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Florida Housing Finance Corporation Training Presentation Sally Mazzola UW/Closing/Delivery Overview Rev. 12. 11
Disclaimer This presentation represents only a general overview of the bond program. It is the lender’s responsibility to follow all specific Federal, Agency and Bond program guidelines.
Agency Announcements/Bulletins Lenders are responsible for keeping updated on all Announcements and Bulletins released by Agencies U S Bank requires lenders adhere to all terms and conditions of these announcements unless otherwise instructed U S Bank Help Desk (MRBP Division) will advise lenders of any updates by bulletin
Product & Underwriting Overview
Government-Eligible Loan Products § FHA Products • – 203 b - FHA 203 ks – Streamline Rehab 203 h - Disaster Victims 234 c – Condo FHA loans only 2 -1 buy downs are permitted § VA Products • • •
Conventional- Eligible Products § Fannie Mae My. Community. Mortgage (MCM) § Fannie Mae Standard products § Freddie Mac Home Possible products
Loan Products Not Permitted Fannie Mae Flex products Split Loan Products (80/20, 80/15/5 etc. ) 203 k Rehab Participating Lenders- Government products with FICO scores <620 will not be accepted (Reference bulletin 2011 -18) § Correspondent lenders of USBHM should follow specific U. S. Bank guidelines for FICO score limits § § § Manufactured housing (Conv. , VA & RD) § Note: For borrowers with no credit scores, manual underwrite is permitted as a non-traditional.
Conventional Product Comparison My. Community. Mortgage / Home Possible Standard Eligible Properties: Single Family Condo’s permitted No Manufactured or Coops Single Family No condos, manufactured or coops Eligible Loans: DU approved DU-No EA’s / LP accept w. including EA 1 or manual 45% DTI permitted, restricted UW to 95% LTV Home. Possible- LP accept / Limited to 45% DTI/ 95% LTV LLPA’s & Adverse Market Fees: LLPA’s pd. By FHFC MCM only Adverse. 25% pd. by buyer or seller LLPA & Adverse pd. by buyer or seller
Conventional Product Comparison My. Community Mortgage / Home Possible Maximum LTV/CLTV MCM: 97% / 105% w. community 2 nd No minimum LTV Condos limited Standard 97% / 105% w. community 2 nd to 95% LTV Maximum LTV/TLTV HP: 95% Not permitted
Conventional Product Comparison My. Community Mortgage / Home Possible Manual UW Fannie only: LTV/CLTV: 95% FICO >660 Limited to 43% for total DTI 45% with strong compensating factors Standard Per Selling Guide DU (limited to 45% DTI restricts to 95% LTV MI companies may restrict to 90% LTV AUS: MCM – DU / Limited to 45% DTI Home. Possible- LP accept / Limited to 45% DTI Non-Traditional Credit UW Maximum: LTV 95% (with no credit) MCM or HP only Not permitted
Conventional Product Comparison My. Community Mortgage / Home Possible Pre-Closing Homebuyer Education: Required form at closing Refer to Florida’s website for Standard for approved HBE options Early Delinquency Counseling: Min Borrower Funds: MI may require 1% or $1, 000 Required form at closing None Required form at closing 3% of borrowers own resources No contribution if < 80% LTV Gifts & grants and Community 2 nds considered borrowers own funds
Conventional Product Comparison My. Community Mortgage/ Home Possible Standard Seller Contributions: > 90% LTV=3% < 90. 01% LTV=6% > 90% LTV = 3% < 90. 01% LTV = 6% Other: May not own another residential property N/A Freddie Mac All loans must be submitted through LP only Home Possible: NO manual underwrite Risk Class: LP Accept Max DTI: 45% LTV or CLTV Max LTV/CLTV: 95% / 95% 80% and under 95% / 95% Over 80% Min. FICO Credit score >620 Credit score >700
Conventional Product Comparison MCM / HP Standard Additional variance: Non-occupant co-signer signing only Note. May ignore DU nonoccupant co-signer messaging. Limited to 90% LTV / Occupant DTI 55% Income Limits: Above Fannie’s 100% AMI permitted as long as checked to ensure limits are within Florida’s limits or use income AUS adjustor button to increase limit to Florida’s
MI Coverage Comparison MCM/HP 80. 01 -85% LTV: 85. 01 -90% LTV: 90. 01 -95% LTV: 95. 01 -97% LTV: 6% 12% 16% 18% N/A HP Standard Fannie 12% 25% 35% Single Premium Financed: MCM: up to 97% Home. Possible: up to 95% Up to 95% standard coverage Note: All applicable Special Feature Codes and Special Characteristic Codes must be listed on the 1008
Automated Underwriting Systems § The following automated systems (AUS) are approved for use in the bond program – Conventional Loan Types: – Fannie Mae loans (DU) Only – Freddie Mac loans (LP) Only – Government Loan Types: – FHA & VA loans (DU or LP) § If manual underwrite is necessary, full documentation is required Other customized automated underwriting systems are not acceptable at this time.
