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Fermilab FY 07 ILC R&D Robert Kephart Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review
Introduction ILC Americas • Fermilab will play a special role in the ILC – In the ILC era it will be the only remaining U. S. laboratory dedicated to High Energy Physics – It is also the designated host site for the ILC if it is hosted in the United States • EPP 2010: Strongly endorsed the ILC – Recommended a “strong and vital Fermilab” – And said “ Fermilab must play a major role in advancing the priorities identified in this report” – Pier Oddone: ILC is our # 1 long term priority • The vast majority of the proposed FY 07 R&D effort at FNAL is focused on crucial R 1, R 2 R&D issues (namely cavities & cryomodules) • In FY 06 FNAL engaged in the ILC in a major way. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 2
Introduction ILC Americas • FNAL’s FY 06 effort: – ILC (funded via the GDE) is ~ $ 12. 0 M. – SCRF infrastructure ~ $ 9. 1 M – ILC detector ~ $ 1. 9 M – 3. 9 GHz effort ~ $ 3. 9 M $ 26. 9 M • The support to build SCRF infrastructure, for 3. 9 GHz, and for ILC detector R&D was from laboratory core funds. ( OK but we are not allowed to do things that are explicitly ILC with these funds… wrong B&R category ) • The Presidents budget is such that FNAL cannot supply these funds in FY 07. ( in fact the Tevatron running schedule will be cut back to save $$$) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 3
Introduction ILC Americas • The GDE funded only 30 FTE ( ~ $ 4. 5 M SWF) in FY 06 at FNAL only a small fraction of the effort in progress • The overall effort has grown to over 120 FTE ( April) • A “bottoms up” request from task leaders resulted in FY 07 requests for > 230 FTE. • This was reduced to 186 FTE (limit personnel to existing staff or approved openings, focus on highest priority work) • 186 FTE represents 8% of the FNAL staff. (eg SLAC has 5%) • Not unreasonable in FY 07 if FNAL is to be the host site • M&S was cut back – No purchase of an EB welder – No start of a big refrigerator for ILCTA_NM • Working towards a fully resource loaded schedule for the FNAL work… As you will see we have names for nearly all the people assumed in FY 07, most are already working Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 4
ILC Americas Summary of FY 07 FNAL Request Detector & TB are not in this talk FNAL’s request is focused on developing cavities & cryomodules and on the RDR, TDR, and cost estimate effort Details follow: Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 5
ILC Americas Program Management (WBS 1. 2) • Scope: Organize & direct the ILC Program @ Fermilab • FY 06 Status: – Manage Fermilab ILC effort => direct technical efforts, organize work packages, set up and track expenditures – Task Leaders for work packages are in place – Cost tracking and reports to ART are operational – M&S is largely travel and small amount of computing – Travel: $200 K budget but RDR expect larger actuals ~$365 K – Paid for Web. Ex licenses for this year • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 6
ILC Americas Program Management (WBS 1. 2) • Scope: Organize & direct the ILC Program @ Fermilab FY 07 goals: – Continue to manage Fermilab ILC effort – Hire Webmaster to develop and maintain the FNAL ILC web site – Increase travel expenditures as overall FNAL effort grows and international collaboration effort increases ($501 K budgeted) – Emphasis shifts from RDR to TDR – Software license fees for cost and schedule software • FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 7
FY 07 Personnel (WBS 1. 2) ILC Americas • Personnel: – – – – Bob Kephart 1. 0 FTE Shekhar Mishra 1. 0 FTE Sergei Nagaitsev 1. 0 FTE Rich Stanek 1. 0 FTE John Konc 0. 5 FTE Monica Sasse 0. 5 FTE Webmaster (new hire) 1. 0 FTE Total 6. 0 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 8
Public Relations (WBS 1. 4) ILC Americas • Scope: Communication at local, state, national, and international FY 06 Status: – Hired consultant (Perspectives Group) • Identified community stakeholders • Drafted ILC Community Communication Plan • Received input from Community Task Force on criteria for ILC site and on community outreach – – – Begun ILC brochure design Scheduled Congressional briefing May 9 (R&D Caucus) Scheduled launch of “Discovering the Quantum Universe” (May 9) Organized ILC speakers’ bureau, envoy program, with LCSCA Formed ILC 2 (First meeting June 1) • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 9
