- Количество слайдов: 23
First Aorist Active & Middle Indictative Chapter 23
The Use of the Aorist Tense • There are three tenses in the Greek that are used for the past tense. – Aorist – Perfect – Imperfect • The aorist tense describes either… – Simple action (usually in the past) – Punctiliar action (point action)
There are two ways the Aorist can be formed • The First Aorist (Regular formation) • The Second Aorist (Irregular formation) These forms do not affect the meaning; a first aorist means the same thing as a second aorist
There are two ways the Aorist can be formed • The First Aorist (Regular formation) • The Second Aorist (Irregular formation) Regular English formation: Put “ed” on the end of a word. Irregular English formation: “Swam” instead of “swimmed. ”
Difference between the First Aorist versus the Second Aorist First Aorist Second Aorist Most common Not so common Adds an e at the beginning and then beginning and a sa at the changes the actual stem of the word, usually end of the word shortening it
Present Singular Plural lu, w lu, eij lu, ei 1 st Aorist e; lusaj e; luse (n) e; lusam lu, omen en e; lusate lu, ete lu, ousi(n e; lusan )
Present Future Imperf Active Sg Pl Active lu, w lu, eij lu, ei lu, ome n lu, ete lu, ousi lu, sw lu, seij lu, sei lu, some n lusete lu, sousi Active e; luon e; luej e; lue (n) e; luom en e; luete e; luon Aorist Active e; lusaj e; luse e; lusam en e; lusate e; lusan
Tau, thn evpoi, hsen avrch. n tw/n shmei, wn o` VIhsou/j evn Kana. th/j Galilai, aj kai. evfane, rwsen th. n do, xan auvtou/( kai. evpi, steusan eivj auvto. n oi` maqhtai. auvtou/ This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee and he manifested his glory, and his disciples believed in him (John 2: 11)
Stems ending in a stop • Ble, pw becomes e; bleya • Gra, fw becomes e; graxa
Ouvk e; graya u`mi/n( o[ti ouvk oi; date th. n avlh, qeian( avll. V o[ti oi; date auvth, n( kai. o[ti pa/n yeu/doj evk th/j avlhqei, aj ouvk e; stinÅ I did not write to you because you do not know the truth, but because you do know it, and because every lie is not of the truth (1 John 2: 21)
To, te o` VIhsou/j evla, lhsen toi/j o; cloij kai. toi/j maqhtai/j auvtou/ Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples
oi` de. ei=pan pi, steuson evpi. to. n ku, rion VIhsou/n kai. swqh, sh| su. kai. o` oi=ko, j sou But they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved and your house. ”
kai. evla, lhsan auvtw/| to. n lo, gon tou/ kuri, ou su. n pa/sin toi/j evn th/| oivki, a| auvtou/Å And they spoke to him the word of the Lord with all those in his house (Acts 16: 32).
evka, lesen u`ma/j dia. tou/ euvaggeli, ou h`mw/n eivj peripoi, hsin do, xhj tou/ kuri, ou Possession h`mw/n VIhsou/ Cristou/Å He called you through His gospel into possession of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thess. 2: 14)
ou]j de. prow, risen( tou, touj kai. evka, lesen kai. ou]j evka, lesen( tou, touj kai. evdikai, wsen ou]j de. evdikai, wsen( tou, touj kai. evdo, xasenÅ But who he predestined, these also he called, and who he called, these also he justified, but who he justified, these also he glorified (Romans 8: 30)
Stems beginning in a vowel • VAgapa, w becomes hvga, phsa • VAkou, w becomes h; kousa
~Hmei/j hvkou, samen evk tou/ no, mou o[ti o` cristo. j me, nei eivj to. n aivw/na We heard from the law that the Christ remains forever (John 12: 34)
Au[th evsti. n h` evntolh. h` evmh, ( i[na avgapa/te avllh, louj kaqw. j hvga, phsa u`ma/j This is My commandment, that ya’ll love one another, just as I loved you. (John 15: 12).
Liquid Aorists • The s is dropped and only the a is added • Me, nw becomes e; maina
Aorist Middle Indicative
Present S Pl lu, w lu, eij lu, ei Aorist Active Aorist Middle e; lusaj e; luse (n) e; lusam evlusa, mh nvlu, sw e evlu, sato lu, omen en e; lusate lu, ete lu, ousi(n e; lusan ) evlusa, me qa evlu, sasqe evlu, santo
On some occasions, the middle voice actually changes the meaning of the word a; rcw (active): I rule a; rcomai (middle): I begin