Скачать презентацию FIRST PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Final Report on the Скачать презентацию FIRST PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Final Report on the


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FIRST PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Final Report on the Capital Improvement Feasibility and Assessment Study FIRST PLYMOUTH CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Final Report on the Capital Improvement Feasibility and Assessment Study 6/9/2013 1

This Report is Presented by the FPCC Building Committee The FPCC Building Committee Members This Report is Presented by the FPCC Building Committee The FPCC Building Committee Members 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Clayton Cole George Anastos Rhonda Williamson Randy Nicholas Denise Brown Ken Sawyer Don Zeller Noelle Cochran John Falconetti 6/9/2013 Building Committee Chair Senior Minister Director of Administration Church Moderator Church Vice Moderator Chair, Business Administration Team Member, Church Council Member Church Council, Choir Member 2

Content 1. History 2. Review of the 2011 analysis of what it would take Content 1. History 2. Review of the 2011 analysis of what it would take to move out of our present location 3. The Initial Recommendation of the Capital Plan Ad Hoc Committee (CPAHC) 4. Summary of the Fransen-Pittman Team Assessment 5. Vote on Remaining at our Present Location (Moderator) 6/9/2013 3

History The Capital Improvement Feasibility and Assessment study was initiated due to the need History The Capital Improvement Feasibility and Assessment study was initiated due to the need to comply with the following Executive Limitations (Asset Protection) Policy: The Senior Minister/Chief Mission Officer (SM/CMO) shall not allow church assets to be unprotected, inadequately maintained, or unnecessarily placed at risk. Accordingly, the SM/CMO shall not allow others to fail to follow a long-term maintenance and capital replacement plan for the church building, grounds, furniture, and equipment. (ELP 6. 14) A committee called, the Capital Plan Ad Hoc Committee (CPAHC) was created and performed an assessment of First Plymouth Congregational Church’s indoor and outdoor facilities and put forth a recommendation to engage in a capital plan to address the issues identified in the assessment. The initial costs to address items in the assessment were estimated at $3. 5 Million. The SM/CMO asked the CPAHC to consider as an alternative to fixing the existing facility, costs associated with the sale and relocation of our Church to a new location. Those costs are presented here as a review. 6/9/2013 4

Should We Move? (Examples of typical costs) The CPAHC requested and received a professional Should We Move? (Examples of typical costs) The CPAHC requested and received a professional opinion of the current value of the Church property, the most likely selling price, as well as cost estimates to renovate an existing building or build from the ground up. This information was provided by Development Advisors to FPCC through a Broker’s Price Opinion (BPO) and information on Development Advisor’s web site. The property value opinion WAS NOT A REAL ESTATE APPRIASAL but a realistic opinion of the fair market value of the property based on recent church property sales , and the price our property will most likely yield should a decision to sell be agreed on. Development Advisors believes the FPCC property has the potential to sell for $85/SF to $92/SF which equates to $5. 07 M to $5. 49 M based on our building size of 59, 696 SF. About Development Advisors, LLC is a Denver-based specialized real estate firm providing customized services for the specific client groups including churches, schools, and other specialized areas. Development Advisors operates in Colorado and the Western US. 6/9/2013 5

Should We Move? (continued) Assumptions About Price Estimation for Relocation It is assumed that Should We Move? (continued) Assumptions About Price Estimation for Relocation It is assumed that the current mission of the Church will be maintained. For our current facility (59, 696 SF) it is estimated that 90% of the building is used at any given time (includes Church activities, the learning center, as well as space leased to other organizations). This equates to a building foot print of 53, 726 SF would be needed to continue the current mission and activities of our Church. Given that the same seating capacity will be maintained, the new location would also need to accommodate at a minimum one (1) parking space for each 2 seats (based on a 600 -seat capacity sanctuary) on a site of 4. 5 to 4. 8 acres. 6/9/2013 6

Should We Move - Cost Summary Facility Size: Land Area Required to Build: Our Should We Move - Cost Summary Facility Size: Land Area Required to Build: Our Current Facility Selling Price: Estimated Time to Sell: Costs 53, 726 SF (if moving) 4. 5 – 4. 8 Acres $5. 07 M - $5. 49 M 1. 6 Years Renovate / Repair Current Facility Renovate Existing Church Renovate Existing Commercial Building Ground-Up Development Minimum $500, 000 $4. 298 M $7. 52 M $14. 24 M Maximum $3. 5 M $11. 82 M $12. 89 M $15. 85 M Update Current Pipe Organ N/A N/A Move Pipe Organ N/A $260 K - $630 K Contract New Pipe Organ N/A $500 K - $800 K To get a total estimate, add costs for the pipe organ to the costs to relocate 6/9/2013 7

