- Количество слайдов: 15
G-RSM CVS System at ECPC Hideki Kanamaru Scripps Institution of Oceanography 7 th Annual RSM Workshop July 2006, Israel
Installation l l l Install CVS (http: //www. nongnu. org/cvs/) C and Fortran compilers required (we usually use portland group compilers on Linux machines) Set environmental variable CVSROOT (e. g. setenv CVSROOT : pserver: anoncvs@rokka. ucsd. edu: /rokka 1/kana/cvs-server-root/cpscvs
Installation l l l $ cvs co Install [Note Capital “I”] You will get “inst” and “install” scripts. “inst” is a wrapper script that calls “install”. /inst [model version] [topography option] [model version] rsm_frozen, rsm_latest, crsm_frozen, gsm_latest, scm_latest [topography option] hi (use 30 seconds gtopo 30 topography) or lo (use 4 minutes topography)
Installation Installer will ask you: l Which model [rsm/gsm/crsm/scm] l Machine architecture [single/thread/mpi/hybrid] l Institution [ecpc/sdsc/ncar, etc] choose ecpc if not available l Machine name [ibmsp/dec/cray/intel/linux, etc] l Model resolution [e. g. T 62 L 28 r 54 x 55, T 62 L 28 r 8167 c 5487] you have to create resolution definition files in rsm/def if you want to define your own domain l Which script [rsm/rsim/csim, etc] rsm is for testing purpose (48 hours integration). rsim is for downscaling with global files. csim is for crsm (c 2 r).
Installation l l l You can choose to use “install” script. . /install --model=[rsm/gsm/crsm/scm] --version=[…] --enable[numerous options] --enable-osu 2 --enable-noah --enable-cldw-zc : Zhao-Carr cloud water scheme --enable-cldw-sy 3 n: Song-You Hong cloud water scheme --enable-cldw-sy 5 --enable-cldw-sy 6 --enable-sas: SAS --enable-ccmcnv: NCAR CCM 3 Zhang Mc. Farlane convection --enable-baseout: post processed basefield output (r_bpgb. ftxx)
CVS system l l l cvs co [module_name] cvs update [file_name] cvs diff [file_name] cvs log [file_name] You can use options such as –r (version), date
Model System l libs : library, utilities, independent of model resolution but machine dependent l rsm (or crsm): source codes and binaries, model resolution dependent e. g. , rsm/def/rsm 6228 r 5455 l runs: run scripts runs/runscr: run scripts called by rsm/rsim/csim runs/expscr: templates for rsm/rsim/csim
Building the model without installer l l l In libs, $ configure-libs In rsm You can edit rsm/def/physics. h, misc. h, debug. h, diag. h to change model options such as KF 2 (Kain Fritsch convection) that is not supported by --enable-xxx with installer script. $ configure-model In runs, $ configure-scr [rsm/rsim/csim]
Other things to note… l Set stacksize to unlimited, otherwise rmtn. x fails.
Regional Domain l l rsm/def/rsm 6228 r 5455 igrd, jgrd, cigrd, cjgrd Igrd has to be a product of integer powers of 2, 3, and 5. On IBM, integer power for 3 cannot be more than 2. jgrd has to be an odd number. cigrd and jgrd are coarse resolution regional file paramters for crsm. l l Parameters RPROJ, RTRUTH, RORIENT, RDELX, RDELY, RCENLAT, RCENLON, RLFTGRD, RBTMGRD Use libs/etc/prmap to choose a domain.
Utility Programs in libs/etc l l l l l date: returns date of sigma and surface files fhour: force_date_grib: change the date in grib files (r_pgb. ftxx) grmap: creates ctl file for Gr. ADs from r_pgb. ftxx grmean: creates average of r_pgb. ftxx incdte: inchour: jd: returns julian day from prmap: used for choosing the domain. reads igrd and jgrd in rsm/define. h and domain paramters in rsm/rsim script and creates prmap. ctl which is opened in Gr. ADs for display.
Input Files (for RSM) l Available global files from the data server at ECPC 6 -hourly R 1 (NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis): r 1/ directory 6 -hourly R 2 (NCEP/DOE Reanalysis): r 2/ directory daily sst. grib: sfcanl/ directory daily ice. grib: sfcanl/ directory l sftp dataman@tsuzumi. ucsd. edu (password: data_ecpc)
Input Files (for CRSM) l l l Available coarser resolution regional files from ecpc. ucsd. edu (Jack Richie): Customized sub-domain data from GSM forecasts initialized by NCEP daily operational analysis Create a binary r_sig files and then use scnvrt and r_inpg to interpolate them to the target regional grid
Other Input Files l l l Not supported, but it should not be too difficult: ERA-40 Reanalysis, NCEP daily operational analysis libs/etc/scnvrt: runs/runscr/r_inpg: interpolation (both horizontal and vertical)
Experiments l l l RSM (use networked machine): use R 1 files as boundary conditions; run rsm script for testing; run rsim script for 2002 Nov 1 st to 3 rd by downloading files from ECPC. CRSM (use non-networked machine): use Jack’s GSM output (L 18) over Vietnam; run csim script at L 18 for 2006 July 1 st to 3 rd If time allows – run RSM with rsim script for 2002 Nov 1 st to 3 rd over Vietnam and run CRSM with the output and csim script