- Количество слайдов: 24
FIA Leadership Change, the Farm Bill & Strategic Plan The Nation’s Forest Census Greg Reams FIA National Program Leader USDA Forest Service greams@fs. fed. us 703 -605 -4189 San Antonio, Texas 2015
Acting Director of Inventory, Monitoring FIA and Assessment Research The Nation’s Forest Census n n n Rich Guldin retired on January 2, 2015 Linda Langner the National Leader for RPA research acting through this week. Starting next Monday Josiah Kim will be acting for 120 days. Josiah is Region 9 (Milwaukee) engineer. San Antonio, Texas 2015
LAST YEAR--WHAT WE NEED TO F I A DO. . . You Said The Nation’s Forest Census n n n n Put a Firewall around core program Complete the Base Don’t Lose the Base Maintain Flexibility & Core Variables Ramp spatial products including mapping Find new money to implement urban work Annualize TPO and make available like FIADB Don’t change the design!!!! San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA WHAT FARM BILL REQUESTED n The Nation’s In revising the strategic plan, the Secretary of Forest Census Agriculture shall describe in detail the organization, procedures, and funding needed to achieve each of the following: (1) Complete the transition to a fully annualized forest inventory program and include inventory and analysis of interior Alaska. (2) Implement an annualized inventory of trees in urban settings, including the status and trends of trees and forests, and assessments of their ecosystem services, values, health, and risk to pests and diseases. San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA FARM BILL CONTINUED The Nation’s (3) Report information on renewable biomass supplies and Forest Census carbon stocks at the local, State, regional, and national level, including by ownership type. (4) Engage State foresters and other users of information from the forest inventory and analysis in reevaluating the list of core data variables collected on forest inventory and analysis plots with an emphasis on demonstrated need. (5) Improve the timeliness of the timber product output program and accessibility of the annualized information on that database. San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA FARM BILL CONTINUED n ( The Nation’s 6) Foster greater cooperation among the forest inventory n an Forest Census d analysis program, research station leaders, and State foresters and other users of information from the forest inventory and analysis. (7) Promote availability of and access to non-Federal resources to improve information analysis and information management. (8) Collaborate with the NRCS, NASA, NOAA, and USGS to integrate remote sensing, spatial analysis techniques, and other new technologies in the forest inventory and analysis program. San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA FARM BILL CONTINUED The Nation’s (9) Understand report on changes in land cover and use. Forest Census (10) Expand existing programs to promote sustainable forest stewardship through increased understanding, in partnership with other Federal agencies, of the over 10 million family forest owners, their demographics, and the barriers to forest stewardship. (11) Implement procedures to improve the statistical precision of estimates at the sub-State level. San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA ENHANCE PARTNER OUTREACH The Nation’s Forest Census n Maintain and enhance current partnerships n n States, NFS, Universities as key partners Continue to build partnerships n Tribes n Vibrant Cities n Water Districts n Agencies and entities with similar missions n Federal, States, Muni and International contributions to forest I&M San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA Strategic Plan Update The Nation’s Forest Census n n Submitted to SPBA last summer (before August deadline) Because of budget increases significant review and comment period between FS and OMB through Feb, 2015. Forwarded March 2, 2015 to House-Committee on Agriculture and Senate-Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry Each of the 11 elements now has a funding range rather than point estimate. San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA Strategic Plan Update The Nation’s Forest Census n n Option A & B is complete the original plan Option A & B range is 79 -83 million Restore 7 -yr east federal base cycle & 10 -yr in the west. Include interior Alaska San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA OPTION C Range $84 - $92 million The Nation’s Forest Census n n n Enhance TPO Land use and land cover research Improve carbon/biomass estimation Enhance owner study Urban San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA OPTION D Range $99 - $104 million The Nation’s Forest Census n 5 -yr base federal all states San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA OPTION E Range $105 - $108 million The Nation’s Forest Census n n Promote other agency collaboration Engage non-federal IT resources Analysis and cooperation Core data evaluation San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA OPTION F Range $130 - $135 million The Nation’s Forest Census n n Partners leverage FIA to increase sample size for small area estimation. 2 X intensification This is currently at shared partner expense. Approximate cost is 4 -5 cents/acre. San Antonio, Texas 2015
BIOMASS and CARBON are now FIA A BIG DEAL!!! The Nation’s n Forest Census As evidenced by the Farm Bill n n n Improved individual tree biomass Improved carbon estimation Land use and land cover change n Urban sector specifically named San Antonio, Texas 2015
Stocks and Flows of Biomass and FIA Carbon Now A BIG DEAL The Nation’s n Forest Census As evidenced by the Farm Bill n Annual Forest GHG report n n n FIA and RPA modelers estimating trends and futures of land use sector and carbon storage and lose rates. Being used by US Government in international negotiations. Includes Harvest Wood Products (HWP) Flows of forest land use to and from other sectors San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA The Nation’s Forest Census Stocks and Flows Continued n n n Attribution-code for disturbances including natural & human caused…also Land Use Change Improvements in land use sector data and estimation key to delivering the above!! When land use changes do trees remain? n n In urban…. . often yes Who in USG should do this work? n EPA, USGS, maybe FIA and Dept. of Ag. (NASS/NRI)? n Perhaps tree biomass/carbon in other land sectors helps maintain working forest? San Antonio, Texas 2015
CHANGE AGENT FIA The Nation’s Forest Census n n n n 1) Reforestation/Afforestation 2) Partial Harvest 3) Clear Cut 4) Fire 5) Insects & Disease 6) Development (Urban) and Ag 7) Expected Change of Stand Dynamics 8) Other San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA LAND USE DEFINITIONS The Nation’s Forest Census San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA Moving to implementation of the Forest Atlas The Nation’s Forest Census n n n 5 themes drive the Atlas Where do trees grow and why? What else lives in the forest? What shapes the forest? What benefits do forests provide? What is the future of our forests? San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA Forest Atlas The Nation’s Forest Census n n n n Here’s theme or issue Here’s one of the stories Here’s the ability to drive in locally Here’s the data, analyses & interpretation Here’s what others have to contribute Need a firewall busting cloud environment to implement Working with FS leadership & CIO to do so San Antonio, Texas 2015
py cover. FIA Forest Atlas Screen Shot The Nation’s Forest Census E San Antonio, Texas 2015
Screen Captures FIA Forest Atlas Screen Shot The Nation’s Forest Census San Antonio, Texas 2015
FIA QUESTIONS The Nation’s Forest Census THANK YOU!!!!! San Antonio, Texas 2015