ILC Americas Public Relations (WBS 1. 4) • Scope: ILC communication activities • FY 07 Goals: • Strengthen ILC communication at local, state, and national level – Produce print and electronic materials – Communication at many levels • Envoys to policy makers and opinion leaders • Media campaign (national and international) – Use symmetry magazine, Fermilab Web site, press releases and other media to communicate to a national and international audience • FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 10
ILC Americas Public Outreach (WBS 7. 3. 1. 4) • Scope: Build support for bid-to host @ Fermilab • FY 07 Goals: Communication at local, state, national level – ILC Community Advisory Board • Consultant (Perspectives Group) • Engage Local Community Task Force on criteria for ILC site • Build local support for ILC at FNAL – Produce print and electronic materials – Community outreach at many levels including use of envoys, speakers bureau, community organizations and media campaign • FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 11
ILC Americas FY 07 Personnel (WBS 1. 4 and 7. 3. 1. 4) • Personnel: – Judy Jackson 0. 5 FTE – Public Affairs Staff* 1. 5 FTE Total 2. 0 FTE * Matched to specific task Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 12
ILC Americas RDR & TDR ( WBS 2. 1. 2) • Scope: Develop the Reference Design Report • FY 06 Status: – Baseline configuration document finishes Dec 05 – Fermilab is working on the following sections of RDR • Main Linac – – Accelerator Physics Cavity and Cryomodule Cryogenics Magnet • Cost and Schedule • Conventional Facility • Damping Ring, BDS, Instrumentation and Controls • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 13
ILC Americas RDR and TDR ( WBS 2. 1. 2) • FY 07 Scope: – Develop the Reference and Technical Design Reports • FY 07 goals: – This is continuation of FY 06 goals for RDR – The Reference Design Report will be the key document defining the scope of the ILC project, the R&D program, and the project cost and schedule. – Fermilab scientific and engineering staff will work with the ILC GDE for the next 12 months in development of the Reference Design Report and subsequently on TDR. – The portion of the TDR design and cost estimate which is U. S. site specific should be funded as part of the U. S. bid-to-host (WBS 7. X) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 14
FY 07 Request ( WBS 2. 1. 2) ILC Americas • Personnel: – – – P. Garbincius 1. 0 FTE H. Carter 0. 5 FTE T. Peterson 0. 5 FTE J. Tompkins 0. 5 FTE Request from P. Garbincius (Primavera expert, WBS person, data entry) 3. 0 FTE Total 5. 5 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 15
ILC Americas DRing physics ( WBS 2. 5. 2 and WBS 7. 3. 2. 1) • Scope: Provide modeling infrastructure (hardware & software) ; perform simulations including 3 D multi-particle effects. • FY 06 Status: – Order 20 dual CPU boxes to utilize existing parallel switch for dedicated DR multi-particle simulations – Begun study of baseline lattice with 3 D space-charge • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 16
ILC Americas DRing physics (WBS 2. 5. 2 and WBS 7. 3. 2. 1) • Scope: DR accelerator physics studies, including multi-particle effects. • FY 07 goals: – Dynamic aperture/acceptance studies, employing multiphysics simulation • Include higher-order optics, field errors & misalignment – Incorporate e-cloud module from Quick. PIC in simulations (Sci. DAC leveraged) – Incorporate wakefield effects – Support FNAL site-specific simulation studies Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 17
ILC Americas FY 07 Personnel (WBS 2. 5. 2 and WBS 7. 3. 2. 1) • Personnel: – – – – – Jim Amundson Francois Ostiguy Mike Church Johnston Bill Ng Panagiotis Spentzouris Eric Stern Valentin Ivanov Leo Michelotti 0. 30 FTE 0. 25 FTE 0. 30 FTE 0. 20 FTE 0. 45 FTE Total 2. 50 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 18
ILC Americas FY 07 Request (WBS 2. 5. 2 and WBS 7. 3. 2. 1) 7. 3. 2 is place holder. Need to make a better guess of how much DR work is site specific… Actually really should be RTML… Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 19
ILC Americas ML Accel. Physics ( WBS 2. 7. 3 & WBS 7. 3. 2) • Scope: Simulations to support RDR • FY 06 Status: – – Designed of realistic Lattice Failure models and analysis started Static tuning studies started Upgraded computing capabilities • FY 06 GDE Resources (+ ~ 3 FTE paid from core funds) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 20
