- Количество слайдов: 71
Framework of the study Problem definition Objectives of the study Background of studied area Methodology Results and discussion Conclusions and recommendations
Problem Definition Ø The agricultural sector employs more than 55% of labors force. Ø Rain, spate and spring irrigation were predominant in the past in Sana’a Basin. Ø Since thirty years ago tub-wells became the main source for water irrigation. Ø Agriculture consumed approximately 90 % of groundwater for irrigation by using traditional irrigation methods
Ø Ø Ø Groundwater depletion is About 5 -7 m per year Estimated Withdrawal is ≈ 260 Mm 3 Recharge of groundwater is about 46 Mm 3 Quality of water degradation So agriculture activities will face a big problem in the near future
Study Objectives ü To discernment irrigation water management on-field level. ü To evaluate the role of economic incentives in groundwater depletion. ü To assess farmers awareness, policy and the application of legislation to improve irrigating water uses efficiency.
Background of Studied Area <2000 m Area 3250 Km 2 325000 ha N 1666100, 1750000 >3600 m E 390000, 452150
Within districts Touch the basin National Capital Bani al Harith Sanhan including Bani Bahloul Raydah Khawlan Bani Hushaish Iyal Suraih Nihm Arhb and Kharif Bani Matar Hamdan
Districts of Sana’a Basin 43. 2% 38, 891 100% 24. 2% 10, 046 100% 1, 747, 834 100% 73, 957 74. 9% 63, 612 32. 5% 11, 779 28. 6% 28, 605 80. 6% 64, 832 5. 9% 3, 009
Rainfall The average of rainfall is 200250 mm/y. >315 mm <100 mm
Geology 1 - Quaternary alluvium 2 - Quaternary volcanic 3 - Tertiary volcanic 4 - Cretaceous sandstone 5 - Jurassic limestone
Groundwater aquifers
Previous Studies Sana'a basin submitted to many studies but the important of them is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Italconsult between 1970 -1973 Howard hammvi, 1980 -1983 Russian study by Mosgiprovodkhoz, 1986 TNO, 1987 -1996 WEC studies in 2001. Hydrosult, SBWMP, 2003 ( continues) GAF, 2005 JICA studies in 2007
Well Uses for Irrigation
Points of water for irrigation in Sana’a Basin
Distribution of Irrigated agriculture Bani-Al-Harith Hamdan Banihashish
Abstraction and Irrigated Area WEC-ITC 2000 Well Inventory 2002 GAF 2007 Irrigated area Abstraction Irrigated area Abstraction 23. 380* 151. 4** 26. 577* 217. 5** 18. 953* 193. 47** *hectare × 1000 **MCM
Area Proportion
Methodology • Library activity • Responsible Interview • Data collection 1. Questionnaire Design 2. Sampling Plan 3. Farmers Interviews • Data analysis
Questionnaire design Number of questions (87) are included in the following factors: 1. General questions 2. Crop pattern and water management 3. Economic incentives 4. Social awareness 5. Institutional effort 6. Laws, legislations and water conflicts issues
Farmers Interview
Results and discussion
General questions
Educational level
Major income resource
Sources of irrigation water
Own wells percentage
Type of well
Selected option under limitation of irrigation water
Purchase water for irrigation
From Where you buy water irrigation?
Crop Pattern and Water Management in the Field
Type of irrigation
Irrigation method
Estimated distance between the farm and source of irrigation water
Economic Incentives
Type of used pump
Do you get more yield If you add more water for crops?
Are you using modern irrigation technologies?
Reasons which delay using modern irrigation methods routine High cost Technical experience lack of information subsidies Reasons Small and scatter farms Unsuitable For some crops Water quality Unavailable Water scarcity
Problems accompanying using modern irrigation methods 1. Blockage 2. Design difficulties 3. Unsuitable for big tree 4. Expensive 5. Bad quality 6. Lack of instructions 7. Tilling 8. Scattering of frame parts 9. Low yield 10. Change crops 11. Long distance between farm and well
Crops need more water irrigation
Are you cultivated crops need more water?
Reasons Selfsufficiency Good income and produce Easy cultivated For sale No alternative
Social Awareness
Are your region suffer from water lack?
Goals of WUA 1. Rationing water used by using modern irrigation Methods 2. Guidance farmers to use modern irrigation Methods, non expended in area of cultivation and no flooding 3. Water saving 4. Awareness and advice 5. Subsidies and entering modern irrigation Methods
Reasons of non existence of WUA q Awareness absence q Illiteracy q Mistrust q Aware around problem is lately. q Useless q The absence governmental role. q No agreement between the farmers themselves. q Interest conflict
Institutional Efforts
Is their any support for using modern irrigation methods?
Are their any obstacles due to using modern irrigation methods?
Are their any institutional program for increasing your awareness about importance of modern irrigation?
Are their any institution responsible for given well licenses?
Who is given you licenses?
Laws, Legislations and Conflicts
Are their any laws and legislation governing the use of water?
Have you heard about Water Law?
Customs and Traditions relevant to water used
Traditions and Customs Ø Distance between wells Ø Arbitration Ø Shaike guidelines Ø Public and private rights Ø Documents Ø Al-ala fl al-ala Ø Contribution of Payment Ø Priorities upon farm size
Water conflicts
Type water conflicts • • • Partnerships problems Random drilling Short distance between wells Water Transfer by Tankers Irrigation schedule Pumping
Water conflicts solutions
Conclusions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Educational weakness Increasing population Income weakness Increase number of wells Increase irrigation Area Institutional Weakness Water quantity and quality degradation Reliance ( responsible & farmer ) Misunderstanding
10. Absence role of law ( force & application) 11. Low distribution modern irrigation methods 12. Absence role of WUA, WUG among farmers 13. Increase water competition 14. Absence water meter, registration, permit 15. subsidies fuel 16. Absence Water tax 17. Absence role of media 18. Absence role of law in solve water competition
Recommendation ü Enhancement education ü Enforce water law ü Uplift subsidies on fuel ü Increase reliance between responsible and farmers ü Create WUA, WUG among farmers ü Increase applied studies around water and agriculture ü Increase awareness of importance modern irrigation methods
ü Encourage exploitation among farmers ü Subsidies and enforcement using modern irrigation methods ü Encourage and enforce wells permit and registration, water meter ü Make Workshops of operation and maintenance modern irrigation methods ü Studies update ü Water harvesting for irrigation
ü Planning according on scientific studies ü Increase role of Sana’a Basin committee ü Cooperation between different institutional sector in MWE, MAI ü Aware farmers about importance using wastewater treatment in limited irrigation ü Prevent farmers from used wastewater before treatment.
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