Appraisals/Condo Requirements § USBHM will require a full appraisal report unless otherwise indicated on DU findings § Condominiums - Please follow all agency guidelines relative to loan product you are originating
Manufactured Housing § Manufactured Homes are permitted on FHA loans only § Reference USBHM’s website for manufactured housing guidelines at www. mrbp. usbank. com select U S Bank Lending manuals, click on Manufactured Housing icon § Read & comply with all Agency & U S Bank guidelines prior to loan closing! § Title must be surrendered at closing
Secondary Financing Non-HFA provided Down Payment Assistance Programs USBHM does not approve your secondary financing programs Funding source for the DPA program must be: Must meet Agency (HUD, Fannie, & VA) requirements • Stated on the 1003 and HUD-1 • Loan product, down payment source & amount reflected on the 1008 or LT 92900 form Exception: DPA programs that contain Shared Equity component must be reviewed and approved by U. S. Bank Home Mortgage, Underwriting Department send program description to www. bedfordmrb@usbank. com or call 1 -800 -562 -5165 •
Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act (MDIA) Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) High Priced Mortgage Loans (HPML)
Mortgage Disclosure Improvement Act § All amortizing loans (includes Hami) delivered for purchase REQUIRED to have: § Early TIL- Delivered or mailed to borrower(s) no later than 3 general business days after lender receives borrower(s) written application. § Corrective TIL- Any corrective TIL’s that were required, delivered or mailed to borrower(s) § Final TIL – Signed and dated at consummation § Initial loan application (1003) Signed & dated by interviewer §Reference USBHM bulletins: 2009 -40, 2009 -47, 2009 -52, 2009 -75 and any subsequent bulletins. § NOTE: Per bulletin 2011 -03 – USBHM will require that all TILA disclosures be in the regulatory required format.
MDIA/APR Tolerance § Corrective TIL is required when APR on the Early TIL disclosure increases by more than the. 125% tolerance NOTE: ** USBHM will not purchase a loan which closed before three or six precise business day waiting period has expired! Reference USBHM MRBP bulletin 2009 -75
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) The following slides represent U. S. Bank Home Mortgage-MRBP Division’s RESPA related policies and procedures. For questions related to other RESPA regulations, please consult with your Legal Counsel or Compliance Department The information provided is a summary of USBHM -MRBP bulletin 2009 -89
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) §GFE must be provided no later than 3 business days after lender either receives application or obtains information sufficient to complete and application. §Essential loan terms and costs must be disclosed and remain in effect for at least 10 business days Page 1 must show: §Initial loan amount, term, and interest rate §Initial monthly payment amount §Whethere was an interest rate change increase §Whether loan allows for negative amortization, provides for a pre-payment penalty or a balloon payment §Total origination charges and charges for other settlement services §REQUIRED: Each individual loan requires a separate GFE & HUD-1 i. e. 1 st and 2 nd (Hami or Florida Assist mortgage loans must be completed by lender and provided to USBHM with file §GFE format cannot be altered in any way USBHM Reference Bulletins: 2009 -84, 2009 -89, 2010 -02, 2010 -03, 2010 -36 and 2010 -37
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) Changed Circumstances §When changed circumstance has occurred, lender MUST issue a revised GFE within 3 business days of receipt of the information that triggered a changed circumstance §Loan officer is bound to GFE tolerances unless new GFE provided; ONLY changed circumstances allow re-disclosure of certain terms on GFE §If lender provides a revised GFE based on a changed circumstance, documentation must be retained in loan file for at least 3 years after settlement. §Note: Reference RESPA guidelines for definition of a changed circumstance.
