- Количество слайдов: 79
FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM • Fire is a reaction giving off heat, light, and smoke; • The three essential elements for a fire to occur are: heat, fuel, and oxygen. • These three elements form what is called the fire triangle. Removing any one of these components and a fire cannot occur, or continue. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 1
Sources of Ignition • Friction • Hot surfaces • Electrical shorts and electrical equipment • Static electricity • Tools • Open flames • Heating systems 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 3
Classes of Fire Classification according to type of material under fire: Class A fires; involving solid materials - paper, wood, fabrics and so on. Cooling by water or spray foam is the most effective way of extinguishing this type of fire. Class B fires; involving flammable liquids such as petrol, oils, fats; foam and dry powder extinguishers should be used. Class C fires; which are fuelled by flammable gases such as natural gas, butane and so on. Priority must be given to shutting off the source of fuel and the fire should be tackled with dry powder. Class D metal fires; involving metals such as aluminum and magnesium; special powders are required in such situations. Class E fires; in which live electrical equipment is involved (sometimes known as ‘electrical fires’). Non-conducting agents such as powder and carbon dioxide must be used 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 4
Classification according to the hazard of occupancy • Extra light hazard; Non-industrial occupancies like hospitals, hotels, libraries, office buildings, schools, museums, nursing homes, and prisons. • Ordinary hazard; Commercial and industrial occupancies involving handling combustible materials. Under this class there are four groups of occupational fire hazards: Light group; butcheries, breweries, restaurants, coffee shops, and cement works Medium group; bakeries, laundries, garages, potteries, engineering shops High group; aircraft factories, leather factories, carpet factories, plastic factories, warehouses, departmental stores, printing rooms, saw mills chemical labs, and tanneries Special group; cotton mills, distillers, film and television studios, and match factories. • Extra high hazard; Commercial and industrial occupancies involving handling highly inflammable materials such as; celluloid works, foam plastics, rubber factories, paint and varnish factories, wood and wool works, oil and other flammable liquids. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 5
Fire Detectors Heat and flame detectors; have three basic operating principles: • Fusion; melting of a metal rather like a normal electrical fuse which operates a switch thus closing an electrical alarm circuit. • Expansion; a bimetallic strip is used which expands when heated and makes contact with an open electrical circuit, thus closing it and sounding an alarm. Flame (heat) and smoke detectors; an infra-red beam is transmitted across the protected area. The smoke and heat interfere with the transmission of the beam; this is detected by the receiving unit and the alarm is initiated. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 6
Smoke Detectors • Ionization detectors; work on the principle that ions are absorbed by smoke particles. Some of the ions are absorbed by the smoke and the ion flow across the detection chamber is reduced; this change is detected and the alarm operates. • Light scatter detectors; contain a photoelectric cell fitted in a chamber at right angles to a light source. Smoke entering the chamber scatters the light and the resulting disturbance triggers an alarm. • Obscuration detectors; work on the opposite basis to the light scattering principle in that when the light which normally impinges on the photoelectric cell is obscured by smoke, the alarm is triggered. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 7
Fire Protection of Buildings There are four categories of fire protection systems for buildings • Portable extinguishers • Fixed foam, carbon dioxide, and dry powder extinguishers • Fixed riser and hose-reel systems • Sprinkler systems 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 8
