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FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP a. Perfumes. com Presentation In association with GROUP
What Would You Like to Change in Your Life? FM FM F e d www. aperfumes. com erico Mahora GG R O U P ROUP q More Adventure & Excitement q More Happiness q More Confidence q Increased Motivation q More Holidays q More Fulfilling Relationships q New Car, Home or Boat q Get Out of Debt q Work from Home q Financial Freedom q Time
FM GROUP There are Three Types Of Income Jan Linear Income üEmployees üSelf Employed üRetailer üTime Bound Rates üYou Earn Only if You Work 12 Apr www. aperfumes. com Earning an Income 9 Aug 3 6 Dec Sun Tue Thu Sat üCEO/Business Owner üFranchise Owner Leveraged üNetwork Marketing üLeverage based on Networking or Team Effort üInvestor Income Employer CEO Employee Residual Income Pipeline/Cash flow üEmployee üWriters/Musicians üBusiness Owners üNetwork Marketer Employee X Employee The richest people in the world build networks, everybody else looks for work. . R. Kiyosaki X Employee
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP What Would You Like to Change in Your Life? This business can help you LEARN and DEVELOP a better and more effective Income Generating System You can build and run it alongside your job or career– so you don't lose your current income
FM Evaluation Criteria www. aperfumes. com GROUP q Industry q Company q Product q Compensation Plan q Support Systems
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP Industry Facts Global Annual Turnover in the Fragrances and Perfumes Market Facts From EUROMONITOR INTERNATIONAL on “marketresearch. com”
FM FM GROUP partners www. aperfumes. com GROUP Company Facts 1911 ü Founded: in ü In: Monachium ü Founder: F. I. A. Storp DROM Fragrances International ü Founded: 1995 ü In: Psary ü Founder: A. Trawiński PERFAND Strategic partners FM GROUP’s main partners are PERFAND and DROM Fragrances International.
Company Facts FM Federico Mahora GROUP q. Rock solid, debt free company q 300, 000+ distributors in over 50 countries just 5 years q£ 50+ Million per annum turnover q 9% of FM world revenues shared with the Orchid club members Its International Headquarters in Poland is the hub of the business, housing all of the Administrative, Research & Development, Graphic Design, Webmaster, Export and Warehousing departments plus an 80 -seater Call Centre
FM Worldwide Expansion www. aperfumes. com GROUP There are over 50 branches in Europe, Asia, North America, Australia and Africa - with many others opening soon
The Product FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP "Happiness is like perfume: You can't give it away without getting a little on yourself. “ -Anon
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP About FM Group World The Product We develop and create ü Unique ü Competitively priced ü High quality ü State-of-the-art Perfumes and Toiletries … we currently have over 160 perfumes (over 200 products including our toiletry ranges) and we market them through teams of independent distributors who are actively looking to change their lives financially
FM GROUP Perfumes & Toiletries The Product www. aperfumes. com For Women, Men, Girls & Boys For Women Perfumes, Eau de Parfum, Eau de Toilettes, Pheromones, Body Lotions, Shower Gels, Hand & Nail Cream, Lip Gloss, Deodorant Roll-ons, Deodorant Sprays, Foot Care products For Men Perfumes, Eau de Parfum, Pheromones, Aftershaves, Eau de Toilettes, Body Lotions, Shower Gels, Deodorant Roll-ons, Shaving Foam, Foot Care Products For Girls Body Lotion Shower Gel Lip Gloss Eau de Toilette For Boys Eau de Toilette Shower Gel
FM GROUP About FM Perfumes www. aperfumes. com q FM perfumes are in the same 6 Fragrance Family Groups as other anc leading brands – Chypre Wood Floral Fougere Oriental Citrus q Most people buy branded name Eau de Parfum (only 12% - 16% concentrated) or Eau de Toilette (only 3 -8%) products because of the high cost of the perfume The Product
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP About FM Perfumes ü FM PERFUMES are 20% concentrated ü What does this mean to you? It means that our perfumes last longer ü FM Perfumes have recognisable similarities to other leading brands – and are far less expensive The Product
FM GROUP About FM Perfumes The Product www. aperfumes. com Why are FM perfumes so inexpensive? The cost of producing FM perfumes is about the same as for all of the other leading brands available in stores. The difference? ü No Famous Name Endorsements ü No Expensive Packaging ü No Advertising That is why FM perfumes are so inexpensive
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP About FM Perfumes th Extract from Daily Mail 30 March 2008 “… the perfume industry is worth a staggering £ 16 billion a year” “Consider the price of the perfume. The liquid in the bottle represents only 3 per cent of the total cost of producing it. The other 97 per cent goes to marketing, packaging and advertising. ” The Product
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP Who Do You Think … The Product … paid Tiger Woods £ 53 million to endorse Nike? … pays David Beckham £ 5 million to endorse Motorola? … pays Nicole Kidman £ 15 million to endorse Chanel NO 5? … YOU DO!
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP Who Do You Think … The Product … pays for perfume counters and demonstrators? … pays for the billions spent on advertising? AGAIN … YOU DO!
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP The Product How Do People Hear About Us? do not FM advertise By REFERRAL - the most powerful form of advertising in the world! When customers buy our products and enjoy them, they tell others - it is that simple
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP The Product The Most Powerful Form of Advertising is “Word of Mouth” Advertising Have any of you ever recommended a restaurant or a shop, or a film at the local cinema? At the end of the month, did the manager send you a `Thank You’ letter and a commission cheque for the introduction? Does he regularly send you a cheque whenever that person goes there and spends money? No… of course not!
