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FY 2010 and FY 2011 Update Policy and Budget Committee June 7, 2010 FY 2010 and FY 2011 Update Policy and Budget Committee June 7, 2010

Table of Contents l I. FY 10 Budget Update l Spending Update l Supplemental Table of Contents l I. FY 10 Budget Update l Spending Update l Supplemental Budget Signed by Governor l II. FY 11 Budget Process Update l Senate FY 11 Recommendations l Senate Budget Impacts l III. Next Step: Conference 2

FY 10 Budget Update Spending 3 FY 10 Budget Update Spending 3

FY 2010 Budget Update: Governor Signs a Supplemental Budget l l l 4 On FY 2010 Budget Update: Governor Signs a Supplemental Budget l l l 4 On May 21 st, the Governor signed a supplemental budget (Chapter 112 of the Acts of 2010). Sections 37 and 38 expand transferability from the income Eligible account and DTA-Related account. Prior to passage, EEC was limited to transfer a maximum of 3% from Income Eligible account to the DTA account and provide a 30 day notice to the legislature prior to any transfer. With the passage of Chapter 112, EEC can transfer up to 10% ($26 M) and need only to provide a 15 day notice to the legislature. This flexibility allows EEC to cover the full $25 M deficiency in the DTA and Supportive accounts and ensure that providers do not have to wait for payment of bill. We have requested the transfer already. We will be able to transfer funds on June 10.

FY 11 Budget Process Update: Senate FY 11 Recommendation 5 • The Senate adopted FY 11 Budget Process Update: Senate FY 11 Recommendation 5 • The Senate adopted several amendments to increase the Income Eligible and the Quality Supports line items, to match the House appropriation level.

FY 11 Budget Process Update: Senate Budget Impact l For the most part the FY 11 Budget Process Update: Senate Budget Impact l For the most part the Senate matched the Governor and House FY 11 budget recommendations. The Admin account and the Mental Health account, however, were reduced lower than the House recommended level. l l l 6 Administration: Appropriation would force administrative reductions and potentially force a staff reduction of 6 positions. Access Management: Recommends the Governor and House FY 11 levels, but does not include House language that mandates CCR&Rs manage the waitlist. Supportive: Though funded at requested maintenance, the maintenance number was submitted prior to the new Supportive Priority Population RFP; therefore, this account may have a deficiency. DTA Related Child Care: Like the House, the Senate recommendation could have a $6 M deficit from projected FY 11 need. At this level we estimate that we will run out of funds after May, 2011 billing. Income Eligible: Like the House, Senate funding level enables us to support the 4, 500 kids for whom we opened access in February and March and the homeless slots planned. Mental Health: The Senate recommended appropriation level would result in a reduction in grants offered to the ten programs that received funding in FY 10.

The Next Step: Conference 3000 -1000 Administrative Account l Appropriation: l l Language: l The Next Step: Conference 3000 -1000 Administrative Account l Appropriation: l l Language: l l l 7 House: $11, 785, 583 - Limited flexibility and potential staff reductions. Senate: $11, 622, 212 - Severe administrative restrictions and potential staff reduction of 6 personnel. Senate budget does not include funding for the CBA they passed a few months ago. This unfunded mandate, on top of other increasing costs, makes it unlikely that EEC could maintain existing staff levels. We could lose licensors resulting in an impact on safety and quality for child care programs. Recommendation: Support House level - Overall, the House recommendation of $11. 78 M would enable EEC to come closer to maintaining services and support collective bargaining costs and other liabilities in FY 11. The Senate recommendation would force severe reductions in the department which has already seen its FTE levels drop from 178 to 161 (9. 6%) since FY 09. EEC therefore requests that the conferees accept the House’s recommendation of $11. 78 M. House: Basic boilerplate language, but also includes reporting language for caseload and average costs. Senate: Senate does not include this specific reporting language but adds language that would require a report due by September 10 on costefficiencies EEC has gained since FY 2010. Recommendation: Senate Language - The Department requests that both reporting requirements not be included in the FY 2011 Conference Report.

The Next Step: Conference 3000 -2000 Access Management l Appropriation: Not in Conference l The Next Step: Conference 3000 -2000 Access Management l Appropriation: Not in Conference l l Language: l 8 House and Senate: $5, 933, 862 - Fully funds anticipated FY 11 cost. The House added language that would reverse progress made when EEC, in response to the single-state audit, re-bid the Access Management contract. The Department requests that the House language (“and provided further that voucher management, information and referral, and enhanced consumer education shall be provided by the same agency” ) for the Access Management account not be included in the Conference Report.

The Next Step: Conference 3000 -3050 Supportive Account l Appropriation: House: $89, 786, 814 The Next Step: Conference 3000 -3050 Supportive Account l Appropriation: House: $89, 786, 814 - Fully funds anticipated FY 11 cost. l Senate: $85, 713, 747 The Senate amount was the original maintenance EEC request prior to priority population being amended. This initiative added an additional $2. 4 M to the Supportive account. The Senate level would result in a deficiency (probably after May billing has been processed in June of 2011). The Department requests that the House funding level recommendation for 3000 -3050 prevails in Conference. l Recommendation: House - The House appropriation supports anticipated FY 11 costs. l l Language: l 9 Both House and Senate recommend the 6 month transitional language that EEC requested. The only difference to be decided is that the House requires a 15 day notice if money is to be transferred to this account in FY 11 and the Senate requires a 30 day notice.

The Next Step: Conference 3000 -6075 Mental Health Account l Appropriation: l l Senate: The Next Step: Conference 3000 -6075 Mental Health Account l Appropriation: l l Senate: $750, 000 - This reduction results in fewer grants supporting crisis assistance provided to children in need of services and the inability to offer a statewide system to address the expulsion of preschoolers required by legislation. l l House: $1, 000 - Provides maintenance funding. Recommendation: Support House level. Language: l 10 Not in conference.

The Next Step: Conference Accounts not in Discussion The following accounts are not in The Next Step: Conference Accounts not in Discussion The following accounts are not in conference, or have only minor differences within language that must be settled in conference committee: l l l 11 3000 -4050 DTA-Related: Both House and Senate recommend $127 M and have similar budget language. 3000 -4060 Income Eligible: House recommends $233. 6 M in FY 11 and Senate proposed $233. 52 (or $74 K less than needed), which should be enough to annualize the original 4, 500 children EEC opened access for beginning in February of 2010. 3000 -5000 Head Start: Both the Senate and the House recommend funding Head Start at $8 M. 3000 -5075 UPK: Both the Senate and the House recommend funding UPK at $8 M. 3000 -6000 Quality Supports: Both the Senate and House recommend funding Quality supports at $15. 3 M, which includes moving the $1. 3 M LPC Supplemental Supportive grant from Income Eligible to Quality in FY 11. 3000 -7050: Family Engagements: Both the Senate and the House recommend funding UPK at $5 M.