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) Tolerances §The first “fixed” tolerance is 0% and applies to all lender and mortgage broker origination fees. None of these items may exceed the amount disclosed on the GFE by any amount. §The second is 10% and applies to total of: §All lender required settlement services paid to providers selected by lender §All lender required settlement services paid to providers selected by borrower from lender-provided lists §Premiums for optional owners’ title insurance selected by borrower from lender provided lists §Government recording fees This means sum of actual charges cannot exceed sum of charges disclosed on the GFE for these items by 10%
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) Tolerances continued…. §The third tolerance is for fees that may change at settlement (no tolerances apply) §Required services the borrower shops for §Title services and lenders title insurance not ID by lender §Owner’s title insurance not identified by lender §Initial deposit for escrow account §Daily interest charges §Homeowners insurance
Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) U. S. Bank’s File Review U. S. Bank Home Mortgage-MRBP staff performs a basic compliance review of the GFE document to ensure compliance with the following: § Ensure GFE is on proper form § Ensure HUD-1 is on proper form §Verify “Loan Terms” on HUD-1 match “Summary of Your Loan” on the last issued GFE. § Verify HUD-1 is within acceptable tolerances with last GFE issued including a review of charges that cannot increase by more than 10% § Verify lender provided acceptable cure documentation, if applicable Post Settlement Cure: HUD allow lenders a 30 -day cure period from date of borrower’s signed closing documents for violating GFE/HUD-1 fee tolerances. Lenders exceeding fee tolerances will be in violation of Section 5 of RESPA. USBHM must receive proof of refund to borrower and a corrected HUD-1, from settlement agent prior to loan purchase. NOTE: If there is a known issue, don’t wait until USBHM has reviewed as you may exceed the 30 -day cure period for correction.
Reg Z -High Priced Mortgage Loans (HPML) § Loans purchased by USBHM must comply with TILA requirements and changes to Reg Z regarding HPML’s § You may have a HPML loan When to Test: Time of Early TIL disclosure Time of locking the loan Time of any Corrective TIL disclosure and Time of Final TIL prior to closing Reference USBHM MRBP bulletin 2009 -69 for details on HPML requirements
Closing / Delivery / Closing, Delivery, Purchaseand Post-Closing & Post-Closing Purchase Overview
Preparing to Deliver Loan Officers, Underwriters, Processors, Shippers & Closers should review the guides and documentation required prior to closing Closing instructions, document preparation and appropriate disclosures are to be done by you and closed in your name Provide updated or complete Contact Information Sheet and submit to USBHM if you haven’t already done so Access the USBHM website at www. mrbp. usbank. com or on the Ehousing website to obtain the information
US Bank Home Mortgage - MRBP Division Lender Contact Information / Authorization Bond Program: Lender Name: Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________ Main Phone Number: _____________________________ Main Fax Number: _____________________________ Website (if applicable) _____________________________ MERS ID # (if applicable): _________________ Name Main Contact: ___________ Phone________Fax_______ Main Contact E-mail: ___________ Bulletin Contact: ___________ Phone________Fax_______ Bulletin Contact E-mail: ___________ Underwriting Manager: ___________ Phone________Fax_______ Underwriting E-mail: ___________ Shipping Supervisor: ___________ Phone________Fax_______ Shipping E-mail: ___________ Shipping Staff: ___________ Phone________Fax_______ Processing Manager: ___________ Phone________Fax_______ Processing E-mail: ___________ Exception Contact: ___________ Phone________Fax_______ Exceptions E-mail: ___________ Final Documents: ___________ Phone________Fax_______ Final Docs E-mail: ___________ Lender Scorecard Recipient: ____________ Phone________Fax_______ Scorecard E-mail: ___________ Wire Instructions: Bank Name: _____________________________ ABA Number: ___________ Account Name: ___________________________ Purchase Advice Attn: _____________ Phone: _____________ Fax # for Purchase Advice: _____________ E-Mail address: _____________ Authorized Signature: _____________ Fax this completed authorization form to: 866 -476 -5584 -ORScan and email this completed authorization form to: mrbp. helpdesk@usbank. com Updated – 7 -1 -10
Loan File Submission Process § Ship loan(s) immediately after closing within required guidelines § Reservation to Exceptions Cleared, Loan Purchased = 115 days § Complete Loan Delivery Checklist for loan type you are shipping § All documentation is completed & correctly executed prior to shipping
Collateral ORIGINAL NOTE: § Endorsed to U. S. Bank National Association § Name Affidavit Required, if Borrower(s) undersign § Borrowers typed name(s) under signature line § Co-Signers are to execute NOTE only § Be sure intangible tax verbiage reads as follows: THIS NOTE AND THE MORTGAGE SECURING THIS NOTE ARISE OUT OF OR ARE GIVEN TO SECURE THE REPAYMENT OF A LOAN ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH THE FINANCING OF HOUSING AND ARE EXEMPT FROM DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX AND INTANGIBLE TAX PURSUANT TO SECTION 420. 513(1), FLORIDA STATUTES
