Functions of for-to inf construction Safarova Sonya
The for-to-infinitive construction has the same functions as a single infinitive, though with some restrictions.
1. Subject. The for-to-infinitive construction in the function of the subject usually occurs in sentences with the introductory it, though it is occasionally placed at the head of the sentence: It was difficult for him to do anything else. For me to hear him was disturbing. It was easy for her to do all the homework.
2. Predicative. In this function the construction is mostly used with the link verb to be: The best thing is for you to do it now. That was for you to find out.
3. Object. The construction functions as object of both verbs and adjectives: a) She watched for the door to open. I don’t think I should care for it to be known. b) His family were anxious for him to do something. I’m so glad for you to have come at last.
4. Attribute: There was no need for him to be economical. There is nobody here for him to play with. 5. Adverbial modifier of purpose and consequence: She paused for him to continue. The wall was too high for anything to be visible. He had said enough for me to get alarmed. He spoke loud enough for you to hear.