ILC Americas FY 07 Personnel WBS 2. 7. 3 and WBS 7. 3. 2 • Personnel: – – – – M. Church 0. 7 FTE F. Ostiguy 0. 65 FTE J. Johnstone 0. 5 FTE A. Valishev 0. 8 FTE V. Lebedev 0. 15 FTE K. Ranjan 1. 0 FTE N. Solyak 0. 5 FTE P. Lebrune 0. 9 FTE L. Michelotti 0. 5 FTE V. Ivanov 0. 8 FTE P. Mc. Bride 0. 55 FTE P. Spentzouris 0. 15 FTE 1 posted opening 1. 0 FTE Total 8. 2 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 21
ILC Americas ML Accel. Physics ( WBS 2. 7. 3 & WBS 7. 3. 2) • Scope: RDR and site-specific ML design • FY 07 goals: – – – – Continue Developing computing capabilities Continue Dynamic tuning studies Integrated Simulation MPS design and studies Study dark current in ML (generation and dynamics) Beam instrumentation issues Cold BPM design (0. 3 um resolution, clean technology) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 22
ILC Americas Alignment and Vibration ( WBS 2. 7. 4) • Scope: Develop alignment procedures and study vibration of RF cavities at all frequencies • FY 06 Status: – Slow ground motion studies in MINOS hall and Conco Western Mine in Aurora (100 meter depth) – Start vibration studies on capture cavity in Meson lab • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 23
ILC Americas Alignment and Vibration ( WBS 2. 7. 4) • Scope: Alignment and Vibration • FY 07 goals: – Continue monitoring of slow ground motion in MINOS hall and Conco Western mine North Aurora – Understand sources of slow ground motion – Develop fiducialization process for RF cavities and quadrupole magnets – Develop network for test areas in Meson lab and New Muon – Develop fast motion monitoring of RF cavities – Understand sources and causes of vibration in RF cavities Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 24
ILC Americas FY 07 Personnel ( WBS 2. 7. 4) • Personnel: – Jim Volk 0. 2 FTE – Shavkat Singatulin 0. 2 FTE – Summer student 0. 1 FTE Total 0. 5 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 25
ILC Americas FY 07 Request (WBS 2. 7. 4) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 26
ILC Americas Conventional Facilities (WBS 2. 11. 2) • Scope: Prepare Conventional Facilities scope, criteria and cost estimating documents in support of RDR • FY 06 Status: – Developed requirements for each of the machine areas – Conceptual drawings of machine and facility layout to form the basis of estimates – Developing unit prices for various elements of work – Placed various contracts with A&E consultants • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 27
Conventional Facilities (WBS 2. 11. 2) ILC Americas • Scope: Refine details of the conceptual requirements • FY 07 Goals: – – Perform options studies in conjunction with Value Management Continue to develop drawings of machine and facility layouts Refine & optimize cost estimate in conjunction with A&E firms FES Labor appears as M&S because of charge back system except for 0. 6 FTE of Vic Kuchler (FES management) • FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 28
ILC Americas Controls (WBS 3. 2. 9, 4. 7. 2, 5. 9. 11) • Scope: Global Controls Design, Develop control system(s) for test facilities(ILCTA) • FY 06 Status: – Controls systems for Horizontal/Vertical test stands under development – Developed baseline conceptual design for ILC controls in context of the “Global” ILC Controls Collaboration – Work on BCD complete; working on RDR/Costing – Investigate hardware for High Availability implementation • FY 06 Resources (FNAL Core funds) – 1 FTE on Global Design; $75 k M&S for HA studies and software licenses, etc. – 3. 5 FTE (personnel from 4 divisions) Test stand controls infrastructure and software Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 29
ILC Americas Controls (WBS 3. 2. 9, 4. 7. 2, 5. 9. 11) • Scope: Control system design, Controls R&D and Controls System Support for ILC test stands • FY 07 goals: – R&D (3. 2. 9) • High Stability RF Phase Distribution Modulator development; prototypes to be installed at ILCTA in FY 08. • Control System Framework: Identify and evaluate candidate systems. • R&D on High Availability Hardware/software (de-scoped) • Collaboration Tools and Remote operations (de-scoped)] – Global Control system design (4. 7. 2) • Requirements document for Global Controls System – ILCTA Control System(s) Design, implementation and support (5. 9. 11) • Support for test stands and test facilities. Concentrate on ILCTA_NML. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 30
