Скачать презентацию Financial calculations in Excel Lecture 4 PMT Nper Скачать презентацию Financial calculations in Excel Lecture 4 PMT Nper


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Financial calculations in Excel Lecture 4 PMT, Nper, Rate, IPMT, PPMT, CUMIPMT, CUMPINC Financial calculations in Excel Lecture 4 PMT, Nper, Rate, IPMT, PPMT, CUMIPMT, CUMPINC

PMT • The PMT function calculates the constant annuity payments you will have to PMT • The PMT function calculates the constant annuity payments you will have to make to pay off a loan or to accumulate a certain amount of money • The syntax of the PMT function is: • PMT (rate, nper, pv, fv, type) • FV and type are optional arguments

Nper • The Nper function calculates how many constant annuity payments you will have Nper • The Nper function calculates how many constant annuity payments you will have to make to pay off a loan or to accumulate a certain sum of money • The syntax of the Nper function is: NPER (rate, pmt, pv, fv, type)

Rate • The rate function calculates the periodic interest rate on a loan that Rate • The rate function calculates the periodic interest rate on a loan that can be paid off with a certain number of equal periodic payments. Or it calculates the return you will have to earn in order to accumulate a certain amount of money by making a number of equal periodic investments • The syntax of the Rate function is: Rate(Nper, Pmt, Pv, Fv, Type, Guess) FV, Type, Guess oprtional arguments

IPMT • The function calculates how much of the equal periodic payment you make IPMT • The function calculates how much of the equal periodic payment you make on a loan in a particular period will be applied toward interest • The syntax of the IPMT function is IPMT(rate, per, nper, pv, fv, type)

PPMT • The function calculates how much of the equal periodic payment you make PPMT • The function calculates how much of the equal periodic payment you make on a loan in a particular period will be applied toward the loan principal. • The syntax of the PPMT function is: PPMT(rate, per, nper, fv, pv, type)

CUMIPMT • The function calculates the cumulative interest payment you will make on a CUMIPMT • The function calculates the cumulative interest payment you will make on a loan over a number of consecutive periods if you are repaying the loan with equal periodic payments • The syntax of the CUMIPMT(rate, nper, pv, start_period, end_period, type) The start_period, end_period specify the consecutive periods if you are repaying the loan with equal periodic payments

CUMPRINC • The function calculates the cumulative principal payments you will make on a CUMPRINC • The function calculates the cumulative principal payments you will make on a loan over a number of if you are repaying the periods of loan with equal periodic payments • The CUMPINC(rate, nper, pv, start_period, End_peri od, type)