Santa Maria del Fiore (Duomo)
The exterior of the basilica Front facade of the cathedral
The wide central nave
Interior Dante and the divine comedy
Funerary monument of sir John Hawkwood Monochrome fresco, transferred on canvas
Vasari’s fresco Begun in 1568 , and completed by Federico Zuccaro in 1579
San Lorenzo
Santa Croce (Basilica of the Holy Cross)
Funerary monuments Michelangelo’s tomb Galileo’s tomb
Santa Maria Novella
Side view from Unità d'Italia Square
Spanish Chapel
Santa Trinita (Holy Trinity)
Interior of the Sassetti Chapel Fresco by Domenico Ghirlandaio
Interior of the Bartolini Salimbeni Chapel Fresco by Lorenzo Monaco
Palazzo Pitti
The garden front facing the anfiteatro of the Boboli Gardens
Palazzo Medici Riccardi
Inner courtyard
The Palazzo Vecchio ( «Old Palace» , Palazzo della Signoria
Interior First courtyard
Interior. Salone dei Cinquecento (Holl of Five Hundred)
If in the XIV century, it was a prevailing sense of reverential envy, then from the first years Quattrocento it is growing sense of rivalry and even superiority ". . . Flower Tuscany, Italian mirror, a rival of the glorious city of Rome, from which it originated, and which mimics the ancient greatness, fighting for the salvation of Italy and its freedom "-Coluccio Salutati
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