Portable Fire Extinguishers • Water or spray foam fire extinguisher; suitable for class A fires involving solid materials - paper, wood, fabrics and so on. • Foam and dry powder extinguishers; suitable for class B fires involving flammable liquids such as petrol, oils, fats; should be used. • Dry powder extinguisher; suitable for class C fires which are fuelled by flammable gases such as natural gas, butane and so on. • Special powder extinguisher; suitable for class D metal fires involving metals such as aluminum and magnesium. They work by simply smothering the fire with powdered copper Non-conducting agents such as powder and carbon dioxide extinguishers; suitable for class E fires in which live electrical equipment is involved 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 9
Portable Fire Extinguishers • Halotron 1 extinguishers; like carbon dioxide units, are for use on class B and C fires. Halotron 1 is an ozone-friendly replacement for Halon 1211. It discharges as a liquid, has high visibility during discharge, does not cause thermal or static shock, leaves no residue, and is non-conducting. These properties make it ideal for computer rooms, clean rooms, telecommunications equipment, and electronics. • FE-36 (Hydrofluorocarbon-236 fa) extinguishers; The FE-36 agent is less toxic than both Halon 1211 and Halotron 9. In addition, it has zero ozone-depleting potential. • Water mist extinguishers; are ideal for Class A fires where a potential Class C hazard exists. Unlike an ordinary water extinguisher, the misting nozzle provides safety from electric shock and reduces scattering of burning materials. This is one of the best choices for protection of hospital environments, books, documents, and clean room facilities. In non-magnetic versions, water mist extinguishers are the preferred choice for MRI or NMR facilities or for deployment on mine sweepers. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 10
Portable Fire Extinguishers 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 11
Fixed Fire Extinguishers • Fixed Foam Extinguishers: Buildings containing flammable liquids normally have a piping system installed in the protected areas in the building with an inlet in the street through which foam is pumped. The opening is protected by a strong glass panel and is marked ‘FOAM INLET’. The fire brigade will smash the glass to feed the inlet. • Fixed Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers: This system consists of a piping network with nozzles attached and located in the protected areas. The system is connected to a fixed supply of CO 2. This system does not cause any side effect as it leaves no residue after its application. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 12
Fixed Fire Extinguishers (cont. . ) • Dry Powder Systems: Dry powdered extinguishing chemical agents under pressure of dry air or nitrogen are discharged over the burning materials. Normally, this system is suitable for application on liquid and electrical equipment fires. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 13
Standpipe/Riser and Hose-reel System A rising main consists essentially of a pipe (of 50 mm minimum diameter) installed vertically in a building with a fire service and has inlet at the lower end and outlets at each floor inside the building. (See next page) 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 14
Standpipe/Riser and Hose-reel System HOSE REEL BREAK TANK PUMP SYSTEM 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 15
Standpipe/Riser and Hose-reel System There are two types of risers: • WET RISERS; Wet risers are kept permanently charged with water which is then immediately available for use on any floor with an outlet. Buildings above 60 meters in height should be provided with wet risers. Wet risers in building should not be used for any other purpose. The water supply system to the riser should be capable of providing a pressure of 410 k. Pa at the highest outlet. Lower outlets should be protected against excessive pressure whereby pressures should limited to 520 k. Pa maximum at any outlet. Wet riser system is always the preferred system unless freezing conditions may occur. In this case the dry riser system is to be used. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 16
Standpipe/Riser and Hose-reel System • Dry risers; Dry risers are similar to wet risers but are kept empty of water. When required, they will be charged by fire service pumps at ground level. Dry risers should only be installed where prompt attention can be relied upon or where buildings are not fire sensitive such as all-concrete buildings. Appropriate occupants training will be required when such systems are installed. The most common material used for standpipes is steel. Internal hose reels may be fitted inside buildings and should be sufficiently light and easily manipulated to be used by employees for a first aid fire protection. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 17
