Скачать презентацию Finance University Economy And Economic forces In the Скачать презентацию Finance University Economy And Economic forces In the


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Finance University Economy And Economic forces In the world Agafonov Egor Group N 1 Finance University Economy And Economic forces In the world Agafonov Egor Group N 1 -1 16. 09. 2012

Outline Econ omy Varie in our li f fe good ty of con sume Outline Econ omy Varie in our li f fe good ty of con sume s and r serv Two ices econ cons omic ume r and roles : Gap prod betw ucer dem een and supp ly an 3 ba d sic e prob cono lems mic Econ omy in Ru ssia

Economy in our life Everything that goes on in our daily life is, in Economy in our life Everything that goes on in our daily life is, in fact, economics. This knowledge can give you understanding how countries use resources for producing, distributing and consuming goods and services.

Two economic roles : Consumer Producer Two economic roles : Consumer Producer

Va go riet od y o sa f nd co n s er su Va go riet od y o sa f nd co n s er su m v ic er es Types of goods Capital goods Durable goods Consumer goods Perishable goods

Three BASIC ECONOMIC PROBLEMS What and how much we should to produce Who will Three BASIC ECONOMIC PROBLEMS What and how much we should to produce Who will get them How will they be produced

The re a re t hr ee kin d s of res ourc e The re a re t hr ee kin d s of res ourc e s If any of these resources is missing , production will stop. Natural Human Capital resources

E con om y i n Ru ssia territories of russian federation are great E con om y i n Ru ssia territories of russian federation are great and our country is reach with the : 45% of world reserves of natural gas 23% of reserves of coal 13% of reserves of oil

Deficiency in Russia In Russia it is not enough and few bauxites (aluminum ore), Deficiency in Russia In Russia it is not enough and few bauxites (aluminum ore), as a result Russia as well as the USSR were compelled to buy bauxites and to import them from abroad, from the same Guinea. And aluminum , easy and strong , is very necessary to economy. Including fuselages of planes, and the most different production , is made fro aluminum.

Co nc l usion I cam e w it ho to a con c Co nc l usion I cam e w it ho to a con c lus i ut ec on th that on om at we li v ics th e wo u poss i e ble. E ld no life they’ v re as e ryone, w t be obl iv or th ious he ther ey ar as I w e aw a wi th re of as piec e i t, de a oppo ceili n rtuni l ty co gs, co ur sts, t se, go axes ods a etc. T of nd se here ’ r s way of av abs olute vic es oidi n g it. l y no