Скачать презентацию FRIDA 2002 Director Julie Taymor Writers Hayden Herrera Скачать презентацию FRIDA 2002 Director Julie Taymor Writers Hayden Herrera


  • Количество слайдов: 13

FRIDA (2002) Director: Julie Taymor Writers: Hayden Herrera (book), Clancy Sigal (screenplay) Stars: Salma FRIDA (2002) Director: Julie Taymor Writers: Hayden Herrera (book), Clancy Sigal (screenplay) Stars: Salma Hayek, Alfred Molina, Geoffrey Rush Rating: 7. 9/10 “Prepare to be seduced…”

A few facts about the movie § Frida Kahlo's niece was so impressed with A few facts about the movie § Frida Kahlo's niece was so impressed with the film that she gave Salma Hayek one of Kahlo's necklaces. § Chavela Vargas, who sings a song ('La Llorona') to Frida in the bar, knew the real Frida with whom she had an affair. § Salma Hayek did some of the paintings in the movie. § Alfred Molina gained 50 lbs (23 kg) for his role as Diego Rivera. § Jennifer Lopez was very interested in playing the part of Frida Kahlo. Madonna, who is a fan of Frida Kahlo and owns some of her work, was reportedly keen to play the role. § Best music & best make up Oscar awards.

FRIDA vocabulary (1) 1) That's all you need to paint pinche murals – a) FRIDA vocabulary (1) 1) That's all you need to paint pinche murals – a) pinche - in Mexico, it's an all-purpose insult enhancer; b) mural is a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall. 2) We found the most beautiful fabric for my wedding dress - ? ? / guess 3) Ripe (of fruit or grain) developed to the point of readiness for harvesting and eating. 4) The spinal column was broken, as were the collarbone and two ribs - The spine/ sp. column is composed of series of bones called vertebrae stacked one upon another. Collarbone - either of the pair of bones joining the breastbone to the shoulder blades. 5) The pelvis is broken in three places - the large bony structure near the base of the spine to which the hind limbs/ legs are attached in humans and many other vertebrates.

FRIDA vocabulary (2) 6) The right leg has 11 fractures and the foot was FRIDA vocabulary (2) 6) The right leg has 11 fractures and the foot was crushed – ? ? / guess. 7) I told the doctor the handrail had taken my virginity – ? ? / guess. 8) I feel like some rich girl. With a new suitor every week - a man who pursues a relationship with a particular woman, with a view to marriage. 9) I hope to be a self-sufficient cripple one day – ? ? / guess. 10) Now you look like a gringa movie star - A female native speaker of English, unrelated to race. Gringa is often defined as disparaging slang for a foreign female in Latin America. 11) So I don't have time to fool around just for vanity - excessive pride in or admiration of one's own appearance or achievements.

FRIDA vocabulary (3) 12) What if I said that easel painting like yours is FRIDA vocabulary (3) 12) What if I said that easel painting like yours is finished? - a self-supporting wooden frame for holding an artist's work while it is being painted or drawn. 13) They say if a girl asks your opinion and she's not a fright, you'll gush all over her - To worship something excessively. To spout off verbally over how much you like something. 14) He finds beauty in all your imperfections - ? ? / guess. 15) A man who plays the martyr when he was rejected by his whole country. Good riddance. M. - a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs. R. - the action of getting rid of a troublesome or unwanted person or thing.

FRIDA vocabulary (4) 16) They hire you because you assuage their sense of guilt FRIDA vocabulary (4) 16) They hire you because you assuage their sense of guilt - make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense. 17) And you are too vain to see it - ? ? / guess. 18) Whoever takes the biggest swig can dance with me - drink in large gulps. 19) We will solemnly swear, right here, right now, that we will be friends only - 1) in a formal and dignified manner; 2) with deep sincerity. 20) A girl with cojones - The Mexican way to say balls. 21) I am physiologically incapable of fidelity - sexual faithfulness to a spouse or partner.

