FILMS Cartoon film Cartoon film Animated

Скачать презентацию FILMS  Cartoon film  Cartoon film Animated Скачать презентацию FILMS Cartoon film Cartoon film Animated


  • Размер: 5 Mегабайта
  • Количество слайдов: 25

Описание презентации FILMS Cartoon film Cartoon film Animated по слайдам


Cartoon film     Cartoon film

Cartoon film Animated film =     Cartoon film Animated film =

Action film     Action film

Historical film    Historical film

Crime film     Crime film

Fantasy film     Fantasy film

Comedy film     Comedy film

Cowboy film     Cowboy film

Cowboy film Western =     Cowboy film Western =

Horror film     Horror film

Romantic film     Romantic film

Romantic film Romance =     Romantic film Romance =

Adventure film     Adventure film

Science fiction film     Science fiction film

war film     war film

documentary film     documentary film

Walt Disney is famous for this type of film. a cartoon film (an animated film)What typeWalt Disney is famous for this type of film. a cartoon film (an animated film)What type of film is this?

In this type of film, they often ride horses and wear big hats. a cowboy filmIn this type of film, they often ride horses and wear big hats. a cowboy film (a western)

This type of film usually tells the story of people in love. a romantic film This type of film usually tells the story of people in love. a romantic film

This type of film often has monsters in it, for example, Frankenstein’s monster. a horror filmThis type of film often has monsters in it, for example, Frankenstein’s monster. a horror film

This type of film often has scientists and aliens in it. a science fiction film This type of film often has scientists and aliens in it. a science fiction film

In this type of film, you always laugh a lot. comedy film    In this type of film, you always laugh a lot. comedy film

In this type of film, there a lot of adventures. an adventure film   In this type of film, there a lot of adventures. an adventure film

Adventure films are very popular. The stories are exciting and the characters are often in danderousAdventure films are very popular. The stories are exciting and the characters are often in danderous situations.