ILC FY 07 Personnel (WBS 3. 2. 9, 4. 7. 2, 5. 9. 11) Americas • Controls R&D (3. 2. 9) – – – ILCTA Support (5. 9. 11) – – – – Vince Pavlicek 0. 25 Bill Haynes 0. 25 Margaret Votava Jim Patrick Other Resources • • Charlie Briegel Erik Gottschalk Control System Design (4. 7. 2) – – – – – Erik Gottschalk Patricia Mc. Bride Jim Patrick Vince Pavlicek Margaret Votava Steve Wolbers Rob Kutschke Manfred Wendt (Instr) Brian Chase (LLRF) others Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 Paul Joireman 0. 1 Mike Kucera 0. 5 Paul Kasley 0. 5 Sharon Lackey 0. 5 Dan Mac. Arthur 0. 5 Rich Neswold 0. 5 Dennis Nicklaus 0. 5 Jerzy Nogiec 0. 5 Luciano Piccoli 0. 5 Ron Rechenmacher 1. 0 Geoff Savage 0. 25 Dennis Shpakov 0. 5 Vladimir Sirotenko 0. 25 Margaret Votava 0. 5 Other Available Resources • • • ILC ART Review AD Controls CD AMR (New) AD Sysadmin 2. 25 1. 0 0. 5 31
ILC Americas FY 07 Request (WBS 3. 2. 9, 4. 7. 2, 5. 9. 11) Description: Controls System FTE years Labor M&S Indirect K$ K$ Cost Total Cost HA Control System 0 $0 $0 HA Std Instruments 0 $0 $0 0. 5 $58 $40 $24 $121 0. 25 $29 $10 $49 0 $0 $0 1. 25 $144 $80 $56 $280 8. 4 $966 $340 $348 $1, 654 Grand total 10. 4 $1, 196 $470 $438 $2, 104 Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review High Precision RF Phase Distribution Controls Framework Collaboration Tools/Remote Operations Control System Design Control System for ILCTA 32
ILC Americas Instrumentation R&D ( WBS 3. 2. 10) • Scope: Collaborating R&D activities • FY 06 Status: – Collaboration started with SLAC and DESY – Funded with FNAL core funds • FY 06 Resources – No resources in FY 06 • FY 07 Scope: – Continue R&D activities • FY 07 goals: – KEK ATF BPM digital signal processing system R&D – SLAC ESA cavity-BPM R&D – DESY TTF HOM coupler signal processing R&D Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 33
ILC Americas FY 07 Personnel ( WBS 3. 2. 10) • Personnel: – – – Jim Crisp 0. 1 FTE Nathan Eddy 0. 1 FTE Peter Prieto 0. 1 FTE Manfed Wendt 0. 1 FTE Duane Voy 0. 1 FTE Total 0. 5 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 34
Magnet R&D (3. 2. 11) ILC Americas • Scope: Design/prototype magnets for various ILC applications • FY 07 Goals: – – – – Main Linac Low Gradient Quadrupole ($40 K) Main Linac Dipole Corrector ($25 K) Superconductor Material ($40 K) Iron Dominated Quadrupole ($25 K) Stretch wire test stand ($20 K) Low Fringe Field measurement test stand ($10 K) M&S support for contract designer ($60 K) • FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 35
ILC Americas FY 07 Personnel (WBS 4. 3. 1 & 3. 2. 11) • Personnel: – – – – John Tompkins Vladimir Kashikhin Vadim Kashikhin Mike Tertullian Joe Dim Arco Tom Woks Tom Nicola Kerry Weald Guest Engineer Mechanical Tech (tbd) HFM Group* Test & Inst Group* Process Engineering Group* Total 0. 5 FTE 0. 25 FTE 0. 35 FTE 0. 4 FTE 0. 5 FTE 0. 2 FTE 0. 85 FTE 0. 75 FTE 0. 65 FTE 0. 35 FTE 6. 75 FTE * Assignments depend on tasks (usually small % of a few people) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 36
ILC Americas Cryogenic System Design ( WBS 3. 2. 12) • Scope: Design of overall ILC cryogenic system • FY 06 Status: – Layout & cost information in progress for RDR • FY 06 Resources – Only 2. 0 FTE funded by GDE for all FY 06 RDR work – Exception: Magnet work was funded late in the year • FY 07 Goals – Finish RDR cryogenic design and begin TDR design • Personnel: - Tom Peterson 0. 25 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 37
ILC Americas LLRF Controls ( WBS 3. 8. 3) • Scope: Work towards an ILC LLRF system • FY 06 Status: – Transferred DESY’s Simcon 2. 1 and Simcon 3. 1 LLRF technology to FNAL – Adapted an SNS LLRF system to 1. 3 GHz operation – Used both systems to operate 1. 3 GHz Capture Cavity 1 at A 0 and 1. 3 GHz Capture Cavity 2 at Meson Area – Established an MOU with University of Pennsylvania for the development of an ILC RF unit simulator • FY 06 Resources (shared with WBS 5. 8. 4) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 38
ILC Americas LLRF Controls ( WBS 3. 8. 3) • Scope: Develop LLRF systems for FNAL ILCTA • FY 07 goals: – Short-term (< 18 months): Improvements to Simcon 3. 1 system • Board hardware modifications to improve noise performance • Develop FNAL capability to manufacture Simcon 3. 1 boards • Board firmware modifications to improve functionality • Board control interface to EPICS • Develop high intermediate frequency (IF) capability (better performance) • Design and fabricate high quality downconverter to high IF • Start work on automation, exception handling, fast tuner integration, etc • Evaluation of commercial alternatives (e. g. , Lyrtech board) – Long-term (> 18 months): development of a new generation 24 -Ch LLRF board for an ILC RF unit • In collaboration with DESY, SNS, LBNL, UPenn, and industry Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 39
