- Количество слайдов: 21
First Day of Class Levels D Exclusive Language Program Kazakh Humanities and Law University Aizhan Kashkenova MA, TESOL New York University October 02, 2014 October 06, 2014
INTRODUCTIONS: INSTRUCTOR Aizhan Kashkenova (Aizhan) Born in Almaty, KZ Bachelor’s Degree from North Kazakhstan State University in Petropavlovsk Master’s Degree from New York University, NY Worked in NKSU, Petropavlovsk Worked in Nazarbayev Intellectual School, Astana Volunteered in Bronx High School, NY What else would you like to know? October 02, 2014
Pronunciation and Oral Fluency Listening and Reading Comprehension Sentence Structure and Effective Sequencing of Ideas Oral Presentation and Summarization skills Ability to express abstract ideas and relationships October 02, 2014
AS YOU COME IN… Please make yourself a name tag and begin filling out the Student Information Sheet. October 02, 2014
Student Information Sheet Last Name ________ First Name _____ Middle I. ___ Preferred Name/Nickname: _________________ Home Phone_______ Emergency Phone ________ Birthday ______ (please include year) Do you have access to Internet at home? ______________ What extra-curricular activities do you participate in? ________________________________________ Student Interest Survey Five years ago … _______________________. Five years from now … _____________________. I love when … ________________________. I hate when … ________________________. The farthest I have ever traveled from home is … ___________. My favorite place in the world is … _________________. I admire _________ because ____________________________________________. What is a good book you have read and why did you like it? _____________________________________ Tell me about a good movie you’ve seen recently and why you liked it. _________________________________ What is your favorite kind of music? ________________ What is your favorite sport? ___________________ What are two common activities you do when you get home? _____________________________________ What wish do you have for someone else? ____________________________________________ I daydream about … ______________________. I’m curious about … ______________________. The title of a book about my life would be … _____________. October 02, 2014
AGENDA Name Tags and Student Info. Sheets Introductions Diagnostic Course Class Speaking Activity Description Policies Homework: The Last Lecture October 02, 2014
INTRODUCTIONS: CLASSMATES “Speed Friend-ing” Share with your partner your You have only two minutes to share as much as you can before you move on to the next person. Both partners must share. The team that can remember the most things about the people on the other team wins. October 02, 2014
THIS COURSE Thematic Units Academic Strategies Interactive Activities Writing Assignments Integrated Skills Communicative Approach Discussion of the Last Lecture by Randy Pausch October 02, 2014
October 02, 2014
October 02, 2014
October 02, 2014
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? (dream jobs) Why was this dream job so appealing? Give three reasons What skills would this job require? What kind of personality traits would be an asset in this job? Do you still want to have this dream job? Why and Why not? October 02, 2014
“A Great Goal in Life is the Only fortune worth Finding” (Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis) October 02, 2014
What do you think “The American Dream” is? Where did you learn this? How do you know when you have discovered your dream? How did someone you know (personally or a famous example) discover his/her dream? What do your loved ones expect from you in terms of your carrier choices? What should you do if you have multiple passions or interests? Can you choose “the wrong dream” to focus on? October 02, 2014
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. ” (Steve Jobs) Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Have you ever been talented at something, but not passionate about it? October 02, 2014
Is my dream really my dream? Am I depending on factors in my control to achieve my dream? Do I have a strategy to achieve my dream? Have I included the people I need to realize my dream? Am I willing to pay the price for my dream? Does my dream benefit others? October 02, 2014
DIAGNOSTIC DISCUSSION Read the quote for the diagnostic and respond as best you can. You have 5 minutes to brainstorm and 5 minutes to perform October 02, 2014
October 02, 2014
List ten goals you want to accomplish in this life. What are three common themes of your bucket list items? If a stranger saw your list? What type of person would they think you are? List three adjectives. Write down three items on your bucket list that could generate your income. Get Ctreative! October 02, 2014
COURSE POLICIES HANDOUT Divide into groups Each group is responsible for presenting a section of the handout in their own words. Homework Policy Absences and Tardiness Electronic Devices Grading Plagiarism Questions and Answers October 02, 2014
HOMEWORK Go to our course VK. com Answer the questions slide #14 and #16 Write a short one-paragraph to the quote using your ideas and examples to speculate. Follow the link to download the book “The Last Lecture” https: //archive. org/stream/The. Last. Lecture/Th e. Last. Lecture_djvu. txt Read pp. 6 -17 Complete the assignment to the Last Lecture pp. 3 -5 aizhan_k 79@mail. ru October 02, 2014