- Количество слайдов: 51
Finding God in Narnia 5 th Grade Bible Series 2012 -2013 WCA
C. S. Lewis • Born in Belfast, Ireland on November 29, 1898 • His family lived comfortably and peacefully in a large house called “Little Lea” • The house was characterized by narrow passages and overgrown gardens • The family library was crammed with books, two of Lewis’ favorites were Treasure Island The Secret Garden
C. S. Lewis • When he was ten years old, Lewis and his brother were sent to a boarding school in England after the death of their mother • Lewis was able to return to Ireland in 1910 • During his teenage years he developed a love for poetry and modern languages • He studied at Oxford, fought in World War I, and eventually came back to teach at Magdalene College in Oxford • Lewis published his first major work, The Pilgrim’s Regress in 1933 which described his journey to the Christian faith
C. S. Lewis’ Narnia Chronicles • Lewis turned from a career of writing to an adult audience to writing children’s books • Many of Lewis’ literary friends, including Tolkien, thought that writing children’s books would hurt his reputation • Lewis published the first Narnia book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in 1950 • He wrote six more Narnia books and published the last one The Last Battle, in 1956 • The Narnia series has since sold 100 million copies and is among the most beloved books of classical children’s literature
Interesting Facts • As a child, Lewis made up stories about a place he called “animal land” • Lewis said that pictures came into his mind and he wrote about them • The actual wardrobe on which Lewis based his stories is now kept at the Wade Center at Wheaton College in Chicago, Illinois • The first draft of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe contained no mention of Aslan • During World War II, four children stayed in Lewis’ home • Pauline Baynes, one of the illustrators for the Chronicles of Narnia, created approximately 350 drawings for the Chronicles • Text: Col. 1: 28
Chapter 1 Lucy Looks Into the Wardrobe
Lesson 1 – “Using Wisdom” • • Text: ______ There’s more to it! Jn. 7: 24 _____-learning and understanding p. 6 -7 - 2 x Lucy says that it is a foolish thing to shut oneself into a wardrobe! • Where does wisdom begin? Prov. 1: 7 _____ • Romans 11: 33 -36 - His wisdom is _______! • Col. 2: 2 -3 - Christ is the _____ to all wisdom!
Lesson 2 - “Use the Lamp” • • Text: Ps. _____ What does the Scripture call a lamp? _____ Who is the Light? Jn. 8: 12, I Jn. 1: 5 -7 Who should be the world’s light? Matt. 5: 14 -16 • How do we use it? Prov. 2: 1 • Are u in the dark?
Chapter 2 What Lucy Found There
Lesson 3 - “Be Careful” • Text: Psalm 34: 17 • Why? I Peter 5: 8, Jer. 9: 8 b • How should we walk? Eph. 5: 15, II Cor. 5: 7 _______ • Who can we pattern our walk after? I Peter 1: 1516 ________ • Ps. 119: 86, 40: 1 -3 • Application: The Lord is with those that love Him! So be careful!
Lesson 4 - “Our Natural Nature” • • • Text: II Cor. 7: 10 Where did it come from? Gen. 3: 20 ______ How do we solve it? Rom. 5: 12 -19 True _____- Joel 2: 12 -13, Ps 51 Acknowledgment- Turning- God’s Graciousness • It’s Hard- Ps. 38: 4 • Acts 3: 19 - Why Wait?
Chapter 3 Edmund and the Wardrobe
Lesson 5 - Where’s the Love? • • • Text: Col. 3: 12 Why should we love? I John 4: 11, 19 _____ How far should it go? I Jn. 3: 16 -18 ______ Edmund’s lack of Wisdom? p. 30 Edmund’s lack of Love? P. 26 -27, 30, 32 Prov. 11: 10, 17: 19, 18: 21 White Witch- cold and dead-No love! It’s ____- John 13: 34 -35 Lucy wasn’t believed, Neither was _____-Jn. 7: 3 -5
Chapter 4 Turkish Delight
Lesson 6 - “Pure Delight” • Text: I Jn. 3: 7 • The Process of “Delight” (_____)? James 1: 14 -15 • How are they so good at it? Rom. 16: 18 • How should we handle so called “delight”? James 4: 7 _______ • Zeph. 3: 17, Is. 61: 10 • His Delight- Ps. 37: 4
Lesson 7 - Deadly Delight • • • Text: Romans 5: 12 - Death by Sin Why do we deserve death? Romans 5: 8 ____ What is at the end of sin? _______- Rom. 6: 21 -23 What can we have over death? I Cor. 15: 51 -58 God holds the what over death? Rev. 1: 18 ______ What should we be until we die? Rev. 2: 10 ______ • Death in the future will be nonexistent!- Rev. 21: 4 • We can’t be pulled in and confused like Edmund!
