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Migrate to Canada - МНСК'16 (2).pptx

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Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation International Science Student Kongress Canada migration Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation International Science Student Kongress Canada migration system facing security issues Presenter: Third year student of Financial and Economic faculty, Pantuikhova E. A. Research guidance: Candidate of economics, Docent Dmitrieva A. B.

Let’s review some concepts Contents 1. Canada’s migration system 2. Providing national security 3. Let’s review some concepts Contents 1. Canada’s migration system 2. Providing national security 3. Using Canada’s practice

“ «For the foreseeable future, immigrants to Canada will continue to be vital to “ «For the foreseeable future, immigrants to Canada will continue to be vital to national interests» National Immigration Centre The Conference Board of Canada

1 in 5 Canadians born outside Canada 65% Canada’s net annual population growth made 1 in 5 Canadians born outside Canada 65% Canada’s net annual population growth made by immigrants 21% labour force among immigrants

How the system works Federal programmes Provincial nominee programmes • Express entry • Business How the system works Federal programmes Provincial nominee programmes • Express entry • Business category • Family members Quebec programme

Let’s review some concepts Facing national DOCUMENTS Established visa and other document entry requirements Let’s review some concepts Facing national DOCUMENTS Established visa and other document entry requirements PARTNERSHIP Engagements with security and public safety-related departments: • Public Health Agency • Border Services Agency • Royal Mounted Police • Security Intelligence Service security CRITERIA Admissable, clear and world used IDENTITY Management practicies – nextgeneration of online authentication services INFORMATION Sharing agreements and treaties through negotiations ANTI-FRAUD Measures; • Marriage fraud • Document fraud • Email and Internet scams

Is it real to use these methods in our reality in the Russian Federation? Is it real to use these methods in our reality in the Russian Federation? Not today. • Highly centralised power on the federal level • No essensial need in immigrants

Let’s review some concepts References 1. International organization for migration 2. Conference Board of Let’s review some concepts References 1. International organization for migration 2. Conference Board of Canada NIC Proposal plan 2016 NIC Research plan 2016 3. Government of Canada – Report on plans and priorities 2016

Thank you! ANY QUESTIONS? Сontact me : ekaterina. pantiukhova@gmail. com Thank you! ANY QUESTIONS? Сontact me : ekaterina. pantiukhova@gmail. com