Food industry of the USA.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 15
Food industry of the USA Made by: Nika Mamedova Catherine Lyaver
Great development in the U. S. received food industry. Food industry is one of the components of a highly developed agriculture. The entire food industry in the U. S. employs more than 1 million people
Here well-known multinational companies such as “Mc Donald's”, “KFC”, “Coca Cola”, “Lay's”, “Oreo”, which is engaged in the production of standard products and the spread of American consumer tastes.
The most important branches of the food industry of the USA include meat, dairy, production of alcoholic and soft drinks, canning and milling
Due to the growth of food prices in the USA much attention is paid to the production of substitutes for natural products, as well as fillers, breading and aromatic substances added to food. The production of frozen foods and a variety of canned food widely develop.
The placement of food industry across the country is relatively uniform. Major cities, as a rule, are the leading centers of the industry. Leading centers of food industry: 1)Flour milling - Kansas city, Buffalo
2) Meat industry – Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha (Nebraska)
3)Dairy and cheese industry – Wisconsin and Minnesota
4) Coca Cola - Atlanta
5) Canning industry – California
6) Confectionery – New York and Chicago
7) Beer industry - St. Louis and Milwaukee
8) The Tobacco industry – Kentucky, Philadelphia
Thus, the food industry is one of the more developed sectors of American industry. It is an important part of agribusiness and developing throughout the USA, and also brings great income.
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Food industry of the USA.pptx