Automatic Sprinkler Systems 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 18
Types of Automatic Sprinkler Systems • In general, sprinkler systems may be classified into two main types: wet-pipe and dry-pipe systems • Wet-pipe System; In the wet-pipe system the pipe work is fully charged with water at all times and thus, it is the fastest system in delivering water. This system is recommended except when freezing conditions may exist or accidental mechanical damage to sprinkler head may result in property loss or damage. Therefore, this system should not be used in spaces designated for electrical equipment such as computers, switch boards and alike. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 19
Wet-pipe System Schematic of wet-pipe sprinkler system 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 20
Types of Automatic Sprinkler Systems • Dry-pipe system: In this system no water is introduced into the piping network until a fire occurs. The dry-pipe systems are used where conditions are such that freezing may occur due to weather or other conditions such as cold stores where the temperature is artificially maintained close to, or below freezing. In dry type systems the pipes are kept charged, at all times, with air or nitrogen under pressure. Activation of a sprinkler head by heat released from a nearby fire results in a pressure loss which in turn activates a dry pipe valve which opens allowing water to enter the piping network and sprayed through opened sprinkler heads. The disadvantage of this system is that accidental damage to a sprinkler head or gas leakage may falsely indicate the existence of fire and activate the system causing property damage. To avoid these unfavorable characteristics of drypipe system a preaction valve is used resulting in what is termed the "preaction system". 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 21
Dry-Pipe System Schematic of dry-pipe sprinkler system 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 22
Types of Automatic Sprinkler Systems • 3/15/2018 Preaction System: This system is a dry-pipe system with a preaction valve activated by a separate fire detection system that is more sensitive to fire than sprinkler heads. The fire detection system may consist of smoke- or flame-sensitive detection sensors that signal the actuators to open the preaction valve allowing water to flow through the sprinkler heads that are already opened by heat from fire. Thus, this system is much safer than the dry-pipe system as the water is allowed to enter the piping system only if fire occurs. BUILT ENVIRONMENT 23
Preaction System Schematic of preaction sprinkler system 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 24
Types of Automatic Sprinkler Systems • Deluge System: This system is also a drypipe system with sprinkler heads (or nozzles) open all the time. The system is equipped with "deluge" valve operated by heat, smoke, or flame sensitive sensors. Upon valve opening water discharges out of all sprinkler heads simultaneously. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 25
Deluge System Schematic of deluge sprinkler system 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 26
SPRINKLER Upright sprinkler 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT Pendent sprinkler 29
Discharge Diagram For Standard Sprinklers 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 30
Temperatures and Identification Colors of Sprinklers Operating Temperature o. C Identification Color 57 68 79 93 141 182 227/288 3/15/2018 Orange Red Yellow Green Blue Mauve Black BUILT ENVIRONMENT 32
Design of Hose Reel System General guidelines for the design of hose-reel systems have been developed by different codes of practice. These are: • Nozzle: (a) Minimum pressure at the nozzle, P = 200 k. Pa (b) Flow rate at each nozzle: q = 0. 4 l/s (Hall, p. 39) q = 0. 5 l /s (Code, p. 55) (c) Hose-reel type and size: Type: Rubber hose/flexible (BS 3169) Size: Lengths for two different diameters are given in the following table (d) Coverage: 418 m 2/hose 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 35
