Скачать презентацию Galymzhan Koishiyev Stephen Holz eco-village nu edu kz Eco-Village Скачать презентацию Galymzhan Koishiyev Stephen Holz eco-village nu edu kz Eco-Village


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Galymzhan Koishiyev Stephen Holz eco-village@nu. edu. kz Eco-Village Project Introduction Galymzhan Koishiyev Stephen Holz eco-village@nu. edu. kz Eco-Village Project Introduction

Life in a city Life in a city

Architecture is Architecture is "frozen music"… Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, German philosopher, poet and novelist (1739 -1842). We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us. Winston Churchill A very typical house in many cities and small towns in Kazakhstan British politician (1874 -1965). A typical rural house in Kazakhstan Northern lights in Astana

Can existing technologies and a new ecological mindset provide an ecological and human friendly Can existing technologies and a new ecological mindset provide an ecological and human friendly life-style?

Eco-life-style! Qualitatively higher quality of life! Eco-life-style! Qualitatively higher quality of life!

Not just houses, but entire communities! Koschi (Akmola oblast. ) Talgar (Almaty oblast. ) Not just houses, but entire communities! Koschi (Akmola oblast. ) Talgar (Almaty oblast. ) Can this be your future home?


Governing principles of eco-village design v. Human and environmentally friendly. v. Harmoniously integrated into Governing principles of eco-village design v. Human and environmentally friendly. v. Harmoniously integrated into the natural landscape. v Energy-efficient and self-sustainable in all aspects as much as existing technologies allow.

Think of the Big picture! Comparison with the previous level № Level Population 1 Think of the Big picture! Comparison with the previous level № Level Population 1 Household 2 Eco-village 200 households 1000 -1500 3 Eco-city 10 eco-villages 10, 000 -15, 000 4 Eco-agglomeration 10 eco-cities 100, 000 -150, 000 5 Kazakhstan 130 -200 eco-agglomerations 20, 000 5 -7

What are the goals? v. Develop and think through a detailed concept (both from What are the goals? v. Develop and think through a detailed concept (both from technological and social aspects) of the eco-village realizable at a specific site with its specific climate and landscape conditions. v Build a 3 -D layout of the village that can potentially be demonstrated at the national pavilion at EXPO-2017. v Build specific 3 -D layouts and make posters that demonstrate how all basic life-supporting-systems work (heating, energy production and storage, water, waste-management, etc. ). v. Make a documentary movie and a series of video-clips which describes the general concept and details of the project to the general public. v Develop an Internet web-site that elaborates on the project, provides discussion platform and has all available materials for download. v. Develop business ideas that will help launch such projects in reality.

Working Groups 1. System Design Group (SDG) 2. Art-Design Group (ADG) 3. Computer Assisted Working Groups 1. System Design Group (SDG) 2. Art-Design Group (ADG) 3. Computer Assisted Design Group (CADG) 4. Construction Group (CG) 5. Multimedia and IT Group (MITG) 6. Sociology and Psychology Group (SPG) 7. Business Administration and Economics Group (BAEG) Distribution of students by working groups (first Business choice) Administrati on and Economics Group 25% Sociology and Psychology Group 6% Multimedia and IT Group 5% System Design Group 42% Computer Assisted Design Group 6% Art Design Construction Group 7% 9%

System Design subgroups SDG – Land-use and management (housing, local farming, infrastructure, parks, forests, System Design subgroups SDG – Land-use and management (housing, local farming, infrastructure, parks, forests, etc. ) SDG – Energy production, storage and distribution systems SDG – Water supply and distribution systems SDG – Waste management and recycling systems SDG – Heating, cooling and ventilation systems SDG – Efficiency Energy efficient building designs SDG – Communications Roads, transportation and communication systems

Art-Design Group (ADG) Computer Assisted Design Group (CADG) Construction Group (CG) Art-Design Group (ADG) Computer Assisted Design Group (CADG) Construction Group (CG)

Multimedia and IT Group (MITG) Multimedia and IT Group (MITG)

Sociology and Psychology Group (SPG) Business Administration and Economics subgroups BAEG– Sustainability Overall business Sociology and Psychology Group (SPG) Business Administration and Economics subgroups BAEG– Sustainability Overall business planning and sustainability BAEG - Launch Financial and economic mechanisms to launch a real-life project BAEG – Governance, property ownership BAEG – ideas Innovative business ideas group

Group/Subgroup Structure Coordinator Responsible for the overall management of the group (subgroup). Deputy coordinator Group/Subgroup Structure Coordinator Responsible for the overall management of the group (subgroup). Deputy coordinator Takes leader’s responsibilities the leader is unavailable. Networker/Conceptualist Recorder Responsible for communication with other groups and ensures that the group’s work is coherent and inline with other groups and the overall concept. Writes up minutes of each group meeting and progress reports.

First Meeting for each group To make it easy for everyone, we will all First Meeting for each group To make it easy for everyone, we will all meet tomorrow – Sunday 1: 00 pm on Sunday 30 November, 2014 in Atrium of Block 11 near the new Costa Coffee Stand. You should know what Group and/or Subgroup you will be in (check your email). Please be on time. Your group mates will be counting on you.

Sunday Group Meeting tomorrow During this first meeting all of the groups will do Sunday Group Meeting tomorrow During this first meeting all of the groups will do the following tasks: 1) Elect a Coordinator, Deputy Coordinator, Networker and Recorder. 3) Exchange contacts, so that all members of the group can be in contact if they have a question. 4) Discuss the group- specific questions that will be included for each group (check your email). 5) Decide when and where the next meetings will be held, and make a tentative agenda

Contacts eco-village@nu. edu. kz Contacts eco-village@nu. edu. kz

Questions? Can we invite members outside the university? -Yes, you can! Such people will Questions? Can we invite members outside the university? -Yes, you can! Such people will be informal group members, but will be acknowledged in any final product. Do we have to speak English during the meetings? -No, you don’t have to, except for the overall meetings, but all final products should be in English.