ILC Americas LLRF Controls ( WBS 3. 8. 3) • FY 07 Personnel: – Accelerator Division: 1 FTE • (B. Chase, J. Branlard, E. Cullerton, T. Koeth, M. Kucera, D. Nicklaus) – Computing Division: 2 FTE • (G. Cancelo, K. Treptow, R. Kwarcyany, B. Haynes, T. Zmuda, S. Rapisarda, G. Duerling, Other (Tech)) – Technical Division: 1 FTE • (R. Carcagno, D. Orris, A. Makulski, R. Nehring, Y. Pischalnikov, J. Nogiec, D. Shpakov, Other (Tech)) FY 07 resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 Total 4 FTE ILC ART Review 40
ILC Americas Cavity EM simulation ( WBS 3. 9. 2. 1) • Scope: cavity simulations • FY 06 Status: – Developed computing capabilities for AP Studies (M&S) – 20 new nodes of Grid computer farm in CD • Goal: Acc. Phys, Omega 3 P/Tau 3 P(SLAC) for wakefield simulation • FY 06 Resources – None: this is a new task for FY 07 • FY 07 Scope: Cavity HOM trapped modes and wakefields study • FY 07 goals: – Simulate HOM trapped modes – Study wakefield effects Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 41
ILC Americas FY 07 Personnel ( WBS 3. 9. 2. 1) • Personnel: – G. Romanov 0. 25 FTE – A. Lunin 0. 30 FTE – T. Khabibulin 0. 25 FTE Total 0. 8 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 42
ILC Americas Cavity Fabrication ( WBS 3. 9. 2) • Scope: Fabricate ILC Cavities • FY 06 Status: – Type III+: 4 at AES, 2 at TJNL + (4 ACCEL are done) – 2 R&D cavities at TJNL (Large Grain, Type IV, new HOM) – Developed tooling for the cavity fabrication at TJNL with a plan to share them with US industry and train them – Bid package under preparation for 8 -10 Type IV Cavities • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 43
ILC Americas Cavity Fabrication ( WBS 3. 9. 2) • FY 07 Scope: Fabricate ~20 Type IV ILC Cavities • FY 07 goals: – Build enough cavities to establish the processing technology to reliably achieve an accelerating gradient of 35 MV/m in US. – Develop 2 nd US vendor for cavity fabrication – TTC/SMTF technical board recommends we divide these cavities 50/50 fine grain & large/single crystal Niobium. – It is expected that the fine grain material will go through the Electro-polishing while the large/single crystal would be processed by BCP only. – Successful cavities from this and FY 06 production will be incorporated into the 1 st Type IV cryomodule built at FNAL in FY 08 Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 44
ILC Americas Cavity Fabrication ( WBS 3. 9. 2) • Personnel: – – Mike Foley Scott Reeves AD Engineer* AD Technician* 1. 0 FTE Total 4. 0 FTE * Agreement to assign these people after shutdown Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 45
SRF Cavity Cost Reduction R&D ILC ( WBS 3. 9. 2. 2) Americas • • • FY 06 Scope: FNAL is sending $ 40 K to MSU to investigate TIG welding of single cell Nb cavities, MSU funded hydroforming studies with NSF funds FY 07 Scope: Study Hydro-forming and high purity TIG welding as methods for cavity cost reduction FY 07 goals: – Hydro-forming • Work with commercial bellows manufacturers • Fabricate niobium and copper clad niobium tubes via extrusion, welding and/or flow forming • Form multi-cell prototypes using swaging and hydro- forming techniques • Process and test prototype cavities • Work with DESY hydro form experts (now@FNAL) – High purity TIG Welding • Design single-cell cavity with TIG welds • Fabricate prototype niobium single-cell cavities • Process and test prototype cavities Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 46
ILC Americas Cost Reduction ( WBS 3. 9. 2. 2) • FY 07 MSU Personnel: – – – – Terry Grimm Jon Bierwagen Steve Bricker Chris Compton Walter Hartung Dan Pendell John Popielarski Laura Saxton FY 07 Resources 0. 1 FTE 0. 2 FTE 0. 1 FTE Total 1. 0 FTE MSU labor is in M&S Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 47
ILC Americas BCP ( WBS 3. 9. 3. 1 & 5. 9. X) • Scope: Develop BCP Facility and Testing at Cornell and ANL/FNAL ( Move ANL BCP effort to WBS 3. 9. 3. 4 ? ) • FY 06 Status: – Cornell upgraded BCP, HPR, and vertical test for 9 -cell ILC cavities. – Cornell has two 9 -cell ACCEL cavities from Fermilab. One of was processed & first RF test is done ( 17 MV/m… will re-etch) – The BCP Facility was installed at ANL – Commissioned with water and awaits safety approval. – Upgrades in progress to handle and transport ILC Cavities. • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 48