Design of Hose Reel System General guidelines for the design of hosereel systems (Jordanian Code) • Nozzle Size: Operating pressure (bar) Hose diameter (mm) 3. 5 65 3. 0 40 3. 0 19 0 r 25* 1. 25 19 or 25** * Nozzle diam 4. 5 mm ** nozzle diam. 6. 4 mm 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 36
Design of Hose Reel System Pressure at the hose base*** 4. 5 bar Hose diameter (mm) 65 Min. Hose length (m) 23 5. 5 bar 65 46 4. 0 bar 40 23 4. 0 bar 19 or 25* 30 or 25 1. 5 bar 19 or 25** 30 or 25 * Nozzle diam 4. 5 mm, ** nozzle diam 6. 4 mm, *** it is allowed to lower the pressure according to hydraulic calculation but not less than operating pressure. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 37
Design of Hose Reel System Hose diameter (mm) 65 Flow rate (lt/min) 473 (7. 88 lt/s) Nozzle diam (mm) 19 40 189 (1. 48 lt/s) 12 25 30* (0. 5 lt/s) 4. 8 19 30** (0. 5 lt/s) 6. 4 * Operating pressure 3 bar, ** operating pressure 1. 25 bar 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 38
Design of Hose Reel System Hazard classification Hose diameter (mm) Light Max Area covered by a hose m 2 800 Ordinary 600 19, 25 High 400 40 19, 25 * Operating pressure 3 bar, ** operating pressure 1. 25 bar 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 39
SYSTEM FLOW RATE • For systems using 65 mm diameter hose: – 31. 5 – 78. 8 lt/s for high and special hazards – 15. 8 – 78. 3 lt/s for light and ordinary hazards • For systems using 40 mm diameter hose. – 6. 3 lt/s for light and ordinary hazards. • For systems using 19 or 25 mm diameter hose – 1 lt/s 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 40
Design of Hose Reel System Table 1 hose diameter vs. length D = 19 mm D = 25 mm 18 18 23 23 30 24 37 30 40 37 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 41
Design of Hose Reel System • Supply Pipe/Riser: – Minimum number of hoses operated simultaneously: – 3 at 0. 4 l /s giving 1. 2 l/s (Hall, p. 39) – 2 at 0. 5 l /s giving 1. 0 l/s (Code, p. 55) • Pressure at the connection to the hose reel (Code, p. 55): – P=1. 25 bar for a nozzle of 9. 4 mm diameter (Code) – P= 3. 0 bar for a nozzle of 4. 8 mm diameter (Code) 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 42
Design of Hose Reel System Riser size: Table 2: Riser diameter vs. building height Diameter, D (mm) Building height (m) 50 64 3/15/2018 15 > 15 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 43
Design of Hose Reel System • Tank: water supply/storage tank size = 1. 6 m 3 (Hall) = 1. 125 m 3 (Code, p. 55) • Hose-Reel assembly type: – Fixed: the least expensive – Swinging: more flexible for drawing off the hose – Recessed-swinging: good for corridors • Pumping specifications (if needed): – 2. 3 l / s discharge capacity – duplicate pumps for maintenance 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 44
Design of Hose Reel System Example: A five storey building with floor area of 800 m 2 (28 x 15 m) is to be equipped with hose-reel fire fighting system. Size the system for down-feed and up-feed water supply for a light fire hazard classification. The height of each floor is 3. 2 m. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 45
Design of Hose Reel System Solution: • According to the coverage of 412 m 2 per hose reel, two hose-reels on each floor is sufficient to cover the whole floor area. • Assume 2 hoses operating simultaneously, the riser flow rate is then 1. 0 l/s (0. 5 l/s, each. ) • The hose length is chosen from Table 1 as 30 m with diameter of 19 mm. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 46
Design of Hose Reel System A storage tank of 1. 6 m 3 is capable of providing two hose reels at 1. 0 l/s total flow rate for 1600 seconds (or 27 minutes) duration. We also choose a nozzle with 4. 8 mm diameter (Pressure connection to reel=3. 0 bar. ) We further choose the riser to be 50 mm in diameter since the building height is just slightly greater than 15 m (i. e. , 16 m) as the pump will take care of the difference. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 47
Design of Hose Reel System The only item left is the pump size. So, we size the pump as follows: Pressure required at point A is 3 bar (3. 0 e+5 Pa or 30. 6 m head). Static pressure head at point A is 15 m (up-feed) or 3. 0 m down-feed. Friction head loss Hf calculated using Thomas Box formula q = {(d 5 *Hf)/(25*L*105)}1/2 Hf = q 2*25*L*105/d 5 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 48
Design of Hose Reel System Taking L= 1. 5 L physical= 1. 5*15 = 22. 5 m (up-feed) = 1. 5*3 = 4. 5 m (down-feed) Hf = 3/15/2018 2*25*L*105/d 5 q = 0. 18 m (up-feed) = 0. 04 m (down-feed) BUILT ENVIRONMENT 49
