- Количество слайдов: 28
Gadgety Goodness Courtesy of your friendly techie librarians: Scott, Michael, and Sarah
Song KDX 125 courtesy of the Pet Shop Boys (DJ Librarian in Black Remix)
Let The Games Begin
Sony Reader Text resolution on par with newsprint Enlarges text Available in April for $299 -$399
chumby Portable wifi webcontent fetcher (IMs, news, weather, photos, etc) Squeeze it to talk to it
Vonage V Phone: plug in… dial… listen… talk. Turns any PC or laptop with a highspeed connection into a fully functional Vonage telephone
i. Pods More than just music… Don’t forget: it’s just a computer. . .
1 GB i. Pod shuffle - $79 240 songs
Solar powered hat radio and cooling system Both available at www. global-merchants. com/
Digital Cameras They keep getting smaller and more powerful Stay up to date at http: //www. dpreview. com
Same with smart phones Phones aren’t phones! They’re PDAs, game machines, cameras, and mini-laptops!
Portable GPS Devices Tom GO 910, Magellan Road. Mate 760 North America, Garmin, Lowrance i. WAY™ 250 C
Play Station Portable and Nintendo DS with GPS Why bother with a device that does only one thing, right?
Sony mylo Pocket broadband device Wi-fi enabled Mini-keyboard that slides out $350
LG Phillips LCD Screen Coming soon to your cell
Wi. Fi Rabbit Antenna The Rabbit communicates about what you’re receiving on the web by lighting up using 100 s of different colors, wiggling its ears (you can buy colored ones too), and by singing and talking. And he’s cute
Sling media consumption tools: Watch and control What they want your TV from When they want it anywhere with How they want it broadband access
Ubiquitous USB The USB disco ball!
Type fast and the fake hamster funs faster Sexy USB drives
Toasty Toes: USBpowered foot warmers USB-powered fondue pot
“Thumb” drive USB mini-aquarium USB-powered scented oil burner
64 GB USB 2. 0 Flash Drive! $5469. 99 What next year?
256 MB MP 3 & video player w/ mic & headphones Free from Office Depot through December with $75 purchase http: //dealmac. com/onli ne-stores/Office-Depotcom/424/
Cool Mice Hand-warming ($25) Snow Globe ($8) Both from Thanko (Japan)
Infinite Inifinity Drive ($61) 25 different drives/memorycard readers all from one slot
Zune Microsoft’s competitor for the i. Pod To be released this year Will have wi-fi
Cell. Stik from Spark ($50) Back-up or transfer cell phone contacts between phones
Mmmmmm…. Gadgets!