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Food and Agriculture (FA) Domain Committee MONITORING PROGRESS REPORT 2006 3 rd DC meeting, Antalya (TR), 31 Jan – 2 Feb 2007
COST Action 867 Domain Food and Agriculture (FA) WELFARE OF FISH IN EUROPEAN AQUACULTURE Progress Report of Action 867 Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hijran Yavuzcan MC Member CSO approval date: 14/06/2005 Entry into force: 18/10/2005 End date: 06/03/2010
COST 867: Welfare of Fish in European Aquaculture Participating Countries : 16 Chair : NO CY, DE, FI, FR, GR, HU, IS, IT, NL, NO, PO, SE, SP, TR, UK Intention: Portu gal Cooperating State: Israel Economic Dimension: 120 Million € Duration: 5 years
Chair of the Action § Professor Anders KIESSLING Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences Norwegian University of Life Sciences P. O. Box. 5003 1432 Ås Norway E-mail. anders. kiessling@umb. no
Rapporteur of the Action § Dr. Hallgeir Herikstad § Region Rogaland Agder/National Center Norwegian Food Safety Authority Kyrkjevegen 332 4325 Sandnes Norway hallgeir. herikstad@mattilsynet. no
Administrative Officer of the Action § Jeannette NCHUNG Office 50 COST Office Av. Louise 149 1050 Brussels Belgium jnchungoru@cost. esf. org
Science Officers of the Action § John WILLIAMS § Office 26 COST Office Av. Louise 149 1050 Brussels Belgium jwilliams@cost. esf. org
Action website: www. fishwelfare. com
COST 867: WELLFISH OBJECTIVES ● A forum for exchange between fish welfare projects funded at the European and National level. ● An inter-disciplinary meeting place for complementary expertise related to fish welfare.
COST 867: WELLFISH OBJECTIVES ● A platform for emerging fish welfare experts to interact with those already established in the field. ● A forum for stakeholder interactions ●Knowledge transfer to ‘New Species’.
COST 867: WELLFISH-APPROACH § A network divided into 3 working groups (WGs) as follows: § WG 1: Biological components of welfare in fish § WG 2: Operational fish welfare indicators in farmed fish § WG 3: Fish welfare and management
WG 1: Chair and vice chair Prof. Dr. Börge Damsgard, Norway Dr. Ana Rouge, Spain § WG 1. Broad Aims: – Bring together present and ongoing fundamental and applied research – Address the comparative aspects – Reach a common understanding of the concept ‘welfare in farmed fish’ – Identify future actions
WG 2: Chair and vice chair Dr. Jimmy Turnbull, UK Dr. Neil Duncan, Spain § WG 2. Broad Aims: – Formulation of operational welfare indicators (OWIs) – Production of OWIs-matrices – The concept of ‘welfare’ as related to practical aquaculture – “On-Farm” protocols
WG 3: Chair and vice chair Dr. Sunil Kadri, UK Dr. Hans van de Vis, Holland § WG 3. Broad Aim: – Forum for interaction between the three major interests for fish welfare: ►Research interest group ►The legislation interest group (representing veterinary, governmental and other regulatory bodies) ►The industrial interest group
COST 867: WELLFISH: Activities § 1 st Management Committee Meeting held in Brussels, March 2006. § WG 3 Meeting held in Brussels, March 2006. § Meeting in Florence, Italy, May 2006 § 2 nd Joint Management Committee Meeting held in Arcachon, France, October, 2006. § Working Groups Meeting held in Arcachon, France, October, 2006. § 1 st Workshop held in Arcachon, France, October, 2006.
COST 867 RESULTS § The main objective of the Action is to improve the knowledge on welfare of fish and formulate a set of guidelines embodying a common scientifically sound understanding of the concept of welfare in farmed fish as a first step. The results obtained in the 1 st workshop held in Arcachon, France, October, 2006 versus the specified objectives were achieved at a high ratio considering the 1 st workshop atmosphere.
§ The presentations and talks were interspersed with discussions about the major issues that need to be addressed by the action members at the workshop in Arcachon, France, October, 2006. § This workshop was attended by approximately 60 participants. Thirty nine presentations were done in a total of 8 session at which workshop speakers presented their latest results in the field and discussed common interest and future collaborations. The programme is available at http: //www. fishwelfare. com/images/pdf/archsched ule. pdf § WG 3 had their first meeting on March, 2006, Brussels to discuss the economic component of the welfare.
