Скачать презентацию FUNGI ANIMALS TRUE FUNGI 35 36 27 Скачать презентацию FUNGI ANIMALS TRUE FUNGI 35 36 27


  • Количество слайдов: 34


“TRUE FUNGI” 35 36 27 37 38 “TRUE FUNGI” 35 36 27 37 38


CHYTRIDS – “Cooking Pot Fungi” CHYTRIDS – “Cooking Pot Fungi”

FOSSILIZED CHYTRIDS (? ): Lower Devonian (charophyte cross-section) 49 Rhynie Chert (Scotland) Charophyte (putative FOSSILIZED CHYTRIDS (? ): Lower Devonian (charophyte cross-section) 49 Rhynie Chert (Scotland) Charophyte (putative green algal host)

CHYTRIDS: Cell Structure 27 CHYTRIDS: Cell Structure 27

CHYTRIDS: Cell Structure 39 Rhizoids Hyphae 40 CHYTRIDS: Cell Structure 39 Rhizoids Hyphae 40

CHYTRIDS: Nutrition 6 22 28 CHYTRIDS: Nutrition 6 22 28

CHYTRIDS: Life Cycle Alternation of Generations 39 40 CHYTRIDS: Life Cycle Alternation of Generations 39 40

LIFE CYCLE I 29 Allomyces LIFE CYCLE I 29 Allomyces

Allomyces: Sporophyte Stage Sporophyte Zoosporangium Zoospore (2 n) Resistant Sporangium (2 n) Zoospore (n) Allomyces: Sporophyte Stage Sporophyte Zoosporangium Zoospore (2 n) Resistant Sporangium (2 n) Zoospore (n) 29

Allomyces: Gametophytes Stage Gametophyte Male Gametangium Female Gametophyte Gametes Zygote Anisogametes Isogametes 29 Allomyces: Gametophytes Stage Gametophyte Male Gametangium Female Gametophyte Gametes Zygote Anisogametes Isogametes 29

Allomyces Life Cycle Fig. 4 -17 in Alexopoulos et al. 1996 Allomyces Life Cycle Fig. 4 -17 in Alexopoulos et al. 1996

Synchytrium Life Cycle Fig. 6. 6 in Webster and Weber 2007 Synchytrium Life Cycle Fig. 6. 6 in Webster and Weber 2007

CHYTRIDS: Growth Forms Eucarpic Holocarpic (Monocentric) 39 (Polycentric) CHYTRIDS: Growth Forms Eucarpic Holocarpic (Monocentric) 39 (Polycentric)

Chytrids: Macrohabitats 22 20 21 Chytrids: Macrohabitats 22 20 21

25 CHYTRIDS: Microhabitats 3 24 25 CHYTRIDS: Microhabitats 3 24

CHYTRIDS: Interactions 1) Interbiotic CHYTRIDS: Interactions 1) Interbiotic

39 56 Allomyces Nowakowskiella 39 56 Allomyces Nowakowskiella

CHYTRID: Growth Form 2) Epibiotic 44 9 CHYTRID: Growth Form 2) Epibiotic 44 9

CHYTRIDS: Life Forms 12 3) Endobiotic 13 Black Wart Disease Synchytrium CHYTRIDS: Life Forms 12 3) Endobiotic 13 Black Wart Disease Synchytrium

CHYTRID INTERACTIONS 15 16 14 Rumen Chytrid (Neocallimastix) CHYTRID INTERACTIONS 15 16 14 Rumen Chytrid (Neocallimastix)

CHYTRID INTERACTIONS 17 Chiricahua Leopard Frog 50 Frog Chytrid (Batrachochytridium) 18 CHYTRID INTERACTIONS 17 Chiricahua Leopard Frog 50 Frog Chytrid (Batrachochytridium) 18

CHYTRID INTERACTIONS Brown Spot Disease Black Wart Disease 12 1 (Chytrid: Physoderma) Chytrid: Syntrychium CHYTRID INTERACTIONS Brown Spot Disease Black Wart Disease 12 1 (Chytrid: Physoderma) Chytrid: Syntrychium

CHYTRID INTERACTIONS 4 Lettuce Big Vein Disease (Chytrid: Olpidium) 53 CHYTRID INTERACTIONS 4 Lettuce Big Vein Disease (Chytrid: Olpidium) 53

CHYTRID INTERACTIONS 6 4 7 (Mosquito Larva Chytrid: Coelomyces) CHYTRID INTERACTIONS 6 4 7 (Mosquito Larva Chytrid: Coelomyces)

CHYTRID INTERACTIONS 8 54 Diatom Chytrid: Rhizophydium CHYTRID INTERACTIONS 8 54 Diatom Chytrid: Rhizophydium


1 http: //www. invasive. org/images/768 x 512/1436018. jpg 2 http: //www. public. iastate. edu/~ccblock/photos/physod. 1 http: //www. invasive. org/images/768 x 512/1436018. jpg 2 http: //www. public. iastate. edu/~ccblock/photos/physod. jpg 3 http: //www. mbsseed. com/Peaches%20 and%20 Cream%20 Mid. jpg 4 http: //vegetablemdonline. ppath. cornell. edu/Images/Impt_Diseases/ 64_Lettuce_Big. jpg 5 http: //www. aloj. us. es/optico/carromzar/botanica 1/Olpidium. jpg 6 http: //www. microimaging. ca/rotifer 2. jpg 7 http: //www. sacsplash. org/cimages/Mosquito. Larva. Sm. jpg 8 http: //content. answers. com/main/content/wp/en-commons/thumb/2/29/ 225 px-Daphnia_magna 01. jpg 9 http: //bugs. bio. usyd. edu. au/Mycology/images/Topics/Animal_Interactions/ chytrid. gif 10 http: //ejournal. sinica. edu. tw/bbas/content/1998/1/8408 f 6. tif. JPG

