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Freshman English 1 - September, 2011 – Teresa Lankford Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 4 5 Labor Day No School 6 WU: Prepare notes for brief book talk. Refer to last Friday’s WU. Visit the Pit **Independent Reading Novel due date 9/16** 11 12 WU: What are 3 important components of an interview, provide support. SB: Activity 1. 12 48 -50 Viewing an interview MAP. 18 19 WU: Share with a peer your Interview draft. List 3 things you like & 3 items that could be improved. Interview RD due 25 26 WU: Write a “hook” for your independent reading novel advertisement. LT: Writing Ads using techniques we have learned. Work Day! Map Testing Groups SB: Activity 1. 8 13 WU: What are 3 follow-up questions that you have from “viewing the interview. ” SB: Activity 1. 13 pgs. 51 -55 Reading an interview. MAP 20 WU: With your partner from yesterday…choose 3 follow up questions that you may have as a reader about their interview. SB: Activity 1. 17 pgs. 69 -72 Persuasive Techniques 27 WU: What are two advertising techniques that you plan to use to create your independent novel ad? How will these be effective? SB: 1. 19 pgs. 77 -78 2 3 7 8 9 10 WU: What is your definition of “point of view? ” Support your answer with an example. WU: Today we are reading a text titled, “First Love. ” Provide 3 questions would you ask this author. . SB: Activity 1. 10 pgs. 41 -46 (syntax, diction, . . )HW: Act. 1. 11 SB: Activity 1. 9 pgs. 34 -40 LT: Compare & contrast prose & poetry. MAP 14 WU: Read & complete SB pg. 56 Activity 14 Form 3 questions. SB: Activity 1. 14 56 -57 Activity 1. 15 (note taking, marking text, drafting an interview) 21 WU: Update Word Wall add five words from our recent study of advertising. SB: Writing Prompt: pg. 70 LT: Target Audience 28 15 WU: Read and complete SB Activity 1. 15 58 -59 HW: SB EA: Presenting an Interview Narrative. Due: 9/19 SB: Activity 1. 11 pgs. 47 MAP 16 17 WU: Preview EA 2 on pgs 80 -83. Explain in a paragraph what you must do to be exemplary. SB: Activity 1. 16 64 -67 MAP 22 WU: Analyze the photo…. who is the target audience for this ad? How does it make you feel? What is your opinion of emotional appeals? SB: Act. 1. 18 pg. 73 -75. 29 WU: What are two things that stand out most about your novel? Provide details. One paragraph. WU: With a partner share your “drafts in progress” Provide 2 things you like and 2 things to improve. SB: Activity 1. 19 pg. 79 Open House 5 -7 Work time/share WU: Explain how yesterday’s text, “First Love” relates to out EQ “Coming of Age. ” 23 WU: Midterm…Work time… 15 minutes to work on whatever you need in English. You may read if you choose. No Talking…work time… Miss Buis and I are available to help. 30 WU: Place your novel Advertisement on your desk, be prepared to Present! Computer Lab to type 24