ILC Americas BCP ( WBS 3. 9. 3. 1 & 5. 9. X) • FY 07 Scope: BCP Facility & Test at Cornell and ANL/FNAL • FY 07 goals: – Develop BCP in US to achieve 25 MV/m – Ramp up U. S. capacity – Cornell will BCP more Fermilab provided ILC cavities to populate the first US-built ILC cryomodule. – Activities at Cornell will be a good training ground for Fermilab personnel to learn BCP, HPR and cavity testing. Industrial personnel can also join in. – Finish Commissioning of BCP facility at ANL and process 1. 3 GHz ILC Cavities. – We believe additional AD people will be assigned to help operate the ANL facility. Asked ANL to help also. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 49
ILC Americas BCP ( WBS 3. 9. 3. 1 & 5. 9. X) • FY 07 Personnel: – Allan Rowe, Mike Frett, Debbie Bonifas, Mike Heinz, Ryan Montiel, Wade Muranya, Michael Rauchmiller, Brad Tennis, Dan Assel, Todd Thode, Cristian Boffo, Luciano Elementi, Jamie Blowers, Jan Szal, 7. 4 FTE – Need to hire Contract techs 2. 0 FTE – Need to identify Engineer (AD) 2. 0 FTE – Need to identify Drafter (AD) 1. 0 FTE Total 11. 4 FTE FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 50
ILC Americas EP ( WBS 3. 9. 3. 2 & 5. 9. x) • Scope: Develop R&D EP Facility and Testing infrastructure at Cornell, Jlab and ANL/FNAL • FY 06 Status: – Jlab EP, HPR and Vertical testing Facilities were upgraded to handle 1. 3 GHz ILC cavities – Jlab has exercised the system with cavities from DESY and is waiting for US ILC Cavities. – The TTC, SMTF and STF collaboration has been discussing the ILC EP Facility design specification. A documents has been prepared and being discussed. – Fermilab has hired Tsuyoshi Tajima (LANL) and Antoine Claier (SACLAY) as guest scientist to work on EP. – Preliminary design of an EP R&D facility to be build at ANL/FNAL facility has been developed. Engineering design and schedule needed. – Cornell has successfully used the vertical EP set up to etch single cell 1. 3 GHz cavities. Gradients between 35 - 47 MV/m have been reached in several single cells. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 51
ILC FY 06 Resources ( WBS 3. 9. 3. 2 & 5. 9. x) Americas • FY 06 Resources • NSF Funds were used to develop Vertical EP at Cornell Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 52
ILC Americas EP ( WBS 3. 9. 3. 2 & 5. 9. x) • Scope: Develop R&D EP Facility and Testing infrastructure at Cornell, Jlab and ANL/FNAL • FY 07 goals: – Extend the Vertical EP to ILC 9 -cell cavities, and carry out the procedure for 1 -2 cavities. – Assemble and commission EP system at ANL/FNAL – Small sample, tumbling and single cell EP R&D at FNAL – Simulation of 9 Cell Cavity EP process – Design study of an ILC pre-production EP Facility with industrial vendors Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 53
ILC FY 07 Personnel ( WBS 3. 9. 3. 2 & 5. 9. x) Americas • Personnel: – EP R&D at Fermilab • C. Boffo • D. Hicks • Designer • C. Antoine • Associate Scientist opening • C. Cooper • Tech – ANL EP: • L. Elementi • K. Ewald • Engineering opening • Tech • ANL Staff – Pre-Production EP Facility Design • L Elementi • K. Ewald • T. Tajima • C. Antone • Engineering opening • Unidentified TD Staff 0. 25 FTE 0. 5 FTE 0. 25 FTE 0. 5 FTE 1. 5 FTE 3. 0 FTE count as M&S 0. 25 FTE 0. 5 FTE 1. 0 FTE Total 8. 8 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 54
ILC Americas EP (WBS 3. 9. 3. 2 & 5. 9. x) FY 07 Request: Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 55
ILC Americas Type IV Cryomodule Design ( WBS 3. 9. 4) • FY 06 Scope: FNAL part of the international effort to design the Type IV Cryomodule for ILC • FY 06 Status: – – DESY type III+ drawings imported to FNAL 3 D model created in IDEAS using this information Dimensions “Americanized” Developed Specifications • including cavity-to-cavity dimensions so they can be ordered – Working on cavity to cavity interconnects ( proto-types) • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 56
ILC Americas Type IV Cryomodule Design ( WBS 3. 9. 4) FY 07 goals: • Create a complete documentation package for type IV module fabrication (so parts can be ordered) – 3 -D model – 2 -D drawings for fabrication of parts and assembly – Include real magnet and BPM design • Start with module without magnet – We have no magnet design yet – We need module design without a magnet, anyway – Nevertheless, the quad/corrector/BPM design is at the heart of the module and is needed soon • Resources – Labor is FNAL engineers and designers – M&S includes funds for Contract Designers and for prototypes of cavity interconnects and other parts Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 57
