamics-developed Tomb Raider: Legend. Additionally, the latest Hitman release, Blood Money, sold over a million copies as well. The original Tomb Raider series creator Core Design was sold to developer Rebellion, ending the years-long business relationship between Core and Eidos once and for all.

. 17 Lucasarts n Year formed: 1982 Headquarters: San Francisco Studio: San Francisco . 17 Lucasarts n Year formed: 1982 Headquarters: San Francisco Studio: San Francisco

Lucas. Arts only published six games during the year considered, but a high average Lucas. Arts only published six games during the year considered, but a high average review score and high revenues, fueled by smash hits Star Wars Battlefront II and Star Wars: Empire at War, have propelled the rather quiet publisher to its current ranking. n But future prospects are bright. Partnerships with Day 1 and Free Radical for nextgeneration console development should bring more Mercenaries-style, non-Star Warsdependent successes, and Traveller’s Tales has just finished a sequel to the hit Lego Star Wars. n

. 18 Buena Vista Games n Year formed: 1994 (as Disney Interactive) Headquarters: Burbank, . 18 Buena Vista Games n Year formed: 1994 (as Disney Interactive) Headquarters: Burbank, Calif. Studios: Avalanche Software (Salt Lake City); Propaganda Games (Vancouver (

The company enters at number 18 due the success of Kingdom Hearts II, which The company enters at number 18 due the success of Kingdom Hearts II, which was published and developed in partnership with Japanese developer Square Enix and has sold more than one million copies. n The publisher has beefed up its internal development since the release of the first Kingdom Hearts with the purchase of Avalanche Software and the establishment of a Vancouver studio, Propaganda Games, which is staffed largely by former EA employees. n Also successful for Buena Vista this year were games based on the Chronicles of Narnia movies. n Buena Vista’s monetary foundation is admittedly rooted in a wide variety of games based on Disney-owned intellectual property, but the company has made some surprising moves this year n – In April, Buena Vista announced a deal to publish four games by Tetsuya Mizuguchi-headed studio Q Entertainment. – Propaganda will be developing a new game based on the Turok license. – Japanese handheld developer Jupiter Corp. will be responsible for Spectrobes, an entirely new anime-styled RPG.

. 19 Atari n Year formed: 1983 Headquarters: Lyon, France Studios: Atari Melbourne House . 19 Atari n Year formed: 1983 Headquarters: Lyon, France Studios: Atari Melbourne House (Melbourne); Eden Studios (Lyon, France); Humongous Inc. (New York); Shiny Entertainment (Newport Beach, Calif (.

In the past – 74% produced externally, with 22% original ideas. • Never. Winter In the past – 74% produced externally, with 22% original ideas. • Never. Winter Nights • Unreal Tournament

2006 Significant losses. The Matrix: Path of Neo and Marc Ecko’s Getting Up: Contents 2006 Significant losses. The Matrix: Path of Neo and Marc Ecko’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure underperformed. n The publisher still hasn’t returned to profitability, Atari is losing much less money than it was around this time last year. n The revenues it has managed to post, its fair release count, and a middling average review score have helped it stay in the top 20 this year , n – and its promising lineup for the next year • Neverwinter Nights 2 , • two Dragon Ball Z titles , • the next-gen iteration of Alone in the Dark – should help push Atari closer to the black ink .

. 20 Midway n Year formed: 1988 Headquarters: Chicago Studios: Austin; Chicago; Los Angeles; . 20 Midway n Year formed: 1988 Headquarters: Chicago Studios: Austin; Chicago; Los Angeles; Pitbull Syndicate (Newcastle, U. K. ); San Diego; Surreal Software (Seattle (

Low revenues and losses all year long due to the generational transition and development Low revenues and losses all year long due to the generational transition and development costs. n The publisher acquired studios in Australia (Ratbag) and England (Pitbull Syndicate) in August and October, respectively. But just a few months later, after posting major quarterly and yearly losses, Midway closed down Ratbag and gave the pink slip to all employees there. n Its average review scores fell considerably from last year’s grade. n Keeping the publisher ranked this year were its mainstay sports titles, most notably n – NBA Ballers: Phenom , – NFL Blitz: The League , – Mortal Kombat side-trip Shaolin Monks.