Collateral RIDERS: (copy) § Tax Exempt Rider (required on all tax exempt bond loans) Original MUST be recorded with mortgage § Other applicable riders (condo, pud, etc. ) ASSIGNMENT: (copy) – if not a MERS lender § Assigned to U. S. Bank National Association
FL Assist /HAMI Programs 1) Original Note to USBHM 2) Copy of Mortgage (with complete legal description) 3) DPA Acknowledgement Form (signed by borrower) in file submission 4) Correct tax verbiage appears on the Note and Mortgage 5) HAMI LOANS – Early and Final T-I-L’s are required for USBHM to purchase 6) Florida Assist – TIL is not a requirement of purchase by USBHM, however if your company policy/procedures do require completion of the TIL, then follow internal guidelines 7) Lenders are to fund 1 st and 2 nd mortgages USBHM will reimburse at purchase 8) Be sure to use the correct pre-printed forms located on Ehousing website
Hazard / Flood / Wind / Sinkhole Insurance Coverage & Deductible Requirements
Coverage Requirements-Hazard Ins. Amount of Coverage 1 -4 Family properties must equal the higher of: § The loan amount or § 100% replacement cost of the insurable improvements as determined by the property insurer § Full replacement cost coverage is also acceptable Condo’s & PUD’s amount of coverage must equal: § 100% of the insurable improvements on a replacement cost basis. Blanket coverage is also acceptable. § HO-6 insurance requires that policy be equal to at least 20% of the appraised value of the unit, unless Home Owner Association insurance covers the “walls in” content (Note: This must be escrowed for)
Coverage Requirements-Flood Ins. Amount of coverage for single family dwelling, 1 -4 Family unit, PUD or detached individual condo unit must equal the lower of: § Loan amount § Replacement cost of the insurable improvements or § Maximum amount of coverage sold under applicable program of the NFIP for the type of improvements Condo (if high rise or vertical dwelling unit § The building replacement cost or § $250, 000 multiplied by number of residential units in the building § Condo properties in a flood zone will require the number of units to covered by both hazard and flood policies
Updated Sinkhole Coverage Guidelines §Effective for loans closing on or after December 7, 2011 per USBHM bulletin 2011 -48 §Sinkhole coverage will NOT be required in the state of Florida unless the following is identified: § If appraiser has identified any settlement deficiencies and is referenced on property appraisal a Sinkhole Inspection will be required § Based on the Sinkhole Inspection, sinkhole insurance may be necessary § USBHM will require a copy of the sinkhole inspection report to be included in loan file delivered for purchase should there be evidence of settlement deficiencies referenced on the appraisal. In those instances when sinkhole coverage must be obtained please follow guidelines below for proof of coverage: § Same deductible requirements as homeowner insurance policy § Proof of coverage may consist of the following: § Clear evidence on declarations page of the hazard policy § Letter from insurance agent, on company letterhead referencing borrower, property address, policy # clearly stating borrower has sinkhole coverage and signed by the insurance agent § When sinkhole coverage is required, catastrophic ground collapse coverage is not acceptable in lieu of sinkhole coverage as it does NOT provide adequate coverage. It only pays out if property is uninhabitable
Insurance Deductibles – Government Loans Hazard / Flood / Sinkhole Hazard / Flood Unless a higher maximum amount is required by state law, maximum deductible clause may not exceed the greater of $1, 000 or 1 percent of the face amount of the policy § 1 -4 family; Individual PUD units; Individual condo units (i. e. detached condo’s, town or row house) Deductibles may not exceed the higher of $1, 000 or 1 percent of the policy’s insurance limits for all covered losses. § Association Policy requirements for CONDO/PUD Projects and common areas Windstorm / Hurricane The greater of $2, 000 or 2% of the dwelling coverage
Insurance Deductibles – Conventional loans Hazard / Flood / Windstorm / Hurricane Maximum deductible may not exceed 5 percent of the face amount of the insurance policy limits for dwelling coverage (applies to all perils) § For 1 -4 family; Individual PUD units; Individual condo units (i. e. detached condo’s, town or row house) Maximum deductible may not exceed 5 percent of the face amount of the insurance policy (applies to all perils) § Association Policy requirements for CONDO/PUD Projects and common areas;
Loan File and Post Close Trailing Document Deficiencies In order of the most common
Loan File Deficiencies Mortgage § Missing Tax Exempt Riders § Missing or incorrect tax verbiage information (corrective documentation does not state proper corrective verbiage) § Property address differs from other docs § Missing pages and/or legal description § Blank or incorrect notary section (missing county, borrower’s names, complete dates, seal or expiration date) Note § § § Missing or incorrect endorsements (lenders not using U. S. Bank National Association) See Bulletin 2010 -46 Property address differs from other docs Incorrect payment terms
Loan File Deficiencies Truth-In-Lending (TIL) § § § Early T-I-L not in file on 1 st mortgage Final T-I-L not in file Corrective Final T-I-L, if applicable not in file MI under disclosed or not disclosed in payment stream Per Bulletin 2011 -03 new form required MDIA bulletins 2009 -40 & 2009 -52 for reference Note: If loan is not compliant, it will not be purchased by USBHM and will be cancelled and returned!
