Final control work Form 10
Task 1 Reporting verbs admit doing smth. (that) persuade smb. to do smth. remind smb. to do smth. reply that deny doing smth. (that) Promise smb. to do smth. insist on doing smth. (that) complain that
Report the remarks. It wasn’t me who broke the window. Please, join our party! It will be funny! I have to say that I am not ready for the lesson. My little sister is so noisy. It makes me crazy. – When does the next lesson begin? – It begins at 9. 00 I’ll finish my work tomorrow. I still think that we must rewrite the composition. Don’t forget to call them.
Task 2 Form the opposites for the following words and group them according to their prefixes In – Im – Un – polite usual patient fortunate grateful fashionable fair possible effective tolerant pure familiar
Keys: In – tolerant effective Im – polite possible pure patient Un – usual fortunate grateful fashionable fair familiar
Is to be on your own good or bad? There is no lack of privacy. There is nobody around you. Nobody feels jealous of you. Nobody is interested in you. You don’t work for others like a slave. Nobody disturbs you. You don’t have to share your room with other people.