ILC Americas Type IV Cryomodule Design ( WBS 3. 9. 4) • Personnel: Total is 9 FTE’s • FNAL Staff: – – – – Don Mitchell 0. 75 FTE Youri Orlov 1. 00 FTE Mike Mc. Gee 1. 00 FTE Harry Carter 0. 25 FTE Tom Peterson 0. 25 FTE Salman Tariq 0. 25 FTE Chuck Grimm 0. 50 FTE Total 4. 00 FTE Engineers • Plus Five Full time designers ( 5. 0 FTE) – Contract designers are all on board. Show up as M&S – Also M&S for prototypes of cavity interconnects & other parts • International Effort – Participants: CERN, DESY, Fermilab, INFN, KEK, SLAC – Some specific plans for dividing the work are in place Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 58
ILC Americas FY 07 Request ( WBS 3. 9. 4) M&S Details: $ 600 K for 5 contract designers @ 125 K/yr $ 100 K for prototype parts Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 59
ILC Americas SCRF Materials Research ( WBS 3. 9. 14) • Develop an intellectual understanding that relates SCRF cavity performance to materials characteristics measurable in the lab… Goals include: – a) reliable & predictable cavity performance – b) significant cost reduction • FY 06 Program: – Develop Facilities: • IB 3 SCRF Lab (Nb Eddy current scanning, RRR measurements, IB 3 chemistry hood, upgrade Instron stress-strain measurement machine ) • TD MDL (small scale BCP and EP chemistry) • TD conventional and electron microscope – Activities: • Materials Characterization in Support of Cavity Fabrication ( 250 sheets Nb) • Eddy Current Scans, RRR, mechanical & thermal analysis at MSU, chemical analysis at FNAL Materials Development Lab • University Program (Northwestern 3 D Atomic Probe, UW - Vortex Penetration) • Studies include role of grain boundaries in SCRF surface performance, role of impurities, theoretical work at U. Wisconsin Applied Superconductivity Center • Bauer: Coordinates a world wide materials effort (Cornell, TJNL, DESY, etc. ) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 60
ILC Americas SCRF Materials Research ( WBS 3. 9. 14) • FY 06 Resources • This entire effort, including characterizing material (eddy current scans of Nb) for cavity fabrication was supported in FY 06 by FNAL core funds. We can not do this in FY 07 goals: – All FY 06 activities continue, efforts need to increase – Ramp up program on cavity cost reduction with MSU – Cavity TIG welding, hydro-forming, mechanical material removal Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 61
ILC Americas SCRF Materials Research ( WBS 3. 9. 14) • Desire to grow this program: Request was 8 FTE • We limited the request to: existing staff + posted openings – – – – – P Bauer 1. 00 FTE Scientist opening 1. 00 FTE C Antoine 0. 35 FTE C Boffo 0. 30 FTE C Cooper 0. 25 FTE F Mc. Conologue 1. 00 FTE Dave Burke 0. 10 FTE TD tech 1. 00 FTE Laurea Student 1. 00 FTE Total 6. 00 FTE Scientists Engineer Chemist Designer • M&S request was $ 700 K, but only $ 525 K request to GDE – – $100 K for materials characterization for cavity fabrication $200 K of this is for the university program at NU, UW, & MSU $200 K SCRF materials infrastructure $200 K Single cell program fund $ 175 K from FNAL core funds Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 62
ILC Americas FY 07 Request ( WBS 3. 9. 14) • FY 07 Resources * Not included in these totals: We hope to attract an “out standing” engineer (FNAL Bardeen Fellow) to SCRF single cell program as part of the “tight loop” effort at FNAL. They get SWF and M&S support from lab core funds. Will request $ 175 K M&S. Reuse the A 0 3. 9 GHz cryostat. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 63
ILC Cryomodule Type-IV Components Americas ( WBS 3. 9. 15) • Scope: Cryomodule components (except Cavities) for the 2 nd ILC Cryomodule for ILCTA_NM • FY 06 Status: – DESY Drawings were transferred to Fermilab – Fermilab converted these drawings for US vendors – These drawings are the base for the Type-IV cryomodule design (WBS 3. 9. 4). – We are preparing bid package to purchase Helium Vessel, Coupler, Tuners, Cold Mass etc. using TTC design from US and International Vendors in FY 06 – The 2 nd Cryomodule is expected to be assembled in late FY 07 • FY 06 Resources (Fermilab core funds) • Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 64
ILC Cryomodule Type-IV Components Americas ( WBS 3. 9. 15) • FY 07 Scope: Cryomodule components (except Cavities) for the 3 rd ILC Cryomodule for ILCTA_NM. This will be of Type-IV ILC design • FY 07 goals: – Finish the design of the ILC Type-IV Cryomodule as described in WBS 3. 9. 4 – Coupler, Tuners, Helium Vessel etc. are not expected to change from Type-III+ to Type-IV. – Purchase long lead time items as the design of components are finalized. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 65
