Скачать презентацию Full cryogenic operation of AMTF the first Скачать презентацию Full cryogenic operation of AMTF the first


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Full cryogenic operation of AMTF – the first year 6 th International Workshop on Full cryogenic operation of AMTF – the first year 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenic Operations Bernd Petersen DESY MKS presenting the work of many colleagues: IFJ-PAN (Poland) WUT(Poland), BINP(Russia), Linde/Cofely and several DESY groups 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Outline AMTF - purpose & objectives (TDR) XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Outline AMTF - purpose & objectives (TDR) AMTF – layout AMTF- main cryogenic components Refrigerator availability Main cryo operation problems General safety requirements Cryogenic safety Safety of work organisation Some preliminary test results for XFEL cavities & modules (Preliminary) conclusions 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 2

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF: purpose & objectives (TDR) 3 - XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF: purpose & objectives (TDR) 3 - Complete cold performance test of all XFEL cryomodules before tunnel installation (RF, vacuum, cryo-losses) 103 cryomodules, rate: 1/week - Cold RF test of all XFEL superconducting cavities before cryomodule assembly 824 cavities, rate 6/week - Cold test of all superconducting magnet packages before cryomodule assembly 103 magnets, 1/week - ( Assembly and tests of RF Waveguides (WP 1) at Waveguide Assembly and Test Facility WATF) 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF layout (TDR) 4 84 m x XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF layout (TDR) 4 84 m x 48 m Three test benches (XATB 1, XATB 2 and XATB 3) for testing assembled modules and for high power tests of assembled cavities Two test cryostats (XATC 1 and XATC 2) for RF performance tests of the cavities (One magnet test stand XMTS (located in the Magnet Test Hall Building 55) for testing magnets) 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF Hall - Cavity Vertical Cryostat Cavity XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF Hall - Cavity Vertical Cryostat Cavity storage area Radiation protection shielding Cavity incoming check area 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 5 Cavity preparation area Clean room

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF Hall - Cryomodule Unloading of the XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF Hall - Cryomodule Unloading of the cryomodule after transport Cryomodule preparation area Cryomodule test stand – module inside 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 6 Cryomodule test stand – front view

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility XMTS: Test stand for sc XFEL Quadrupoles XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility XMTS: Test stand for sc XFEL Quadrupoles Formal part of AMTF but installed and in operation since July 2008 Status November 2014: 96 (of 103) Quadrupols tested For the development and series tests of superconducting magnet packages & current leads (in MTH-bldg 55) 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 7

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Cryogenic operation of AMTF 8 AMTF is XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Cryogenic operation of AMTF 8 AMTF is supplied by the FLASH-Helium-Refrigerator (former refrigerator 42 of the HERA plant) For the operation of the AMTF 3 KW at 40/80 K, 0. 5 KW at 4. 5 K and a peak liquifaction rate of 33 g/s have to be delivered. The peak liquifaction is buffered by means of a 1 oooo ltr liquid helium storage dewar (XAST. ) Capacity limit: return gas peak screw compressor capacity during cool down/warm-up 2 dynamic procedures in parallel 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF – cryogenics contributions Red = WUT XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF – cryogenics contributions Red = WUT Blue = DESY MKS Wroclaw University of Technology -> Kriosystem Acting for XFEL company (no in-kind !) -> DEMACO 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 9 Green= BINP Budker Institute Novosibirsk

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF components (utilities etc. /DESY in-kind) Pump XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF components (utilities etc. /DESY in-kind) Pump station – completed in September 2010 Compressor station – completed in August 2010 Control building – completed in October 2010 Test Hall – erected in May 2010 Piping bridge – completed in October 2010 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 10

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Transfer line XATL 1 The ~170 m XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Transfer line XATL 1 The ~170 m long DN 400 transfer line XATL 1 supplies the test stands with cryogenic power from HERA refrigerator. WUT/Poland in-kind. Spec DESY: Short specification in August 2008 Full specification in August 2009 Commissioning August 2012 – in continuous operation since December 2012 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 11 DESY (in-kind): Valve box for XATL 1 at refrigerator