Design of Hose Reel System Total head is then: Htotal =HA + H f + Hstatic =30. 6+0. 18+15=45. 78 m (up-feed) =30. 6+0. 04 -3. 0 = 27. 64 m (downfeed) • Thus the system specifications are: 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 50
Design of Hose Reel System 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 51
Standpipe/Riser and Hose-reel System HOSE REEL BREAK TANK PUMP SYSTEM 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 52
Design of Sprinkler Installations Sprinklers heads may be arranged in two different arrangements; Standard and Staggered arrangements as shown. Sprinkler Heads Arrangements 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 53
Design of Sprinkler Installations • The requirements and design parameters for a sprinkler system are given in the table next: 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 54
Parameter Light and Extra Light Ordinary High 4800 3600 2300 1 Maximum area covered per system (m 2) 2 Maximum area covered per head (m 2) 15, 21* 12, 9 for HPS 8, 9* 3 Maximum distance between heads (m) 4. 6 4. 5, 4. 0*, 3. 75 for HPS 3. 7 4 Maximum distance between branches (m) 4. 6 4. 5, 4. 0*, 3. 75 for HPS 3. 7 5 Maximum number of heads per branch line 8 8 6 6 Maximum number of heads per system a. Wet pipe system b. Dry pipe system i. With accelerator ii. Without accelerator 500 1000 250 125 500 250 10 1 15 1 20 Table 12, p. 59 Tables 13&14, p. 64 Table 15, p. 66 1890 -2830 30 -60 2650 -3780 60 -90 See Fig. 7, p. 59 45 -50 78 -85 110 -120 7 Head orifice diameter (mm) Minimum pressure at outlet (bar) 8 Piping network diameters 9 Flow rate in the riser (l/min) Corresponding time duration (min) 10 Discharge density required by the total area covered by sprinklers 11 Discharge capacity of sprinkler head (l/min) 12 Values of k coefficient. a b 60 -120 Hall, p. 46 (a) or from catalog * (b) determined by official authority (c) can be reduced to 0. 5 bar according to the building type (see item 2, p. 58) (d) use lower limit when early warning system is installed or when the building is close to fire fighting squad center (e) C = 1. 5 wooden installations = 1. 0 ordinary installations = 0. 8 installations made of noncombustible materials = 0. 6 installations made of fire resistant materials 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT Table 3 55
Design of Sprinkler Installations In designing sprinklers system two approaches are available: 1. The occupancy hazard fire control approach 2. The special design approach 1 - The occupancy hazard fire control approach includes : • • The Pipe Schedule, and The Hydraulic Calculation approach which can follow any of the following methods: Area/density method Room design method Special design method; building service chute corridors 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 56
Design of Sprinkler Installations 2 - The special design approach includes • Residential sprinklers • Quick- response early suppression sprinklers • Large drop sprinklers • Exposure protection • Water curtains 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 57
Design of Sprinkler Installations Will consider only the PIPE SCHEDULE METHOD 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 58
Design of Sprinkler Installations Pipe Schedule Method Basic information: The discharge capacity of sprinkler head (l/min) is given by: Q = k √p where p is the pressure at the head's outlet (bar) and k is a constant given in Table 3, item 12. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 59
Design of Sprinkler Installations Basic information: Max number of sprinklers per branch is 8. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 60
Design of Sprinkler Installations Pipe Schedule Method This method is used for the pipe materials; copper and steel. It consists of the following steps: 1 - Determine the hazard type applicable to the given space/building. See note next slide. 2 - Select the type of sprinklers arrangement, i. e. , Standard or Staggered. 3 - Distribute the sprinklers according to the rules given in Table 3 4 - Size the piping system according to item 7 of Table 3 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 61
• Sprinkler systems having sprinklers with orifices other than 1/2 in. (13 mm) nominal, extra hazard, Groups 1 and 2 systems, and exposure protection systems shall be hydraulically calculated. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 62