Chapter 5 Back On This Side Of The Door
Lesson 8 -Sticking to the Truth • • • Text: Romans 1: 16(-17) What is true? Something that is not _____! What did Christ say? Jn. 15: 1, 17: 3 What did Paul say? II Tim 1: 12 What must we do? Heb. 10: 22 -23, I Tim. 1: 19 _________ • Lucy was not going to change her story no matter what! Neither can we! • What’s the truth of the ______? II Cor. 5: 21
Into the Forest Chapter 6
Lesson 9 - “Put it on!” • Text: Ephesians 4: 22 -32 • Just like their coats, we need to put on: – Speaking the ______ and _____ (v. 25, 29) – ____ anger that doesn’t hurt God (v. 26, 30) – No sin and a non-hateful ______! (v. 27, 31) • Why? – (v. 32) Christ has _____ us! – There is a job to do! (I Tim. 4: 16) The children had a large task ahead!
Lesson 10 - “But, they…” • Text: Matt. 5: 38 -44 • Being on both sides of ______ is part of being a Christian. • Benefit- Prov. 28: 13 • Why? Eph. 4: 32 ______ • How many times? Luke 17: 3 -4 • What does it bring? Col. 3: 12 -14 _____
Chapter 7 A Day With The Beavers
Lesson 11 - Precious Name • Text: Philippians 2: 9 -11 • Christ’s name is either a _______ or a _____! – Righteous- Deut. 28: 58, Ps. 8: 1, 113: 3, Is. 26: 8 – Wicked- Is. 64: 2, Ps 139: 20, Is. 52: 5 • The Beavers had waited for this day! (p. 78) So had ____- Luke 2: 29 -30 • It is a _____ name- Acts 3: 6, 16 • It should be stood up for!- John 18: 4 -6
Chapter 8 What Happened After Dinner
Lesson 12 - Incredible Name • Text: Isaiah 40: 28 • Many names- Rev. 19: 16, 5: 5, Luke 22: 69 • Incredible ______ foretold about this name: (p. 85 -89) – – Set wrong to right- Is. 61: 1 End sorrow and _____- Is. 65: 19, Rev. 21: 4 ____ the devil- Ps. 110: 1, I Jn 3: 8 Bring ______ life- John 10: 10, Is. 55: 12 • We need to tell others about this incredible name! (Is. 9: 6)
Lesson 13 - Powerful Name • Text: Phil. 2: 9 -11 • We cannot understand His _______- Rom. 11: 33 -34 • The White Witch has no power over Aslan_______ has no power over God. - Luke 10: 17, Mark 3: 11, James 2: 19 • That Powerful Name is coming! – Micah 5: 2, Isa. 9: 6 -7, Matt. 12: 18 -21
Lesson 14 - Comforting Name • • Text: Jer. 29: 11 LWW- p. 86 “Is He- quite safe? ” asked Lucy. Fear that is ______- Ps. 19: 11, 111: 10 Who runs to Him? Prov. 18: 10 _____ Who will run away? Prov. 1: 7 _____ Ex. : Israel (Deut. 5: 29), Abraham (Gen. 22: 12) Is it fair? Of course! It’s all God’s!(Ps. 24: 1), He’s Righteous (145: 17) • No, God is not safe, but we are safe in His care!
Chapter 9 In the Witch’s House
Lesson 15 -Lighten Up! • Text: I John 1: 7 • You would think that Edmund would figure things out (pgs. 95 -96)- Rom. 8: 5 -7 • Why doesn’t he see the light? John 3: 20, II Peter 2: 19 ______ • He knows but just can’t do right! Prov. 28: 14, Rom 2: 5 (p. 97) • (p. 106) Fortunate or not? Jn. 8: 44 Mt. 4: 8 -9, I Peter 5: 8
Lesson 16 -Don’t choose the wrong Path! • Text: II Cor. 7: 10 • Consider Mr. Tumnus (p. 20 -21 vs. Edmund (p. 97 -98) Can you see the Path? • What does the wrong path bring? Ps. 38: 4, II Cor. 7: 10 ______ • What does that path want? Gen. 4: 7 • How do we change paths? II Tim. 2: 22 -26 • We always have a ____!- Acts 3: 19
Chapter 10 The Spell Begins To Break
Lesson 17 -Come on! • Text: Is. 52: 7 • Who gives thought to what they do? Prov. 14: 15 • What’s the Bible say about those that rush? Prov. 19: 2 ________ • How should we come and go? Eph. 5: 15, II Cor. 5: 7 ________ • The Beavers are careful about what they do. Are you? • Father Christmas came to prepare the way for Aslan! Who came to prepare others for Christ? Luke 2: 1 -20 ______
Lesson 18 - “Tools not Toys” • Text: Ephesians 6: 10 -18 • LWW pages 117 -118 - Battle gear that is a gift! • What gear do we have as Christians? Eph. 6: 10 -18 _________ • Why do we need it? v. 10 • We can’t all have swords! I Cor. 12 • Find your _____ or _______ and do it the best that you can, for His glory!
