For My Love I Do Not know How you will take this. I hope you Like it XOXOXOX
You are the Best I Love your beautiful Smile I Love your beautiful Eyes I Love your Happy personality I Love EVERYTHING about you
You are my everything Before you I was sad and lonely. You filled the empty space that was in my heart. From the first time I seen you right if front of me I felt so many feeling I had not felt in many years. All day I dream of you wanting to be with you again. You are the best In my whole life and I don’t want to lose you.
Our first meeting I remember the First time we spent time with each other I was so scared. But as soon as I seen you at the airport I knew that everything was going to be ok. You where so beautiful I did not know what to say or do.
Although we are apart. Even though we where apart from one another our love for one another never stopped. With every achievement we made and every sad time we had we where there for one another
1 year later We had our fair share of fight’s like every couple in the world we stood by one another and made our relationship stronger. You had your studies and I had work but we still managed to see or speak to each other every chance that we could. I was sad that I could not be there for your birthday, our anniversary and Christmas with you. but we still managed to spend some time with each other on these day’s.
2 year’s later I come to you again this time more confident than before. I am so happy to be with you one more time. Every day that I spent with you was even more special that the last. Every time I seen you I had the best feeling I have ever had. I enjoyed our time together in Anapa and swimming in The Black Sea with you as well as going to the best water park in Russia with you. I enjoyed every Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with you. We had our 2 nd anniversary together and even though you got sick I was still happy to spent the following day with you. But I was so sad to leave you again to go home to Australia.
Even though Our families have never meet one another they still supported our relationship for it to be the best it can be. Even though we are far from each other
I guess what I am trying to say beautiful is that I love you for you. No one is perfect in this world but to me you are. I am so scared right now of losing the love of my life. I know thing’s will get even better once we are together again. You are very special to me. I know you have problem’s with university and I am trying my best for you to get a good education with what I can give. I know you have depression sometimes , I do to but the one person that pull’s me through when I feel depressed is you. Not worry beautiful about the rent I will send you as soon as I can my Love. Many kisses and hugs beautiful I hope this did not upset you.