The number of automatic sprinklers on a given pipe size on one floor shall not exceed the number given in Tables 4 a& b. for a given occupancy. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 63
• Table 4 a. Light Hazard Pipe Schedules • • • Steel Copper 1 in. 2 sprinklers 11/4 in. 3 sprinklers 11/2 in. 5 sprinklers 2 in. 10 sprinklers 2 in. 12 sprinklers 21/2 in. 30 sprinklers 21/2 in. 40 sprinklers 3 in. 65 sprinklers 31/2 in. 100 sprinklers 31/2 in. 115 sprinklers 4 in. See NFC 4 in. See Section 5 -2 For SI units, 1 in. = 25. 4 mm. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 64
Table 4 b Ordinary Hazard Pipe Schedule (source; NFC) Steel 1 in. 2 sprinklers 11/4 in. 3 sprinklers 11/2 in. 5 sprinklers 2 in. 10 sprinklers 21/2 in. 20 sprinklers 3 in. 40 sprinklers 31/2 in. 65 sprinklers 4 in. 100 sprinklers 5 in. 160 sprinklers 6 in. 275 sprinklers 8 in. See Section 5 -2 For SI units, 1 in. = 25. 4 mm. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT Copper 1 in. 11/4 in. 11/2 in. 21/2 in. 31/2 in. 4 in. 5 in. 6 in. 8 in. 2 sprinklers 3 sprinklers 5 sprinklers 12 sprinklers 25 sprinklers 45 sprinklers 75 sprinklers 115 sprinklers 180 sprinklers 300 sprinklers See Section 5 -2 65
• Table: Number of Sprinklers; Greater than 12 -ft (3. 7 -m) Separations (source NFC) • • • Steel Copper 21/2 in. 15 sprinklers 21/2 in. 20 sprinklers 3 in. 35 sprinklers 31/2 in. 60 sprinklers 31/2 in. 65 sprinklers For SI units, 1 in. = 25. 4 mm. Note: For other pipe and tube sizes, see Table 85. 3. 2(a). 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 66
Design of Sprinkler Installations Pipe Schedule Method EXAMPLE: • A 5 -story building with floor plan view shown below. Design a sprinkler system using Pipe Schedule method. The hazard classification is light hazard. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 67
Design of Sprinkler Installations Pipe Schedule Method Solution: • Floor area is calculated to be A =471 m 2 • Number of sprinklers on the floor= 471/15 = 31 sprinklers. • According to Table 3 the following sizes are selected for a steel piping: • Line A-B: there are 16 sprinklers. The diameter DA-B = 65 mm • Line B-C: there are 12 sprinklers. DB-C = 65 mm • Line C-D: there are 8 sprinklers. DC-D = 50 mm • Line D-E: there are 4 sprinklers. DD-E = 40 mm • Branches: each branch has 4 sprinklers, 2 on each side. Thus, • DB-F =DC-G =…=DE-I =25 mm • The riser size supplying the floor; 100 mm 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 68
Parameter Light and Extra Light Ordinary High 4800 3600 2300 1 Maximum area covered per system (m 2) 2 Maximum area covered per head (m 2) 15, 21* 12, 9 for HPS 8, 9* 3 Maximum distance between heads (m) 4. 6 4. 5, 4. 0*, 3. 75 for HPS 3. 7 4 Maximum distance between branches (m) 4. 6 4. 5, 4. 0*, 3. 75 for HPS 3. 7 5 Maximum number of heads per branch line 8 8 6 6 Maximum number of heads per system a. Wet pipe system b. Dry pipe system i. With accelerator ii. Without accelerator 500 1000 250 125 500 250 10 1 15 1 20 Table 12, p. 59 Tables 13&14, p. 64 Table 15, p. 66 1890 -2830 30 -60 2650 -3780 60 -90 See Fig. 7, p. 59 45 -50 78 -85 110 -120 7 Head orifice diameter (mm) Minimum pressure at outlet (bar) 8 Piping network diameters 9 Flow rate in the riser (l/min) Corresponding time duration (min) 10 Discharge density required by the total area covered by sprinklers 11 Discharge capacity of sprinkler head (l/min) 12 Values of k coefficient. a b 60 -120 Hall, p. 46 (a) or from catalog * (b) determined by official authority (c) can be reduced to 0. 5 bar according to the building type (see item 2, p. 58) (d) use lower limit when early warning system is installed or when the building is close to fire fighting squad center (e) C = 1. 5 wooden installations = 1. 0 ordinary installations = 0. 8 installations made of noncombustible materials = 0. 6 installations made of fire resistant materials 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT Table 3 69
Design of Sprinkler Installations Pipe Schedule Method 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 70
Water Supply to Water Based Systems Riser-Hose-Real and Sprinkler Systems 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 71