Loan File Deficiencies HUD-1 Settlement Statement § DPA not clearly identified or different amount than on other documentation § Missing in file submission § Tolerance violation in GFE fee comparison with and no cure documentation in the file (USBHM bulletin 2009 -89) § Missing monthly escrows or not collected escrows
Loan File Deficiencies Good Faith Estimate (GFE) § Most recently issued in file does not match loan terms at closing (See RESPA Bulletin 2009 -89) Initial Loan Application § Interviewer date missing § Missing from file submission § Not properly documenting applicable date for timing of early TIL (see MDIA bulletins 2009 -40 & 2009 -52
Loan File Deficiencies Hazard & Flood Policies § Names & Addresses do not precisely match other docs § Flood coverage inadequate § Deductibles greater than what is required § Flood policy missing Flood Zone from Certification § Proof of payment not in file Manufactured Housing Documentation § Exceptions identified related to USBHM 2007 bulletin § Not providing evidence of title being surrendered § Missing information on manufactured home not listed on Security instrument
Loan File Deficiencies Underwriting Documentation § Missing AUS (DU) findings in the file submission § Missing or unsigned 9 -2900 or 1008 § Questions from that arise either from missing information or documentation provided that is not accurate (Conventional loans) Assignment § Missing from file § Missing all recordings of the mortgage § Not assigned correctly to U. S. Bank National Association (See USBHM Bulletin 2010 -46 § Incorrect reference to lender, borrower, and/or property information from mortgage
Loan File Deficiencies FHA Connection § Closing date not correct § ADP code not correct § No evidence that UFMIP has been sent to FHA Compliance approval § Not providing Ehousing appropriate documentation in order to approve loan for purchase
Post-Close Trailing Doc Exceptions Title Policy: § Mortgage amount is missing § Schedule A, item 4 contains incorrect mortgage recording information § Name of insured is incomplete (needs to mirror mortgage and have “it’s successors and/or assigns”) § Missing required endorsements Second Mortgages: § Closing date is incomplete § Missing marital status of borrower(s) § Incorrect maturity date § Legal description missing § Tax Exempt Rider is recorded with Second Mortgage instead of the First Mortgage
Loan File Deficiencies § Posted online for referral and communicated by Fax Weekly Exception Report § Provide separate cover letter / sheet identified by USBHM loan number or attach weekly exception report to your submission § Fax exceptions (216)475 -8627 or § E-mail exceptions to mrbp. exceptions@usbank. com per USBHM bulletin 2010 -40. NO inquiries should be directed to this mailbox! § § Inquiries should be directed to: mrbp. helpdesk@usbank. com Partial submissions are acceptable Exceptions are received and reviewed for accuracy Once ALL deficiencies are resolved loan purchased
Post Closing Documentation § Organize documents in order of Final Document Checklist § Docs due in our office no later than 120 days after purchase § A $50 penalty fee may be assessed after 120 days (at a rate of $50 per month until last document has been received) § Final Recorded Mortgages, Assignments, Riders, Title Policy, (MIC, LGC, LNG) ONLY! Deliver to: U S Bank Home Mortgage / Document Control Department 17500 Rockside Road Bedford, Ohio 44146 -2099 Questions? Contact Document Control Supervisor Darlene Kreigh – darlene. kreigh@usbank. com (216)475 -7739
Lender Compensation Origination : 0% Discount: 0% * SRP: 1. 50% LENDERS NET: 1. 50% § All conventional products will be funded with an adjustment for the Adverse Market fee of. 25%. § MCM Loans ONLY! - LLPA’s will be paid by Florida Housing
