- Количество слайдов: 45
Navigator E
Navigator H
Navigator HP
Navigator AC/DC
Error indicators Overheating The indicator is yellow if welding has been interrupted due to too high temperature in the machine. The machine will be reconnected automatically after a short cooling period. Voltage errors on the mains The indicator is red if the mains voltage is too high or too low. The indicator will remain on for 5 seconds after rectifying the error to ensure that also brief errors are registered by the user.
Welding current Setting of welding current When activating this button, the welding current is set via the control knob, unless remote control is chosen. When you are not welding, the set current is shown in the display. During welding, actual welding is shown in the display. In pulse welding, the HP version will automatically display an average value of the welding current, when shifts between welding current and base current become faster than it is possible to perceive.
Welding voltage For safety reasons the indicator is on when there is voltage on the electrode or the TIG torch.
Parameter units Units The unit for the parameter shown in the display is indicated with a LED (lightemitting-diode) • M = 1/100 seconds • s = seconds • Hz = frequency in Hertz • % = percentage of e. g. welding current
Choice of welding process Alternative processes: MMA welding or TIG welding MMA welding TIG welding
Torch trigger Two-stroke Welding begins and ends when the torch trigger is activated and deactivated respectively. The machine can be reactivated during slope-down and gas post-flow. Four-stroke Welding begins when the torch trigger is activated and deactivated. The torch trigger must be reactivated in order to finish welding, after which slope-down will begin. Spot welding Welding begins when the torch trigger is activated. Welding time is determined by the time set as spot welding time.
Torch trigger H Two-stroke Welding begins and ends when the torch trigger is activated and deactivated respectively. The machine can be reactivated during slope-down and gas post-flow. Four-stroke Welding begins when the torch trigger is activated and deactivated. The torch trigger must be reactivated in order to finish welding, after which slope-down will begin.
Setting of current H & HP Alternatives for setting the welding current: Internal adjustment The control knob is used for setting the welding current. External adjustment Current and parameters are set via remote control. Dialog adjustment Current is set by means of the control knob on the Dialog TIG torch. Maximum welding current is set by the control knob on the control panel.
Setting of current E Alternatives for setting the welding current: Internal adjustment The control knob is used for setting the welding current. External adjustment Current and parameters are set via remote control.
Ignition method In TIG welding you can choose between two different ignition methods. HF ignition In this case of contact free ignition the Tungsten electrode does not touch the workpiece, but ignites by means of a high frequency spark (HF), when the torch trigger is activated. LIFTIG® ignition The Tungsten electrode must touch the workpiece in order to establish the arc. The torch trigger is activated and the Tungsten electrode is lifted from the workpiece. The arc is established.
Pilot arc To From Pilot arc The Pilot arc is a faintly luminous arc used for luminating the workpiece, whereby it becomes easier to find the starting point for the actual welding. The Pilot arc is started by an introductory short activation of the torch trigger, less than 0. 3 seconds. If you activate longer (more than 0. 3 secs. ), the machine will automatically shift to ordinary welding. From the Pilot arc you shift to the actual welding by activating the torch trigger in case of two-stroke welding or by activating longer in case of four-stroke welding and spot welding. Then welding will proceed in a normal way.
Setting of welding job 16 programs This function makes it possible to save frequently used settings in the machine. In case of several users of the machine, this function is an advantage. While pressing the button, the display will show a "P" followed by a digit: 1, 2 etc. Each digit is a complete setting of all parameters of the machine. Programs are set by the control knob. With this feature it is possible to store a setting for each of the welding jobs that the machine is going to be used for.
Arc-power for MMA welding Used to stabilize the arc during MMA welding. Arcpower briefly increases the welding current in case of unintended short circuits to the workpiece. Arc-power can be set between 0 and 150% of the set welding current.
Hot start An auxiliary function for unproblematic ignition even with types of electrodes that are difficult to ignite or weld. When using the hot start function, additional current is added to the electrode at the moment of starting. This facilitates ignition and minimizes the risk of welding errors. The hot start value can be set from 0 to 100 % of the set welding current.
Spot welding time The set time from the end of slope-up to the start of slope-down. Spot welding time is exclusively the time in which you weld with the set current. Spot time is the time in which there is an arc after a press on the button, exclusive of slope-up time and slope-down time. Often used to penetrate through two layers of materials or to homogenize tack weldings.
Choice of pulse or not pulse • Pulse welding is chosen. • Ordinary welding without pulse is chosen. Consequently pulse parameters cannot be chosen.
Gas pre-flow time Gas pre-flow is the period of time in which gas flows until establishment of HF-ignition, or the period of time from activating the torch trigger to lifting it away from the workpiece, when LIFTIG® is used. Used to facilitate ignition, to ”flow” the hose and to protect the starting point when starting the arc. Time can be set between 0. 3 and 10 seconds.