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Helium compressors (DESY in-kind) 2 sets of XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Helium compressors (DESY in-kind) 2 sets of compressors for 2 K operation at AMTF ( 2 x 20 g/s helium at 20 mbar) 1 set = 13 x parallel (WS 2001 RUVAC roots blower + SOGEVAC SV 750 B ) – simple, (robust), modular, redundant RUVAC SOGEVAC Manifacturer: Oerlikon Leybold SOGEVAC: 4 unscheduled repairs, complete replacement of bearings & packing rings (all SOGEVAC) RUVAC: 4 repairs, complete exchange of bearings ongoing (all RUVAC) No impact for AMTF operation Very reliable service & support from manufacturer In average: about 5000 h operation (status November 2014) 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 12

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF Vertical Cryostats SPEC DESY April 2009 XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF Vertical Cryostats SPEC DESY April 2009 Design & Construction WUT&Kriosystem Poland in-kind Delivery & installation: July 2012 – April 2013 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY Cavity Frame Design: DESY FLA 6 inserts for AMTF 13

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF: 3 cryomodule test stands & cryostat XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF: 3 cryomodule test stands & cryostat adapters Spec DESY (February 2010) Design, Construction, Installation: BINP in-kind First test stand delivered & installed May 2013 (cold commissioning July 2013) Cold commissioning of 3 rd test stand December 2013 2 cryostat adapters for the test of single dressed cavities at AMTF 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 14

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility XAST, XAVB 15 DESY is acting for XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility XAST, XAVB 15 DESY is acting for the XFEL company Manufacturer: DEMACO NL Wessington Cryogenics Ltd UK L Helium Dewar XAST Sub Cooler Box XASB 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY Valve Box XAVB

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Cool down and Warm up XATC 1, XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Cool down and Warm up XATC 1, XATC 2 Pump and purge manual Cool-down to 4 K, liquid helium transfer and warm-up process automatized by use of SNL scripts Pump-down to 2 K manual XATB 1, XATB 2, XATB 3 • • Pump and purge manual Complete cool-down and warm-up process performed manually by cryooperators Pump and purge Cooldown to 100 K Liquid helium transfer to the cryostat Pumpdown to 2 K Cooldown to 70 K Measurement at 2 K Warm-up to 300 K 16 Liquid helium transfer from the cryostat Pressure rise to 1 Bar Cryogenics operation sequence for vertical cryostat 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY Cool-down to 4 K, helium liquefaction Pumpdown to 2 K Measurement at 2 K Warmup to 300 K Liquid helium evaporation Pressure rise to 1 Bar Cryogenics operation sequence for cryomodule test stand

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Vertical Cryostats Operation Cycles 17 Example: July XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Vertical Cryostats Operation Cycles 17 Example: July 2014 -> September 2014 About 180 cycles since start of AMTF operation in 2013 Courtesy of J. Zajac Linde/Cofely 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility XFEL Cryomodule tests operation Cycles 18 About XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility XFEL Cryomodule tests operation Cycles 18 About 20 cycles since September 2013 (now 13 th XFEL cryomodule under test) Courtesy of J. Zajac Linde/Cofely 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Refrigerator Avialability 2013 19 Courtesy of J. XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Refrigerator Avialability 2013 19 Courtesy of J. Zajac Linde/Cofely 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Refrigerator Avialability 2014 20 Courtesy of J. XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Refrigerator Avialability 2014 20 Courtesy of J. Zajac Linde/Cofely 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Main Cryo Operation Problems in AMTF Mixing XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Main Cryo Operation Problems in AMTF Mixing of serial tests with installation work and commissioning Problems with warm 2 K helium compressors (see transparency) Mixing of warm&cold gas for controlled cool-down/warm up LHe level measurements affected by electrical heaters 2 K supply JT-valve in module test stand 3 (XATB 3) out of shape Misalignment of process tube flanges (feed-caps) -> adapters ‚Digital‘ operation of valve positioners -> change type of positioners Thermal contact of electrical heaters -> use of ‚CMTB-type‘ heaters Liquid level measurements -> increase current Mix-up of thermometers (calibration) -> try to sort, some recalibration -> Several problems with well known and ‚mature‘ components ! 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 21