§ The understanding of the welfare concept in continental Europe became clear headed in terms of regional variations. § Regional differences were illustrated by the range of welfare research initiatives currently displayed at the meetings held.
§ Young scientists have been actively involved in the 1 st workshop and many presentations were done by young participants. § The MC arranged five travel grants for younger scientists (Ph. D student or maximum 5 years after Ph. D) participation into the workshop independent of number of senior participants of the member country. § MC decided at the 2 nd meeting to promote young scientists (Ph. D students) in a manner of STSME.
§ The Action is in operation complying with the time table mentioned in the Mo. U. § Hitherto, no problem was encountered.
Dissemination § Publications and Reports Sunil, K. and Kiessling, A. 2006. COST Action 867 -WELLFISH Welfare of Fish in European Aquaculture. AQUA 2006, Firenze, Italy, May, 9 -13, 2006. Oral Presentation.
Dissemination § Conferences and Workshops § Since the start of the Action (18/10/2005) one workshop was organized at Arcachon, France hosted by The University of Bordeaux, CNRS, and Marine Biological Station (la Station Marine de Arcachon) , October, 2006. This workshop was attended by approximately 60 participants. Thirty nine presentations were done in a total of 8 session at which workshop spaeakers presented their latest results in the field and discussed common interest and future collaborations. The programme is available at http: //www. fishwelfare. com/images/pdf/archschedule. pdf
www. fishwelfare. com o The COST Action 867 has created a web site http: //www. fishwelfare. com which carries general information about its members, their activities, Mo. U of the Action, meetings, workshops, publications and researchers. The website has links to other websites related to the field.
Scientific and technical cooperation § The action has formed an agreement with DG Fish (Fisheries Department of the European Commission). § Close ties exist with SCOFDA (Sustainable Control of Fish Diseases in Aquaculture, Denmark) with whom a COST training school in fish health and welfare is being planned on April/2007.
Transfer of results or technologies § WG 3 is normally responsible for proper contacts with the industry. Thus, WG 3 is preparing a pamphlet aimed at industry about Cost 867. This pamphlet will be posted on the home page as soon as ready. § WG 3 has also during 2006 presented the action for Chileen farming industry through Dr. Sunil Kadri (Chair of WG 3).
Contacts in the ERA § The action has an EUREKA contact in that the chair is a representative of Cost 867 in the organising commity of the joint Cost/EUREKA aquaculture workshop (April 2007).
Self-evaluation In the opinion of the MC, the COST 867 has been successful in § establishing cooperation between scientists as well as scientific institutions from various countries in the field of fish health and welfare, § integrating the most current information on various aspects of fish wellness in EU and non. EU countries, § increasing the understanding of sectoral needs relating to aquaculture.
Future Plans § Activities in 2007 – A COST training school in fish health and welfare is being planned on April/2007 with SCOFDA (Sustainable Control of Fish Diseases in Aquaculture, Denmark). – The next event will be held in 14 -16, May, 2007 at University of Insubria, Varese, Italy hosted by Professor Marco Saroglia. A meeting on 14 -16, May at Varese, Italy. E – Participation into Aqua-Nor 2007, 14 -17, August, Trondheim, Norway. – Participation into Aquaculture Europe 2007, 24 -27, October, Istanbul, Turkey. – For the 1 st quarter of 2007 core group meetings in each WG were planned.
§ Presentations at COST meetings: WG 1 & WG 2 are preparing the presentations relating their subjects in the Action to present in Varese Meeting. § WG 1 is preparing a review on Fish Welfare to be submitted as peerreviewed publications or book chapter.
Conclusion § The COST Action 867 -WELLFISH allows the field to move forward in a unified manner with respect to future projects and application of past and present research.
§ The Action 867 works in a dynamic area with major interest spanning from academic research to commercial industry. Already within its first year Action includes partners from all parts of COST (from Israel to Iceland from Portugal to Finland). We all feel that it is important to catch and build on the enthusiasm of our first joint WG meeting. We also feel that coming activities will bring the action to the next level and be able to meet with indicated milestones and built up expectations.