Скачать презентацию FUNCTIONAL STYLISTICS General notes on functional styles Скачать презентацию FUNCTIONAL STYLISTICS General notes on functional styles


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FUNCTIONAL STYLISTICS • General notes on functional styles FUNCTIONAL STYLISTICS • General notes on functional styles

FUNCTIONAL STYLЕ • А functional style of language is a system of interrelated language FUNCTIONAL STYLЕ • А functional style of language is a system of interrelated language means that serves a definite aim of communication. • A functional style should be understood as the product of a concrete task set by the sender of the message. • Linguistic descriptions present styles as rule-governed, conventionalized, socially significant strategies of speech behavior

The strategies (or choices) manifest themselves • as tendencies revealed in several style dimensions: The strategies (or choices) manifest themselves • as tendencies revealed in several style dimensions: • vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, text structure (for the spheres of both oral and written communication), and • some paralinguistic phenomena: facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, etc. (for oral communication only).

I. R. Galperin • • • 1) The language of belles-Letters. 2) The language I. R. Galperin • • • 1) The language of belles-Letters. 2) The language of publicist literature. 3) The language of newspapers. 4) The language of scientific prose. 5) The language of official documents.

The belles-lettres FS has the following sub styles: • а) the language style of The belles-lettres FS has the following sub styles: • а) the language style of poetry; • b) the language style of emotive prose; • с) the language style of drama.

The publicist FS comprises the following sub styles: • а) the language style of The publicist FS comprises the following sub styles: • а) the language style of oratory; • b) the language style of essays; • с) the language style of feature articles in newspapers and journals.

The newspaper FS falls into • а) the language style of brief news items The newspaper FS falls into • а) the language style of brief news items and communiqués; • b) the language style of newspaper headings; • с) the language style of notices and advertisements.

The scientific prose FS has three divisions: • а) the language style of humanitarian The scientific prose FS has three divisions: • а) the language style of humanitarian sciences; • Ь) the language style of "exact" sciences; • с) the language style of popular scientific prose.

The official document FS can be divided into four varieties: • а) the language The official document FS can be divided into four varieties: • а) the language style of diplomatic documents; • b) the language style of business documents; • с) the language style of legal documents; • d) the language style of military documents.

M. D. Kuznetz and Y. M. Screbnev The literary refined (or The free (or M. D. Kuznetz and Y. M. Screbnev The literary refined (or The free (or colloquial) style bookish)style • the literary colloquial • the publicistic style, • the scientific • the familiar technical style, colloquial style • the style of official documents

I. V. Arnold The neutral style The bookish style • scientific style, • style I. V. Arnold The neutral style The bookish style • scientific style, • style of official documents, • publicistic or newspaper style, • oratorical style, • lofty-poetical style The colloquial style • literary colloquial, • familiar colloquial, • low colloquial

V. L. Naer • The megastyle of professional and business communication: • the scientific V. L. Naer • The megastyle of professional and business communication: • the scientific prose style, • the style of official documents, • The megastyle of mass communication: • the newspaper style, • the publicistic style, • the religious style • The megastyle of aesthetic communication: • the belles-lettres style