11 http: //scitec. uwichill. edu. bb/bcs/bl 14 apl/Peridinium. jpeg 12 http: //www. bitkisagligi. net/Patates/Synchytrium_endobioticium. 11 http: //scitec. uwichill. edu. bb/bcs/bl 14 apl/Peridinium. jpeg 12 http: //www. bitkisagligi. net/Patates/Synchytrium_endobioticium. jpg 13 http: //www. aber. ac. uk/fungi/graffeg/chytrids/Cyllamyces. jpg 14 http: //courses. washington. edu/chordate/453 photos/gut_photos/ cow_stomach 2. jpg 15 http: //babcock. cals. wisc. edu/downloads/de_html/images/en 1_digestion 1. gif 16 http: //www. aber. ac. uk/fungi/graffeg/chytrids/Cyllamyces. jpg 17 http: //www. saveafrog. org/images/fungus_main_pic. jpg 18 http: //www. jcu. edu. au/school/tbiol/zoology/herp/decline/DW%20 toe% 20 section. jpg 19 http: //www. clarku. edu/faculty/dhibbett/TFTOL/images/fungi/chytrid_csa. jpg 20 http: //www. mesc. usgs. gov/research/rarmi/images/marsh 2. jpg

21 http: //www. mccullagh. org/db 9/1 ds-4/sahara-desert-sand. jpg 22 http: //www. njscuba. net/images-uw/other/rc_mohawk_muck. jpg 21 http: //www. mccullagh. org/db 9/1 ds-4/sahara-desert-sand. jpg 22 http: //www. njscuba. net/images-uw/other/rc_mohawk_muck. jpg 23 http: //www. jcu. edu. au/school/tbiol/zoology/herp/decline/DW%20 toe% 20 section. jpg 24 http: //www. sweetpro. com/images/Cow%20 with%20 DA%20 doing% 20 better%20 on%20 Sweet. Pro%2018. jpg 25 http: //www. naturephoto-cz. com/photos/others/common-tree-frog-9282. jpg 26 http: //www. biol. pmf. hr/uploads/pics/allomyces. gif 27 http: //bama. ua. edu/~nsfpeet/pictures/spizellomycetales. gif 28 http: //dd-b. net/photography/gallery/June. Macro/jun-98 -080 -4. jpg 29 http: //www. aloj. us. es/optico/carromzar/botanica 1/Allomyces. jpg 30 http: //www. mycolog. com/spirogyr. jpg

31 Fig. 3 -23 in Moore-Landecker. 1996. Fundamentals of the Fungi, 4 th Edition. 31 Fig. 3 -23 in Moore-Landecker. 1996. Fundamentals of the Fungi, 4 th Edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 574 p. 32 http: //www. njscuba. net/images-uw/other/rc_mohawk_muck. jpg 33 http: //www. marlerblog. com/Cow-Pie-3(1). jpg 34 http: //www. as. ua. edu/biology/scf/allomyces. jpg 35 http: //userwww. sfsu. edu/~biol 240/labs/lab_08 fungi/media/rhizopus 4. jpg 36 http: //www. deutsche-botanische-gesellschaft. de/images/Title. Page 1/ Arbuskeln_gro%DF. jpg 337 http: //botit. botany. wisc. edu/images/130/Fungi/Ascomycota_Images/Peziza/ Scarlet_cup. low. jpg 38 http: //www. fungi 4 schools. org/Reprints/Photoset 01/Coprinus_comatus_ Shaggy_inkcap. jpg 39 http: //www. as. ua. edu/biology/scf/allomyces. jpg 40 http: //plantphys. info/organismal/lechtml/images/allomycesgam. jpg

41 http: //www. apsnet. org/Education/Illustrated. Glossary/Photos. A-D/ chytridiomycetes. jpg 42 http: //www. hik. hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b 41 http: //www. apsnet. org/Education/Illustrated. Glossary/Photos. A-D/ chytridiomycetes. jpg 42 http: //www. hik. hu/tankonyvtar/site/books/b 159/kepek/F 5007. jpg 43 http: //www. fao. org/docrep/003/X 7650 S/x 7650 s 28. jpg 44 http: //www. scielo. br/img/revistas/bn/v 7 n 3/31 f 33. jpg 45 http: //comenius. susqu. edu/bi/202/Fungi/chytridiomycota/ Allomyces-sporo-csupomona. jpg 46 http: //www. clarku. edu/faculty/dhibbett/TFTOL/images/fungi/chytrid_csa. jpg 47 http: //www. cs. bham. ac. uk/~drg/personal/mitosis. jpg 48 http: //www. kittolife. co. kr/eng_html/img/busi_10. gif 49 http: //www. abdn. ac. uk/rhynie/images/plants/fungi 9. jpg 50 http: //www. polymer. or. kr/suite/conference/uploaded_images_for_conference_3/ 49033000_1125026253. gif

51 http: //www. clarku. edu/faculty/dhibbett/TFTOL/images/fungi/chytrid_csa. jpg 52 http: //www. desmids. nl/info/fungal_parasites/images/hyalotheca. jpg 53 http: 51 http: //www. clarku. edu/faculty/dhibbett/TFTOL/images/fungi/chytrid_csa. jpg 52 http: //www. desmids. nl/info/fungal_parasites/images/hyalotheca. jpg 53 http: //www. bsu. edu/classes/ruch/msa/barr/4 -11. jpg 54 http: //www. env. sci. toho-u. ac. jp/dbps_data/_material_/seimeiken/lab/kagami/ tubokabi 1. jpg 55 http: //www. as. ua. edu/biology/scf/allomyces. jpg 56 http: //www. bsu. edu/classes/ruch/msa/barr/4 -9. jpg