Loan Purchase § Purchased Daily / Amortized Balance / Purchase Summaries Faxed § Loan history is required, if payment activity has occurred § Net Purchase: (no checks) • Current principal balance, interest, SRP, starting escrow • Bond Application Fee $275. 00 • Tax Service Fee $85. 00 • Adverse market fee. 25%, Conventional • Extension Fee, if applicable. 25% • Second Mortgage Loan Application Fee $150. 00 (HAMI Only)
U. S. Bank Home Mortgage - MRBP Division Quick Reference Guide
USBHM-MRBP Website Access our website at www. mrbp. usbank. com, select U S Bank Lending Manuals and link up to our information via All. Regs • • • Lender manual Loan Delivery Checklists Product Descriptions U S Bank Lender Bulletins Manufactured Housing requirements (state specific)
Click on U S Bank Lending Manuals
Click on Continue
Click on Housing Finance Authority for dropdown USBHM Manufactured Housing Guidelines, 203 ks manual & USBHM Bulletins can be found here
Click on Florida Housing to obtain information For access to Florida’s product descriptions and Loan Delivery Checklists
Loan File Delivery Address All Closed Loan files should be delivered to: U. S. Bank Home Mortgage – MRBP Division 17500 Rockside Road Bedford, OH 44146 Attn: Operations Department
Post Closing Trailing Document Delivery Address All Post Closing documents should be delivered to: U. S. Bank Home Mortgage – MRBP Division 17500 Rockside Road Bedford, OH 44146 Attn: Document Control Department
Note Endorsements/Assignments U. S. Bank National Association
Loss Payee Clause Hazard/Flood Insurance U. S. Bank National Association its successors and or assigns as their interest may appear. c/o U. S. Bank Home Mortgage P. O. Box 7298 Springfield, OH 45501 -7298
Lender Support (Help Desk) In an effort to provide all Lenders who participate in the program with easy access to facilitate Program Administration, we have a specialized Help Desk exclusively for that purpose § § § Product information Pipeline information Loan level information Track lender performance quarterly (scorecard) and advise lender and Florida Housing of issues Any other support that you may require (8: 00 a. m. EST - 6: 00 p. m. EST) 1 -800 -562 -5165 or Email: mrbp. helpdesk@usbank. com
Shared Mailbox E-mail Addresses Exceptions sent for clearing should be submitted to: mrbp. exceptions@usbank. com Loan status inquiries or general questions should be submitted to: mrbp. helpdesk@usbank. com Post funding requests should be submitted to: mrbp. postfunding@usbank. com Examples of post funding requests: Request refund of MI Request refund of hazard ins. or taxes paid Assistance/DPA missed at funding Wire short due to error at funding Note: Do not send exceptions or loan status inquiries to this address
UW Contact Information Participating Lenders Prior to contacting USBHM, please reference specific Agency guidelines relative to product you are underwriting. If further clarification is still needed UNDERWRITERS ONLY can send questions via e-mail bedfordmrb@usbank. com or call 1 -800 -562 -5165 3. 18. 08
Payment Information Borrower Payment Address and website: U. S. Bank Home Mortgage P. O. Box 468002 Bedford, OH 44146 -8002 www. usbankhomemortgage. com § Borrowers will receive a monthly statement § Payments can be made online at: www. usbankhomemortgage. com § Borrower can also access payment transaction & loan information.
Customer Service Toll Free Number (800) 240 -7890 Hours: Monday – Friday 7: 00 am – 8: 00 pm EST Please give this information to your borrowers at loan closing
RESPA Websites § RESPA FAQ’s: http: //www. hud. gov/offices/hsg/ramh/resparulefaqs. pdf § Sample GFE: http: //www. hud. gov/offices/hsg/ramh/res/gfestimate. pdf § Sample HUD-1: http: //www. hud. gov/offices/hsg/ramh/res/hud 1. pdf § RESPA Rule: http: //www. hud. gov/offices/hsg/ramh/res/finalrule. pdf
Underwriting References § Fannie Mae References • www. efanniemae. com § FHA References • • Guide – 4155. 1 rev 5 FHA website www. hud. gov § Other References • • • Allregs: www. allregs. com VA: www. homeloans. va. gov USDA-RD: www. rurdev. usda. gov
Thank you for participating in the Florida Housing programs 11. 15. 11 31208121630