FRIDA vocabulary (5) 23) I think at worst it's a hostile political act, a FRIDA vocabulary (5) 23) I think at worst it's a hostile political act, a way for small-minded men to keep women in the house, out of the way wrapped up in the guise of tradition and conservative religious nonsense - H. - unfriendly and not liking something. G. - the appearance of someone or smth, esp. when intended to deceive. 24) At best, it's a happy delusion – ? ? / guess 25) You give up these beauties for these matchsticks, this peg leg? - an artificial leg, especially a wooden one. 26) What a wonderful mole - is the generic name for a number of sauces originally used in Mexican cuisine, as well as for dishes based on these sauces. 27) Pass the cilantro - another term for coriander (especially the leaves).

FRIDA vocabulary (6) 28) And I smashed the clay in the boiling pot of FRIDA vocabulary (6) 28) And I smashed the clay in the boiling pot of beef stock and told him it was sopa azteca - stock is the liquid produced by simmering raw ingredients: solids are removed, leaving a highly flavored liquid. 29) I put socialism on the government walls, I've got fascists calling me a dangerous subversive and I'm the traitor to the party? - trying to destroy or damage something, especially an established political system. 30) I despise this pretension - feel contempt or a deep repugnance for. 31) He's like a big Mexican "pinata" with candy for everyone - a decorated figure of an animal containing toys and candy that is suspended from a height and broken open by blindfolded children as part of a celebration.

FRIDA vocabulary (7) 32) Do you think that my family is influenced by newspaper FRIDA vocabulary (7) 32) Do you think that my family is influenced by newspaper hacks? - a writer who is deemed to operate as a "mercenary" or "pen for hire", expressing their client's political opinions in pamphlets or newspaper articles. 33) If you lie down with dogs, expect fleas - a small wingless jumping insect that feeds on the blood of mammals and birds. 34) But whatever happens, you have aroused people, made them passionate about their ideals - evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response). 35) I must ask you one last time to reconsider your position - ? ? /guess

FRIDA vocabulary (8) 36) A man stabbed his wife 22 times and he told FRIDA vocabulary (8) 36) A man stabbed his wife 22 times and he told the judge, "It was just a few small nips. “ - pinch, squeeze, or bite sharply. 37) The Norwegians have expelled him, no one else will take and Stalin wants him dead - ? ? /guess. 38) They have granted him asylum here in Mexico - the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee. 39) Such commotion! - a state of confused and noisy disturbance. 40) There is the brutality, but when you get right down to it, Stalin is nothing but a bureaucrat, and that is what is smothering our revolution - kill (someone) by covering their nose and mouth so that they suffocate.

FRIDA vocabulary (9) 41) In the experience of my lifetime, the failure & the FRIDA vocabulary (9) 41) In the experience of my lifetime, the failure & the pain have outstripped the triumphs – move faster than and overtake (someone else). 42) I hate flattery - excessive & insincere praise, esp. that given to further one's own interests. 43) I've been cut into, rebroke and reset so many times, I'm like a jigsaw puzzle - ? ? /guess. 44) I have condemned my family as I am condemned - a c. person is someone who is going to be killed, esp. as a punishment for having committed a very serious crime, such as murder. 45) In his book, State and Revolution, Lenin purged from the genuine teaching of Marx all the spurious ingredients introduced by social democracy – P. - to rid of whatever is impure or undesirable; cleanse; purify. S. - not being what it purports to be; false or fake.

FRIDA vocabulary (10) 46) The French are the most pretentious bores in the world FRIDA vocabulary (10) 46) The French are the most pretentious bores in the world - attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc. , than is actually possessed. 47) It's been lonely and I crave news from home - feel a powerful desire for (something). 48) Just patch me up so I can paint, please - fix, mend, repair, restore - restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken. 49) Condolences - an expression of sympathy, especially on the occasion of a death. 50) They say you should never believe a limping dog or a woman's tears - walk with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or stiff leg /foot. 51) Her work is acid and tender - smth as a remark /piece of writing, that is sharp, sour or illnatured.

Topics to discuss § § What was Frida’s secret of success in becoming a Topics to discuss § § What was Frida’s secret of success in becoming a talented original artist with own way of seeing things? Was an accident a crucial motivation for Frida’s talent awakening? Why Frida chose Diego Rivera as her teacher and husband, from your viewpoint? What attracts you most in Frida as a person and artist? Can she be an example for younger generations? In what way? What is Frida’s message for people who watch her paintings?