Chapter 11 Aslan is Nearer
Lesson 19 -How it really is! • Text: Ps. 5: 9 • LWW pg. 124 - Edmund’s disappointment • Remember the Process of “Delight” (temptation)? James 1: 14 -15 • p. 128 - Edmund’s change of attitude • What should our attitude be like? Phil. 2: 4, I Jn. 4: 7, Rom. 12: 15, Prov. 28: 14 ______ • Application: Sin doesn’t bring us the reward it promises!
Lesson 20 - Seeing the Good God in Everything • • Text: I Jn. 3: 8 LWW p. 131 Wonderful things are happening! Jesus appeared to destroy the devil! I Jn. 3: 8 We should celebrate God’s _____- Ps. 98, Rev. 15: 3 -4 When should we have joy? James 1: 2 _____ Who gives this joy? Gal. 5: 22 The joy of pressing on!- Phil. 3: 14 Application: To see a good God, looks at His perfect Son! Phil. 2: 6
Chapter 12 Peter’s First Battle
Lesson 21 - Courage in Battle • Text: Joshua 1: 9 • LWW pgs. 143 -144 It was Peter’s Turn! • When do we have courage the most? Heb. 13: 6 When we know someone bigger is with us! • What should be our response? Ps. 27: 1 -3 ______ • What do we know deep down? Isa. 12: 2 • Application: We must learn to be strong and courageous, _________!
Chapter 13 Deep Magic From The Dawn Of Time
Lesson 22 - Guilty, but Forgiven • Text: Ps. 51: 4 • LWW p. 153 - Aslan is not talking about Edmund’s past! Isa. 43: 18 • What does God do with our Sin? Isa. 43: 25 _________ • How should we respond? PS. 105: 4, 34: 5 • We like Edmund are ______Rom. 2: 12, 6: 3, Heb 9: 22 • Application: Sin cannot be overlooked, it must be paid for!
Chapter 14 The Triumph of the Witch
Lesson 23 - The Substitute • Text: Isa. 53 • Aslan does not resist them- Isa. 53: 7, Matt. 26: 62, 27: 13 • The creatures cruelly abused Aslan. Matt. 27: 67 • The plucked out his _______. - Is. 50: 6 -7 • They gave Him a _______- Matt. 27: 29 • They _____ Him- Matt. 27: 29 -30 • Hope was not lost- He had another purpose- Jn 12: 23, 27 • Application: Jesus, like Aslan for Narnia, took the punishment in our place!
Lesson 23 - continued • Other scriptures on Christ’s suffering and sacrifice: – I Jn 4: 10 – I Peter 2: 21 -25 • Just as Susan and Lucy stayed and watched, who in the Bible did the same thing? Matt. 27: 55 -56, Mark 15: 40 • Are u going to stick around?
Lesson 24 - The Atoning Work of Christ • Text: Is. 53: 5 • The girls cared for Aslan- John 19: 38. Mark 16: 12 • Aslan talks about The Deep Magic- Wisdom- I Cor. 2: 6 -8, I Peter 2: 22 -24 • What has happened to death? I Cor. 15: 54 • He _____ His work- Mt. 27: 52, I Pet. 3: 19 • Application: _______ is not the end of the story! Heb 9: 14
Chapter 16 What Happened About The Statues
Lesson 25 - Joy through New Life • • • Text: Isaiah 61: 1 -2 Aslan “sets wrong to right”- Is. 61: 1 -2 Aslan leads others into battle- Is. 31: 4. 42: 13 Evil cannot triumph, ______ belongs to God! We can still have ____ even though we have a battle!- Eph. 6: 11 -12 • Ps. 16: 11, 66: 1 -4, 126: 1 -3
Chapter 17 The Hunting of the White Stag
Lesson 26 -The Glory That Awaits US • Text: James 1: 12 • Edmund was a changed man!-Ez. 36: 26 • Glory comes with doing things we don’t want to do. Lucy- John 14: 15, Rom 10: 11 • Aslan provides food- Matt. 14: 15 -21 • Aslan comes and goes- John 10: 16, Matt. 28: 9 • ______ Glory- I Pet. 2: 9, II Cor. 3: 18, Rev. 22: 1 -5 • Application: We can’t even begin to imagine the joy God has in store for us!
Book Application • Edmund fell under the sin of the Witch through pride and greed and deserved death. (Rom. 3: 23, 6: 23) • He needed the only one that could save him— Aslan- I Jn. 3: 16 • Aslan suffered for Edmund and reversed the curse. Jn. 3: 16 • Aslan was able to set Narnia free- I Cor. 15: 55 -57
What will u do with Him? • Will you thank Him for His sacrifice? • Will you give Him you love and our life in return? • Edmund’s salvation came at a great price— So did ours and mine!
Bibliography • Ditchfield, Christin. A Family Guide to The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. Good News Publishers, 2005. • Bruner, Kurt, and Ware, Jim. Finding God in the Land of Narnia. Tyndale House Publishers, 2005.