Compensation Plan FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP How do you earn with FM GROUP? With FM Group’s unique business plan that is exactly what happens! Every time someone we we automatically get paid have recommended buys a product, a commission – forever !!! There are two types of people in this world Those who get paid for recommending …and those who don’t!
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP Compensation Plan How do you earn with FM GROUP? ü You introduce the products to others ü You introduce the business opportunity to others ü You show others how to do the same ü You work part-time or full-time ü You can work from home and use the telephone and/or internet ü You can go out and meet people
Compensation Plan FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP How do you earn with FM GROUP? SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE ü RETAIL SALE - family, friends, work colleagues ü DIRECT SELLING – businesses, offices, salons ü FUNDRAISING - local or national ü PERFUME PARTIES ü RETAIL OUTLETS ü NETWORK MARKETING
Compensation Plan FM GROUP www. aperfumes. com FM Linear Income Jan 12 Apr Linear Income Get Paid When you 9 Aug 3 6 Dec Do the Work Sun Tue Thu Sat
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP How do you earn with FM GROUP? The Marketing Stage One. Plan Marketing of the Plan Retailing üYou take orders from customers ü Place orders with FM office ü Supply products to customers ü Earn profit from sales When you buy a Luxury bottle of perfume from FM at wholesale for £ 10. 00 and sell at Retail for only £ 14. 99 … you earn £ 4. 99
FM GROUP Compensation Plan How do you earn with FM Conventional GROUP? www. aperfumes. com Marketing/Distribution (A) Manufacturing (B) National Warehouse (C) Regional Wholesaler From (A) – (D) Distribution Cost is Added (D) Retailer Rent, Rates, Insurance, Staff, Profit Margin, Shipping, ADVERTISING, etc Distribution costs can account for up to 85% of the final price paid by the Consumer
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP Compensation Plan How do you earn with FM Network Marketing/Distribution GROUP? X (A) Manufacturing FM Group X (B) National Wholesaler or Broker (C) Regional Wholesaler FM markets It’s unique product range through Independent Distributors who supply direct to the consumers…. . Independe nt X (D) Retailer and pay them substantial commissions for producing sales volume through team building Consumer
Compensation Plan FM GROUP www. aperfumes. com FM Leveraged Income You Leverage Get Paid More By Leverage When you Build Bigger Teams Leverage
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP Compensation Plan How do you earn with FM GROUP? NETWORK MARKETING Also known as personal franchise but without the large investment A business that you can run full-time or part-time from the comfort of your own home
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP Compensation Plan How do you earn with FM GROUP? The Marketing Plan Stage Two of the Marketing Plan is a brief overview All income examples are for demonstration purposes only and are not guarantees of income. Incomes are the results of individual efforts
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP Commission is based on the volume of sales of your ENTIRE TEAM each month team volume grows so As your does your commission percentage Magnolia a 3% 6% 9% Silver Magnolia 12% Silver Magnolia 15% 18%
FM Building Your Team GROUP 2 8 4 If all you did was introduce 2 people! A month 16 www. aperfumes. com 128 32 256 64 512 4096 1024 2048 Think what will happen if you introduce 4, 5 or 6 people and we teach everyone to do the same!
Compensation Plan FM GROUP www. aperfumes. com FM Residual Income Pipeline Income / Cash flow Do the Work once and Get Paid Forever!!
FM Compensation Plan www. aperfumes. com GROUP The Marketing Stage Three of the Marketing Plan is a brief overview
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP 9% of the value of FM’s worldwide points turnover is distributed amongst all Orchid Club members - regardless of whether or not they have an international business There are 5 positions in the Orchid Club üPearl üAmaranth üGolden üDiamond üBlack Diamond
Compensation Plan FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP AVERAGE Bonus Income PEARL £ 500 - £ 1, 500 per month AMARANTH £ 3, 500 per month GOLDEN £ 7, 000 per month DIAMOND £ 16, 000 per month BLACK DIAMOND £ 100, 000+ per month PLUS – Magnolia income and Retail income each month
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP PLUS … at each Orchid position there is the opportunity to participate in FM’s fabulous Mercedes Car Programme
FM The Support Systems GROUP www. aperfumes. com T ogether E M veryone A chieves üHelp with organising Parties üWeekly open meetings üWeekly online Webinars üTeam Support üMonthly Training Seminars Earn while you learn üCutting Edge Website ore We only become successful by helping others become Teamwork is the ability to successful. a common vision. The ability to work together toward direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. Andrew Carnegie
FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP How do you join FM? Step 1: Complete a Registration Form Step 2: Order a Kit Starter Kit 100 for £ 24. 50 plus £ 5. 00 delivery, or Starter Kit 200 for £ 42. 50 plus £ 5. 00 delivery, or Complete Starter Kit 200 with Stationery Pack of: 5 catalogues, 6 registration forms, FM DVD, 2 receipt pads, 25 party invitations, fragrance strips, 10 opportunity leaflets and 1 fragrance wallet for £ 49. 99 plus £ 5. 00 delivery Step 3: Order Product Order at least 34. 42 pt of product to qualify for commission
A Winning Attitude FM www. aperfumes. com GROUP Successful people focus on the solution not the problem Problem focused Solution focused I’m too busy How can I make time? I can’t afford it allows I can start with as little as £ 24. 50 retailing you to recoup and make profit It looks like a pyramid years It’s too hard I don’t know anyone What if it doesn’t work? sales I want to think about it decide now? Direct marketing has been around for 50 I can get all the help I need if I ask for it I only need 2 good people It’s already working $33. 6 Billion in annual What other information do I need to
FM GROUP TAKE ACTION NOW! www. aperfumes. com To Join us… Visit our Secure online application form OR If you need more information or would like to try any our products email afroideas@aperfumes. com To your continued success …. www. aperfumes. com