Friday afternoon announcements M. Morandin - INFN Padova ESC 10 School - Bertinoro M. Morandin 1
Backup your directories ! the servers you have used will be switched off at about 6 PM CET please, backup your local directories today if you want to save your work ! ESC 10 School - Bertinoro M. Morandin 2
Saturday is feedback day! Agenda: 8: 30 – Students feedbacks 9: 00 - 11: 00 Final Examinations to assess the learning (and teaching) efficacy 11: 00 - 11: 30 Coffee break 11: 30 - 12: 30 Delivery of certificates of attendance 14: 00 – Shuttle departure ESC 10 School - Bertinoro M. Morandin 3
Saturday is feedback day! some feedback for us (from all of you): 08: 30 to 09: 00 survey for assessing the quality of the School it's important that we collect comments from the largest audience if the web form is not sufficient, please write to us (esc_contact@lists. infn. it) The test: a feedback (mainly) for yourself 9: 00 to 11: 00 but it will be useful to us too tests for the assessment of the learning achievements we invite everybody to try it only practical effect: for those who pass the tests, we will report this achievement in the certificate of attendance, if they desire so. ESC 10 School - Bertinoro M. Morandin 4
additional announcements before leaving, remember to: collect today your receipt from the secretariat before tomorrow (29/10) 12: 00 collect your certificate of attendance from our secretary (Rossana) by noon tomorrow free the room by 10: 00 AM sharp leave the key of the room at the box near the entrance door ESC 10 School - Bertinoro M. Morandin 5
Shuttle The shuttle for the Forlì railway station will leave tomorrow at 14: 00 ESC 10 School - Bertinoro M. Morandin 6
Dinner Today You are all invited to come at 8 pm : Locanda della Fortuna (just opposite to the Cantine where you had lunches) ESC 10 School - Bertinoro M. Morandin 7