Water Supply to Water Based Systems (riser-hose-real and sprinkler systems) • Community Water Supply System • There are three principle components to the water based fire protection system; storage, distribution and the hydrants themselves. While functional hydrants and a good water delivery system are important, everything starts with proper storage. • Water for fire protection should be provided by gravity storage wherever possible. This is because using elevation as the means for developing proper water pressure in water mains and hydrants is reliable, not dependent on pumps that could fail or be shut down as a result of an electrical outage. Storage can be provided through one or more large reservoirs or by multiple smaller reservoirs throughout the community that are linked together. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 72
Water Supply to Water Based Systems (riser-hose-real and sprinkler systems Elevation of Storage Reservoir Every meter of head will produce 10. 1 k. Pa of pressure. therefore to generate 410 k. Pa in the water distribution system, storage reservoirs must be located at an elevation of approximately 50 meters above the service area. Adequate system pressures are generally accepted to be between 410 to 575 k. Pa. Accordingly, reservoirs should be placed at elevations between 45 and 57. 5 meters above service areas. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 73
Water Supply to Water Based Systems (riser-hose-real and sprinkler systems Since most communities are not perfectly flat, there will be some variation in service pressure. While it may be possible to establish a reservoir level to most of a hilly community, it is often possible to design a system where the predominance of the community falls within the 450 -575 k. Pa range with pressures in some portions experiencing less desirable but acceptable ranges as low as 340 k. Pa and as high as 810 k. Pa. In locations where pressure gradients may fall outside these less desirable pressure ranges, additional reservoirs should be set at appropriate elevations to serve these areas or main-line pressure regulators should be installed to protect low-lying areas from excessive pressurization. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 74
Water Supply to Water Based Systems (riser-hose-real and sprinkler systems • Reservoir size; most municipal water systems for fire protection provide combination service for fire hydrants and domestic (private and commercial) use. Thus the determination for volume of water stored is based on a number of factors. • Reservoirs should have adequate capacity to provide continuous domestic flow in the event of a disruption of the reservoir refilling system. They must also have adequate storage to provide anticipated fire flows for a reasonable duration. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 75
Water Supply to Water Based Systems (riser-hose-real and sprinkler systems • A reasonable rule of thumb is that storage should be sufficient to provide at least two days of peak domestic consumption plus required fire flows as determined by the Fire fighting authorities in the city. • For example, in a typical residential neighborhood with no unusual hazards, storage based on a fire flow of 3785 L/min for two hours may be appropriate. • In commercial or industrial zones, flows on the order of 19, 000 L/min for 3 hours may be required. Reserve capacity may have to be balanced by water quality issues. There must be sufficient water changeover in reservoirs to keep water fresh and healthful. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 76
Water Supply to Water Based Systems (riser-hose-real and sprinkler systems Typical reservoir tank on hillside 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 77
Water Supply to Water Based Systems (riser-hose-real and sprinkler systems Multiple tank reservoir 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 78
Water Supply to Water Based Systems (riser-hose-real and sprinkler systems Private water supply system The supply of water to the water based fire protection system in private buildings should be done from a special reservoir devoted for this purpose. If the building is provided by a continuous water supply at a rate of not less than 1. 6 m 3 /min, a break tank of only 11. 5 m 3 would be sufficient. In the absence of adequate or dependable water main a reservoir of not less than 45. 5 m 3 in volume should be available on site of the building. The reservoir should be provided with a pipe outlet of 150 mm diameter at the street level and branched into four 64 mm instantaneous couplings for connection to fire trucks. 3/15/2018 BUILT ENVIRONMENT 79