Start Amp If reading of the current is chosen (by activating the Abutton), LED’s will show the actual phase of the welding. Start amp The value is set as a percentage of the welding current and varies between 0 and 100% of the set welding current (mininum value 5 A).
Start Amp H If reading of the current is chosen (by activating the Abutton), LED’s will show the actual phase of the welding. Start Amp The value is set as a percentage of the welding current and varies between 0 and 100% of the set welding current (minimum value 5 A).
Slope-up If reading of the current is chosen (by activating the Abutton), LED’s will show the actual phase of the welding. Slope-up time When the arc is started, the welding process will go into the slope-up phase in which the welding current is increased from the start amp value to the requested welding current. The duration of this phase is called the slope-up time. The time can be set between 0 and 10 seconds.
Slope-down If reading of the current is chosen (by activating the Abutton), LED’s will show the actual phase of the welding. Slope-down time When welding is interrupted with the torch trigger, the machine will go into the slope-down phase. In this phase the current is lowered from the set welding current to the stop Amp. The duration of this phase is called the slopedown time. The time can be set between 0 and 10 seconds.
Slope-down H If reading of the current is chosen (by activating the Abutton), LED’s will show the actual phase of the welding. Slope-down time When welding is interrupted with the torch trigger, the machine will go into the slope-down phase. In this phase the current is lowered from the set welding current to the stop Amp. The duration of this phase is called the slopedown time. The time can be set between 0 and 10 seconds.
Stop Amp If reading of the current is chosen (by activating the Abutton), LED’s will show the actual phase of the welding. Stop Amp When the amperage has declined to the set stop Amp, the machine will go into the gas post -flow phase. The stop Amp is set as a percentage between 0 and 100% of the set welding current (minimum 5 A).
Gas post-flow Is the time from stop of the arc to interruption of the gas supply. Used to protect weld pool and Tungsten electrode and to cool the torch. Time can be set between 3 and 20 seconds.
Idling current If reading of the current is chosen (by activating the Abutton), LED’s will show the actual phase of the welding. Idling current This function can be activated and deactivated during welding by shortly activating the torch trigger. Idling current is a percentage value of the set welding current and varies between 0 and 100% (minimum 5 A).
Pulse parameters If pulse welding is chosen, pulse parameters can be chosen and changed during welding. Pulse time Indicates the time of welding with pulse current. Pulse current is identical with the set welding current. Time can be set between 0. 01 and 10 seconds. Base current To be set as a percentage value between 1 and 99% of the set welding current (not under 5 A). Pause time Indicates the time welded on base current. Time can be set between 0. 01 and 10 seconds.
Type of current Choice of voltage Generally speaking, an AC/DC welding machine (a double current machine) welds all materials. (Patented D. O. C. ™ system). AC welding is chosen for welding in all materials containing aluminium. The principle is that the positive current removes the oxide membrane on the surface, and the negative current gives penetration into the material. DC welding is used for all other materials, such as stainless, copper and ordinary steel.
AC-frequency Frequency control One of the major advantages of the inverter is the infinitely variable adjustment of the +/- frequency. Increasing frequency will result in a narrower weld pool, increasing penetration into the material and stabilization of the arc. The setting of AC frequency ranges from 1 to 300 Hz in TIG welding and from 1 to 100 Hz in MMA-welding. Click here for details about AC frequency.
Notes to the AC frequency • When TIG welding, the AC frequency and welding current cannot be adjusted to maximum simultaneously. If the limitation is reached when adjusting the AC frequency, the lamp for A in [Units for parameter] will flash, and the AC frequency is limited by the machine. • If the frequency limit during TIG welding is exceeded when adjusting the welding current, the AC frequency will be reduced automatically (the lamp for AC frequency will flash for 5 seconds). • If in TIG welding a pulse function for AC welding is used, the AC frequency can be limited compared to the pulse times, because it has been determined that the pulse frequency must always be 5 times as large as the AC frequency. If the AC frequency is limited due to pulse times, the lamps for pulse times will flash for 5 seconds when adjusting the limit of the AC frequency. • Adjustment of the pulse setting: If in TIG welding a pulse function for AC welding is used, automatic adjustment of the pulse setting may occur through adjustment of the current. If the lamps for pulse times flash for 5 seconds, it may be caused by an adjustment of the pulse setting. Pulse time and base time are hereby changed automatically to 0. 03 seconds.
