- Количество слайдов: 31
FLBC Formal Language for Business Communication
Using language z. Language can be used only to describe reality ?
Speech acts To speak is to act
Assertives An assertive is a speech act, whose purpose is to convey information from one agent, the speaker, to another agent, the hearer - the cat is on the mat
Directives A directive is a speech act, where the speaker requests the hearer to carry out some action - Please bring me the salt
Commissives A commissive is a speech act, whose purpose is to commit the speaker to carry out some action - I promise to clean the floor
Declaratives A declarative is a speech act, where the speaker brings about some state of affairs - I hereby pronounce you husband wife
Expressives An expressive is a speech act, whose purpose is to express the speaker’s attitude - I like coffee
Summary of speech act types z. Assertives - describe the world z. Directives - order someone to do something z. Commissives - promise to do something z. Declaratives - change the (social) world z. Expressives - express an attitude
Act decomposition z Utterance act y. The physical utterance (speech, body language, …) z Locutionary act y. The meaning of the utterance z Illocutionary act y. The act performed by the speaker (assertive, directive, …) z Perlocutionary act y. The effect on the hearer
An example Situation: Peter has asked John if he will buy today’s paper Locutionary act: John buys paper Illocutionary act: John promised to buy the paper (commissive) Perlocutionary act: Peter will not buy the paper Peter John OK Utterance act
An exercise “Forbidden fruit is the tastiest” Explain the difference between illocutionary and perlocutionary act
The F(P) framework An illocutionary act consists of the expression of the speaker’s attitude toward some proposition F(P) Illocutionary force (assertive, directive, commissive, declarative, expressive) Propositional content
Examples z. Assertive(it is raining) z. Directive(pay me $100) z. Commissive(buy today’s paper) z. Directive(declarative(convict the thief)) z. Commissive(directive(declarative(convict the thief)))
FLBC notation Msg (Speaker, Hearer, Illoc. Force, Prop. Content) z. Peter tells John that it is raining y. Tell (Peter, John, assert, it is raining) z. Peter promises John that he will cook the food y. Promise (Peter, John, commissive, cook the food)
Övning z lova(pelle, erik, commissive, diska i kväll) z be(åklagaren, domaren, request, uppmana(domaren, vittnet, request, besvara frågan)) z förelägga(tjänstemannen, bostadssökanden, request, be(bostadssökanden, sambon, request, bekräfta(sambon, tjänstemannen, assert, sammanbott i fem år)
Övning z. Uttryck följande i FLBC notation: y. Kunden N. N. begär ersättning för nedbränt hus y. Skaderegleraren S. S. bestämmer ersättningsbeloppet för N. N. : s nedbrunna hus till 1. 000 y. Skaderegleraren S. S. lovar kunden N. N. att be inspektören P. P. intyga att N. N: s hus brunnit ned
Övning z. Kunden N. N. begär ersättning för nedbränt hus begära. Ersättning(N. N. , Försäkringsbolag, directive, utbetala för att ersätta nedbränt hus)
Övning z. Skaderegleraren S. S. bestämmer ersättningsbeloppet för N. N. : s nedbrunna hus till 1. 000 bestämmer. Ersättning(S. S. , N. N. , declarative, ersättningsbeloppet blir 1. 000)
Övning z. Skaderegleraren S. S. lovar kunden N. N. att be inspektören P. P. intyga att N. N: s hus brunnit ned lova(S. S. , N. N. , commissive, be(S. S. , P. P. , request, intyga(P. P. , S. S. , assert, N. N: s hus har brunnit ned))
Övning z. Skaderegleraren S. S. ber inspektören P. P. att intyga att N. N: s hus brunnit ned ber(S. S. , P. P. , request, intyga(P. P. , S. S. , assert, N. N: s hus har brunnit ned))
Action workflow loop Request Acknowledgment Negotiation Execution
Action workflow loop Sales order Order accepted Plant order Payment Order accepted Delivery Acknowledgement
Interaction diagram Customer Sales Plant directive(delivery 1) commissive(delivery 1) directive(delivery 2) commissive(delivery 2) delivery 2 assertive(delivery 2 -done) delivery 1 assertive(delivery 1 -done)
Ett scenario En kund begär skadeersättning. Skaderegleraren tar emot denna begäran och meddelar kunden att detta kommer att ske. Därefter ber han en inspektör att undersöka om kundens uppgifter är riktiga. Då detta är gjort beslutar han om skadeersättningens storlek och gör utbetalningen, som skall bekräftas av kunden.
Scenariot i ett interaktionsdiagram Kund Skadereglerare Inspektör directive(betala. Ersättning) commissive(betala. Ersättning) directive(kontrollera) commissive(kontrollera) kontrollera assertive(kontrollera. OK) declarative(bestäm. Ersättning) betala. Ersättning assertive(betala. Ersättning. OK)
BML diagrams A BML diagram is a state diagram where messages can be added to the arcs. We can use the F(P) framework to describe the messages.
State diagram
State diagram with messages
An exercise Suggest rules of the forms: z. If a diagram contains an XXX message, than it must be followed by a YYY message z. If a diagram contains an XXX message than it can be followed by a YYY or a WWW message z. Or other rules. . . (XXX, YYY, WWW are illocutionary forces)