Developers n 2015 – Oklahoma – 3 D action (military) • Medal of Honor Developers n 2015 – Oklahoma – 3 D action (military) • Medal of Honor – Strong relationship with Vivendi n Bio. Ware – Canada – Formed by 2 medical doctors. – Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk • Baldur’s Gate • Never. Winter Nights • Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic – They’ve worked for Lucas. Arts, Atari, Microsoft

n Blizzard – Strategy – Warcraft, Diablo, Star. Craft – Owned by Vivendi. n n Blizzard – Strategy – Warcraft, Diablo, Star. Craft – Owned by Vivendi. n Firaxis Games – Sid Meier founded the company. • Gettysburg • Civilization III – Has strong ties with EA and Atari. n id software – Wolfenstein 3 D, Doom, Quake

n Lionhead Studios – Peter Molyneux (Dungeon keeper, populous) formed the cmpany. • Black&White n Lionhead Studios – Peter Molyneux (Dungeon keeper, populous) formed the cmpany. • Black&White n Naughty Dog – Crash Bandicoot – Jak and Daxter n Oddworld Inhabitants – Current publisher is Microsoft. n Pandemic Studios – Activision invested in them. • Battlezone, Dark Reign – Also produce titles for U. S. Army

n Rockstar North – Owned by Take-Two • GTA • Lemmings (1 st lemming n Rockstar North – Owned by Take-Two • GTA • Lemmings (1 st lemming uses 2 programmers, and it took them 1 year. ) n Shiny Entertainment – Earthworm Jim – Messiah – Enter the Matrix

Game Publishing consists of n Element 1: Development – Trends • Cost increase Game Publishing consists of n Element 1: Development – Trends • Cost increase

 • Price remains the same. • Therefore, developer needs – Fewer titles – • Price remains the same. • Therefore, developer needs – Fewer titles – Each titles must sell more units. – Production values must be better and the audience broader. – Only top 20 games will receive major money. – Original design may have trouble, because the audience may be limited. – So, some designer has begun to move to Shockwave game. (less money, less risk. ) – Developer royalties • Normally, publisher pays in advance. • Then publisher will get royalty (%) after the game sales.

Royalties n Base deal – Pay all the cost to developer. – Milestone payments. Royalties n Base deal – Pay all the cost to developer. – Milestone payments. – Normally, after deducting these payment, the developer will get 10 – 18% of the net sales. – Publisher starts paying royalties after the development costs have been recouped via sales. – Royalties rates may be 10% until 60, 000 units are sold, then 15% until 120, 000 units are sold. Developer must deal with publisher on this issue. – 1 st time developer usually gets low royalties, because the publisher has low confidence.

n Element 2: Licensing – Content licensing (1 -10% of net rev. ) • n Element 2: Licensing – Content licensing (1 -10% of net rev. ) • Buy license for characters, songs • Decreasing the risk. • But licensing is expensive, so some publishers prefer original games. – Console licensing • Must pay the console maker (you do not have to pay the PC/Mac maker) $3 -$10 per unit • Publisher – Develop, test, market, distribute, pay the console maker in advance. • Console maker – Approve game concept, test, review and approve final game, manufacture the game.

n Element 3: Marketing – 2*development budgets. n Distribution – Wholesalers and retailers. • n Element 3: Marketing – 2*development budgets. n Distribution – Wholesalers and retailers. • Retail price $50 • Wholesale price (retailer pays this to publisher)= 64% of the retail price. • Cost of goods incurred by publisher ($5 per unit) • Co-op advertising cost = 15% of wholesale price. • Marketing cost = 8% of wholesale price. • Return of goods contingency = 12% of wholesale price. – In total, after deleting the above costs, the publisher gets 32% of the retail price. – Retailers can return product!! – Remember, shelf life is only 3 -6 months.