Electrode preheating TIG electrode preheating When starting the TIG-AC arc, the Tungsten electrode is preheated with direct current with positive polarity. Preheating of the electrode facilitates the start of the arc due to thermal heating. At the same time preheating will contribute to increased ionization of the spark gap. Preheating is adjusted in accordance with the diameter and profile of the electrode. The preheating time is adjustable in accordance with all types of electrodes and welding conditions.
AC-t-balance (based on time) +/- time balance With this function it is possible to set the cleaning effect when TIG welding with AC current. The function is a time-based balance between the positive and the negative half period. It is possible to adjust between 1 and 100%. The percentage indicates the share of the negative half period of a full period. The adjusted balance will provide a suitable cleaning zone around the weld pool.
AC-I-balance (based on amperage) Current balance The purpose of this function is to regulate the positive share of the current compared to the negative share. A reduction of the positive cleaning current will e. g. result in considerably sharper Tungsten electrodes and make welding in extremely thin materials possible. In addition, the lifetime of the Tungsten electrode is increased considerably.
Contents Simple and illustrative • • Applications Configurations Marketing material Technical data USP - Arguments Why choose Migatronic? Service and maintenance
Applications Economical , audible and visible quality • Navigator 2500 and 3000 have been specially constructed for the following: – All AC versions have been constructed for light-alloy metals containing aluminium, magnesium and allied metals as well as alloys. Used in the transport sector, building industry, containers construction etc. – All DC weldable TIG and MMA jobs, such as building of rustproof filling stations, boiler production, offshore constructions or food sector. – The strength of all Navigator machines makes them applicable for MMA welding with electrodes up to 5 mm in diameter. Navigator 2500 and 3000 can be combined with different robot solutions or used in automated set-ups.
Configurations Simple and serviceable • Supplied with or without integrated cooling of TIG welding cables • Supplied in four versions with or without pulse, programming options etc. • TIG welding cables are supplied as standard in 4 or 8 m length • Dialog torch with regulation from the handle is standard on all types of Navigator • Optional: trolley for Navigator • Self detecting auto transformer from 220 to 500 V • MMA welding cable is included in the configuration as standard • Remote controls for current and trim parameters • Offshore versions and other environmentally adapted solutions are available
Marketing material electronic or printed on paper Migatronic offers a variety of marketing materials • • • CD-ROM and disc information Homepage www. migatronic. dk Complete machine catalogue with full range of products Brochures and ”Welding Bible” in several languages Standard configurations or choice via configurator Training compendiums in several languages Support via Migatronic customer centre Manpower support for special events Sales training Posters
Technical data Comparable and usable • • • Type of machine: Current range Mains voltage Duty cycle 25% Duty cycle 60% Duty cycle 100% Open circuit volt. Uo IP class Weight kg 2500 AC/DC 5 - 250 A 3 x 400 V (+/-15%) 250 A 220 A 170 A 80 V IP 23 31 kg (air) 3000 DC + AC/DC 5 - 300 A 3 x 400 V (+/-15%) 300 A 240 A 190 A 80 V IP 23 38 kg (water)
USP - Arguments Facts and arguments • Navigator 2500 and 3000 are available in four versions: – AC HP = Double current versions with all facilities – E model = MMA (DC) version. TIG with LIFTIG® ignition as an additional choice – H model = HF and LIFTIG® ignition and ordinary TIG (DC) function – HP model = With HF and LIFTIG® ignition and all pulse functions – Newly developed AC module with rapid change of frequency gives optimum arc control combined with pleasant AC welding sound – Patented D. O. C. ™ Dynamic Oxide Control system – New lightweight cabinet in corrosion-proof aluminium – V - (H-HP-AC) = Navigator can be combined with liquid cooling – HP AC versions can store up to 20 user defined programs – Dialog torch is standard for all Navigator models – Low current consumption (16 A fuse), minor generation of heat and long life – Newly developed control panel based on icons
Why choose Migatronic? Tangible quality ò ò ò ò ò One of Europe’s leading manufacturers within the inverter technology Subsidiaries and importers throughout Europe ISO 9001 certified with more than 450 employees in Europe Original sales and service network with support throughout Europe More than 30 years experience of manufacturing welding machines Knowledge of arc welding processes Sales training of dealers and large end users Robust and reliable welding machines for industrial use Large machine flexibility and high resale value of used equipment Customers including watchmakers, automobile sector, heavy offshore and shipbuilding industry are included in our reference list
Service and maintenance Fit for fight • • Different levels of service subscription and service agreements Full service guarantee on the welding machine after repair Systematic maintenance at fixed intervals Application training for customers and dealers Own service school with training in specific machines 95% on site repair by our service vehicles Specialized application solutions adapted to environment and customers • Always original spares and a large range of exchange products • Repair of hoses and cables as per agreement