Capital Plan Ad Hoc Committee (CPAHC) Capital Needs List Presented to the Congregation September Capital Plan Ad Hoc Committee (CPAHC) Capital Needs List Presented to the Congregation September 2011 In 2011, general estimates indicated a need for $3. 5 million Critical Projects Code Required upgrades Preventative Maintenance Fulfill Church Mission Operational and Environmental savings Aesthetic improvements Non-critical improvements Contingency Total 6/9/2013 $ 305, 000 $ 25, 000 $ 358, 000 $1, 249, 000 $1, 080, 000 $ 94, 000 $ 115, 000 $ 274, 000 $3, 500, 000 8

Capital Improvement, Feasibility & Assessment Report Building Committee Formed – Extensive experience: Noelle Cochran, Capital Improvement, Feasibility & Assessment Report Building Committee Formed – Extensive experience: Noelle Cochran, civil Engineer Don Zeller, FPCC Historian John Falconetti, Choir Member Ken Sawyer, Engineer, Project Manager Denise Brown and Randy Nicholas George Anastos and Rhonda Williamson Chip Cole, Chair Professional Consultants Selected Proposals received from 3 teams and interviews completed Fransen Pittman Construction Selected. Team includes: John Pittman and Alan Anderson, Fransen Pittman Construction David Cooper, The Genesis Group Architects, a Church specialization Dennis Rudko, Cator Ruma & Associates, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Dana Hougland, Shem Milsom & Wilke, Acoustical Consultants Linda Morrison, Ambient Energy, Energy Conservation Consultant 6/9/2013 9

Process • The Fransen Pittman Team discussed and evaluated the Capital Needs List • Process • The Fransen Pittman Team discussed and evaluated the Capital Needs List • A thorough evaluation of the church was completed by all team members • Meetings were organized over a 6 -week period • Focused reviews by the Building Committee and Staff were held on four major subjects: 1. 2. 3. 4. HVAC Systems and Lighting Systems Sanctuary Acoustics Interior issues including deteriorating finishes and safety hazards Exterior issues included sidewalks, lighting, and landscaping • Information gathering included the Congregation through the Weave Our New Tomorrow Program 6/9/2013 10

Fransen Pittman Feasibility and Assessment Report Organization • Tier One – Urgently Required Maintenance Fransen Pittman Feasibility and Assessment Report Organization • Tier One – Urgently Required Maintenance • Tier Two – General Maintenance and Alterations Bring all Building Systems up to a new 20 -year life Strive to receive an Energy Star Rating of 90 Saves approximately 15% of present operating costs • Tier Three – Options for bringing all Building Systems up to current state-of-the-art Energy Savings Technology Approximately a LEED Platinum Certification Best Practices toward a Net-Zero Green House Gas Emission Building Incorporates Weave our New Tomorrow input Saves approximately 40% of present operating costs 6/9/2013 11

Summary of Feasibility Report – All three tiers • Total of 99 line-items of Summary of Feasibility Report – All three tiers • Total of 99 line-items of work • Gross Total of $5. 7 million Some line-items are options to each other • Net Total of $5. 2 million • Costs by General Category Costs related to the interior of the building Costs related to the exterior of the Building & Grounds Costs related Mechanical and Electrical Systems Costs related to furniture, technology and sound systems 6/9/2013 $1. 0 million $ . 9 million $3. 5 million $ . 3 million 12

Line Items Related to the Sanctuary or Chapel • Chapel redesign to address flexible Line Items Related to the Sanctuary or Chapel • Chapel redesign to address flexible seating, darkness, & sound • Correct, Repair and Improve Sanctuary Acoustics and Sound System Deficiencies Generally low reverberation times, especially in the low frequencies High degree of variation in sound quality in the low frequencies Poor acoustical performance on the carpeted chancel Poor sound reflection off of the back wall of the balcony Poor feedback of sound to choir and preachers Poor speech intelligibility, especially for the choir • Provide accessibility to the chancel • Insufficient space on the chancel and at the chancel steps • Difficult lighting controls, high energy use, and poor lamp-changing capabilities • Seating and configuration options 6/9/2013 13

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Summer 2013 Work to be done • Bid and construction Project One $308, 000 Summer 2013 Work to be done • Bid and construction Project One $308, 000 • Define Project Two in detail $2. 5 million to $3. 5 million • Define Project Two Options $ 0. 8 million to $1. 5 million Options that reduce operating costs will receive higher priority • Prepare for a September vote of the Congregation to proceed 6/9/2013 25

Report from the First Plymouth Foundation and the Endowment Committee • Working Together – Report from the First Plymouth Foundation and the Endowment Committee • Working Together – meshing our processes and focus • Addressing Church Needs • Doing our Fiduciary Homework • Creative Solutions 6/9/2013 26

Voting to remain in our present location Given the expenses related to relocating to Voting to remain in our present location Given the expenses related to relocating to an existing facility and especially with building a new facility from the ground up, the CPAHC strongly recommends that we stay in our current location. Randy Nicholas, Church Moderator entertains the following motion: Based on research conducted by the CPAHC and independent professionals, the membership of the First Plymouth Congregational Church, UCC directs that Church leaders not consider relocating from the present location and facility in any further discussion of its long range plans and commit to operating and maintaining the current facility at 3501 S. Colorado Blvd. 6/9/2013 27