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Cryogenic safety 22 no general risk of XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Cryogenic safety 22 no general risk of oxygen deficiency within the AMTF hall (about 50 000 m 3 volume) oxygen deficiency monitors in each module test stand radiation protection cave design of helium safety valves and venting systems according to our cryomodule ‚crash-tests‘ on CMTB or – on default- according to ‚Lehmann-Zahn‘ values 5 K and 40/80 K helium release systems separated from 2 K release systems (20 bar vs. 4 bar) all safety valves vent into helium volumes – venting to atmosphere outside the hall Oxygen monitor 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF: general design & safety requirements EU/German XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF: general design & safety requirements EU/German law ‚Betriebssicherheitsverordnung‘ DESY safety rules Rules&procedures for buildings & utilities General safety & radiation safety rules Pressure vessels: PED (AD 2000, EU harmonized code) This means in advance of technical commissioning: Third party interlock approvals PVI(=appoval before operation) by third party (the complete procedure took several months for AMTF) … (list is not complete) 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 23

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF safety at work - organisation Safety XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility AMTF safety at work - organisation Safety officers for different working areas Electronic access control for AMTF (‚DACHS‘) Safety instructions checked by electronic access control (general safety, cryogenic safety, radiation safety) ‚DACHS‘ electronic access control 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 24

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Vertical acceptance tests 25 Analysis of vertical XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Vertical acceptance tests 25 Analysis of vertical acceptance tests includes Series Cavities + “ILC Hi. Grade”-Cavities NO infrastructure commissioning tests So far delivered: Total RF tested: 488 cavities (status November 2014) 450 cavities Manufacturer 1 Manufacturer 2 Average: > 9 tests per week since Oct 2013 (full operation of AMTF) Status of plot: July 2014 Courtesy of J. Swierblewski IFJ-PAN details see LINAC 2014 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Yield of gradients: “As received” 26 Yield XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Yield of gradients: “As received” 26 Yield of usable and maximum gradient of 339 cavities “as received” M 1 M 2 Average maximum gradient: (30. 4 ± 7. 6) MV/m Average usable gradient: (26. 6 ± 7. 6) MV/m M 1: (28. 4 ± 7. 1) MV/m M 2: (32. 4 ± 7. 6) MV/m M 1: (24. 8 ± 7. 0) MV/m M 2: (28. 6 ± 7. 9) MV/m given errors are standard deviation Courtesy of J. Swierblewski IFJ-PAN details see LINAC 2014 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Summary of preliminary module results 27 Status XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Summary of preliminary module results 27 Status November 2014: XM 13 is under test, 18 modules at DESY average max. gradient module [MV/m] average max. gradient vertical [MV/m] Average operational gradient module [MV/m] Average usable gradient vertical [MV/m] XM-2 27. 2 28. 1 24. 5 26. 5 XM-1 28. 2 30. 8 25. 1 29. 4 XM 1 30. 3 32. 5 27. 6 29 XM 2 27. 7 32. 7 25. 5 28. 6 XM 3 30. 4 32. 0 28. 8 29. 3 XM 4 28. 6 33. 3 23. 8 30. 5 XM 5 27. 8 28. 9 24. 9 26. 9 All results above XFEL specs. 23. 6 MV/m 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY Courtesy of J. Swierblewski IFJ-PAN details see LINAC 2014

XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Some (preliminary) conclusions Deliveries & installation of XFEL WP 10 Accelerator Module Test Facility Some (preliminary) conclusions Deliveries & installation of XATCs, XATB, XAVB, XATL were ‚just-in-time‘ for start-up of cavity production Deliveries & installation of XATBs were ‚just-in-time‘ for start-up of cryomodule production No dedicated de-bugging of cryo-supply (and other systems) XATCs design capacities demonstrated Complexity of XATBs commissioning underestimated General effort for installation & commissioning underestimated To be demonstrated: 1 cryomodule test/week So far: in budget and almost ‚in time‘ (not ‚on schedule‘) Thank you for your attention ! 6 th International Workshop on Cryogenics Operations Bernd Petersen DESY 28