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Fundamentals of Webdesign Introduction to Web design Веркеев Сергей Николаевич. АСУ-205. 2 курс
«The only difference between the creation and creation is this: you can create a love already established, and the creation of love is not a created» Гилберт Честертон
Basic Concepts of Web-design is an activity for creating Web-pagesand Web-sites. Web-page document - which you can open and look through the viewer - the browser. Web-site - a set of Web-pages, grouped according to the sense and navigation. Web-server - a computer connected to a networkthat stores Web-pages and Web-sites.
Stages of the site 1. Defining the purpose of the site 2. The choice of subject site 3. Determination of the site 4. Construction of the site 5. Site Design 6. Registration and placement site on the Internet
Stages of the site A clear definition of purpose of the site - half the battle! Therefore, we must clearly understand for myself - for what will create a website. Several options can be: 1. that was just to show off to friends and acquaintances; 2. to find like-minded people in a particular activity; 3. tell the world about yourself; 4. create an advertising project, etc. It is the purpose of creating a site depends oneverything else - theme, content and design.
Stages of the site Choosing a theme for your site Choose a theme should be based on your existingknowledge in various fields, as the site will fill up. The best option would be some educationalresource, even if very small. The first site, andshould not be large, a dozen pages would be sufficient. If you have any hobbies, you will certainly tell people about it. Well, if you're lucky enough to own a scanner, or digital camera, itoffers virtually boundless scope for creativity. Capture, scan, place all materials, as long as it was interesting to your visitors.
Stages of the site The content of the site Once a theme is chosen, it is necessary to determine the content of the site. Sketch on papera list of chapters and articles in them. The next step is a set of contents in a text editor. At the same time the name of the selected sections, and articles in them. Think of each article title (header) and name (page name in English). If the site you plan to post pictures, then come up to themdescriptions and comments.
Stages of the site Construction of the structure Once typing is complete, you need to decideabout that, and on what page will be. It is time toidentify and link structure on the site. Consideration should be given a hierarchy of articles which will be the main article, in what order do you suggest users read them. In a word - to make the logical structure of the site. We now have a model of the site, and the other formalities(see link on each page in the main, to theprevious, next) will be satisfied with the design, which can be started immediately after the preparation of a logical structure.
Stages of the site Design - an extremely important step. From the design will depend on readability, ease of navigation, appearance, attractiveness, abilityto focus on anything specific visitor. Oncefinalized design, we need only to insert the text to relevant pages. There are unwritten rules of design, which wellacquainted at leisure.
Stages of the site Now the site is ready for placement on the World Wide Web. Once the site appears in the on-lane, check availability of all its links and, consequently, the presence of all pages. Site created by this is completed. Now we need its promotion, but this is, as they say, is another story.
Getting Started. . .
The main objects of Web-pages Advice, tips, advice. . . text design graphics tables
Lyrics • • • Select a suitable site for your style of presentationof information. Try not to use such slangexpressions such as like a cool dude finally can, and so on Try not to publish on the website of dubiousinformation. If you are not sure of the reliability of the information, it is best to specify the source, then you have no problems with the claims of visitors to this issue. If you use information (articles, graphics, etc. ), other resources, never forget to indicate the source and the author's copyright. At best, you canearn a bad reputation for themselves and their resources, at worst. . .
graphics • Do not use the finished image as a background, because different screen resolution may causesome problems. • Using background images (backgrounds), remember that they have to meet your site's content. • Optimize each image to reduce the "weight"download pages. • Do not use graphics for the links, because they increase the load time of pages.
design • • • Select this to your site color scheme - three colors, giving the text, links and background (all the text elements should be readable on the page!). All pages must be filed in the same style (a visitorneeds to understand that it is on your website, and not switched to the other). Provide an opportunity for the visitor to move from any page on the main (so as not to get lost in the wilds of information). All images use the alt text as Many users turn offgraphics. To attract visitors all good, but all necessary measure, is always more attracted to a rigorous, sustained style, not "New Year's fireworks!"
tables The main tool used by designers to design sites. • By setting the parameters define the width of tables not in points, and as a percentage, then get rid of the problems of mapping the structure on the monitors of different resolution. • Do not ask 100% of the table, leave a space forclearance around the table. • If necessary, you can hide the table borders by setting the border size to zero.
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