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The name occurred from a word: Waelics. This is Anglo-Saxon word. It means "another's earth". The flag of Wales represents the image of a red dragon on a white and green background. It is legislatively accepted in 1959 though the red dragon was a symbol of Wales from time immemorial. In the Middle Ages (at a dynasty Tyudorov) white and green colors also associate with Wales. It is unique from flags of parts of the United Kingdom, not Free Powerpoint Templates included in its flag that causes a certain criticism. Page 2
Free Powerpoint Templates The royal sign of Wales is the coat of arms of the monarch Great Britain, used by National assembly of Wales for assurance of acts issued by it. As the Principality Wales has no approved national coat of arms, the royal sign of Wales is the highest heraldic symbol. It is installed in July, 2008. Page 3
The royal sign represents the divided and crossed on gold and red boards with four striding lions with azure arms (claws and language). The board is bordered with a green tape on which the motto is placed: «I am true to the country". Crowns a sign sacred Edward's crown. Round a sign the wreath from heraldic plants of components of the United Kingdom is placed: Wales, Scotland, Ireland England it is leek, a thistle, a shamrock and a double Free Powerpoint Templates rose Tyudorov. Page 4
Informal symbol of the principality is onions leek. There are two versions how this plant won such honor in Wales. Both of them are connected with Sacred David, the patron of the Welsh principality living in the VI century AD. According to the first version – during one of fights between the Welsh soldiers and saxophones which occurred on an extensive onions field, Sacred David advised to soldiers to decorate the helmets with leek small stalks that in the heat of hot fight to distinguish the enemy from the brother-soldier. On the second – the sacred patron who some time was compelled to taste only bread and leek, found it very useful and bequeathed a plant to "wards". Modern inhabitants of Wales are more declined to narcissuses, than to onions as it is considered that these flowers start to blossom on March 1 – in Day of Sacred David. However, the majority of the population on this holiday after all pin to clothes a leek branch. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 5
It is possible to meet the whole fields of narcissuses in Wales. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 6
Wales borders in the east on England. It is the small country with bright history and effective landscapes. In which territory there are 3 national parks and 5 reserved regions of rare natural beauty. Wales was stretched on only 170 miles from the North to the south and on 60 miles from the East to the west. therefore mountains and the sea always are somewhere nearby. But besides beautiful natural landscapes in Wales you are waited by brisk streets of the modern cities. Many inhabitants of the country speak on one of the most classic languages which have remained up to now. Welsh it is language of indigenous Free Powerpoint Templates Page 7 people of the peninsula.
Wales is the country with rich cultural and historical heritage. Numerous myths and legends there enter. They are combined by her inhabitants. It not without reason is called as "the country of locks". 641 fortresses of historical value here are. in terms of one inhabitant it more than in any other country of the world. Besides in Wales there are two objects entered In the list of objects of world heritage of UNESCO, and the country Cardiff capital, though was based at the time of the Roman sovereignty, actually is the youngest city in Britain. Cathedral Sant David Free Powerpoint Templates Page 8
«Pistyll Rhaeadr and Wrexham steeple, Snowdon's mountain without its people, Overton yew trees, St Winefride wells, Llangollen bridge and Gresford bells. » - "firm" sights of Wales which are located so that everything it is possible to see them for one-two day. The playful quatrain listing them, was written allegedly at the end 18 th, the beginning of the 19 th eyelid by the English traveler. It is possible to argue, of course, with its choice, but all these sights so were fallen in love to locals and travelers that became traditional symbols. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 9
Pistyll Rhaeadr is the highest falls of Wales. This place where charm of the nature should strike. Beautiful and mighty falls. It is better to see it, than about it to speak. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 10
Wrexham steeple is a church tower Sant-Dzhils (St. Giles Church) in Rekskhama. It is constructed in the 16 th century. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 11
Snowdon is the highest mountain of Wales. It is the second-large top of Great Britain after Ben Nevis. Snoudoniya has thousands kilometers of open tourist foot tracks. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 12
St Winefride Well this parking lot of pilgrims in Holivell. Here there is a tomb of sacred Uinifred in Holiuelle, a county of Flintshir, a place of pilgrimage of rich Catholic families of Warwickshire. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 13
Overton yew trees is century yew trees. It is a usual yew in Llangernyyu, Wales, it started grow in a bronze age in Great Britain, 3000 or 4000 years ago. The yew could live so long, at the expense of new escapes. When the main trunk died off, these escapes to continue grow. New escapes ate at the expense of a decaying main plant, yet didn't Free Powerpoint Templates basis. reach the soil at the Page 14
Llangollen bridge it is the bridge through the river Dee. It have constructed In 1347. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 15
Gresford bells is a peal of medieval church of All Sacred in Gresforda. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 16
Cardiff is cozy small town. Capital to which can be proud. Here is what to look. These are locks of the Victorian era in which many legends were developed. For example, a legend about king Arthur and wizard Merline. There is harbor of Cardiff with its restaurants and rough night life, and green parks. Researches of archeologists show that people have started to lodge in these parts in V millennium BC and at the time of the Roman gain on a place of Cardiff the strengthened camp of legionaries settled down. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 17
Conwy is a lock, with 8 the towers, one of the best examples of a medieval city. Here it is possible to see 22 towers with three collars and extent of walls on three quarters of mile which have remained the intact. Free Powerpoint Templates Page 18