ILC Americas FY 07 Request ( WBS 3. 9. 15) • Personnel: – Fabrication Specialist from Materials Control Group and a small part of Tom Peterson (1. 0) Total 1. 0 FTE FY 07 Resources Additional SWF and M&S resources will be needed in FY 08 to finish this Cryomodule. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 66
ILC Americas 3. 9 GHz Cryomodule ( WBS 3. 9. 16) • Scope: Fabricate One 3. 9 GHz 3 rd harmonic Cryomodule for DESY • FY 06 Status: – Cavities under fabrication: • Half Cells for six 9 -Cell Cavities formed at Fermilab, 1 has been ebeam Welded at Jlab – Coupler design was finished and it is being fabricated at CPI – Design of other cryomodule components are in progress. It is expected to finish June 06. – Design and fabrication of tooling for the cryomodule fabrication at Fermilab Cryomodule Assembly Facility is in progress. – 3. 9 GHz cavity testing and dressing will share the 1. 3 GHz infrastructure • FY 06 Resources (Fermilab core funds) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 67
ILC Americas 3. 9 GHz Cryomodule ( WBS 3. 9. 16) • Scope: finish 06 scope… • FY 07 goals: – – – Vertical testing of the 3. 9 GHz cavity 3. 9 GHz Coupler conditioning Horizontal test of the 3. 9 GHz cavities at ILCTA_MDB Complete assembly of 4 cavities in a cryomodule Deliver to and assemble at DESY • FY 07 resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 68
ILC Americas 3. 9 GHz cryomodule ( WBS 3. 9. 16) • FY 07 Personnel: (This Project is expected to finish in the 2 nd quarter of FY 07) – Don Mitchell, Dan Olis 0. 25 FTE – Mike Foley, Mark Steinke, John Zweibohmer 0. 1 FTE – Tug Arkan, Mike Heinz, Ryan Montiel, Wade Muranyi, Michael Rauchmiller, Allan Rowe, Brad Tennis, Timergali Khabibulline, Andy Hocker, Brian Smith, Glenn Smith 2. 0 FTE – Leo Bellantoni, Harry Carter, Helen Edwards, Elvin Harms, Phil Pfund 1. 5 FTE Total 3. 85 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 69
ILC Americas 3. 9 GHz Crab Cavity ( WBS 3. 9. 17) • FY 06 Status: – ILC crab cavity is needed to achieve the design luminosity – Fermilab has a design of a transverse mode 3. 9 GHz cavity that it developed for the CKM experiment. – Several single cell and four 3 cell prototypes exist – Nb and half cells exist for 13 cell prototype • FY 06 Resources – No ILC resources allocated in FY 06 • FY 07 Scope: Fabricate and test a 13 cell 3. 9 GHz Crab Cavity using existing FNAL design • FY 07 goals: – Fermilab is building 3. 9 GHz 3 rd harmonic cavities for DESY, this is a modest incremental effort – The crab cavity will be processed and tested at Fermilab using the existing 3. 9 GHz facilities. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 70
ILC Americas FY 07 Personnel ( WBS 3. 9. 17) • Personnel: – Leo Bellontoni – Engineer * – Drafter * 1. 0 FTE 0. 5 FTE Total 2. 0 FTE * Thought to be AD personnel but no agreement in place. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 71
ILC Americas Beam Delivery System-Collimators ( WBS 3. 10. 6) • Scope: Feasibility study of beam loss, energy deposition and radiation in beam delivery system (BDS) and extraction beam-lines, detector backgrounds and mitigation measures • FY 06 Status: – Front-end STRUCT-MARS 15 -GEANT 4 model of BDS, IP and extraction lines developed – BDS vs IP backgrounds done 6/06 – Radiation loads in collimation region, IP and 20 -mrad extraction line and beam loss in 2 and 14 -mrad extraction lines done 9/06 • FY 06 Resources: 1. 0 FTE, $50 k M&S paid by GDE 0. 5 FTE paid with core funds Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 72
ILC Americas BDS-Collimators ( WBS 3. 10. 6) • Scope: Feasibility study of beam loss, energy deposition and radiation in beam delivery system (BDS) and extraction beam-lines, detector backgrounds and mitigation measures • FY 07 goals: – Refine front-end STRUCT-MARS 15 -GEANT 4 model of BDS, IP and extraction lines and extend to realistic detector, experimental halls and beam dumps – Optimization studies of BDS apertures, collimators, synchrotron masks, muon spoilers, machine-detector interface (tunnel plugs, two-hall separation, masks, quads at IP, detector), extraction beam-lines with their collimators and beam dumps at the end for 2, 14 and 20 -mrad crossings. – Radiation loads, prompt and residual radiation levels in BDS, IP and extraction components; impact on environment and second experiment. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 73
ILC Americas BDS-Collimators ( WBS 3. 10. 6) • FY 07 Personnel: – – Nikolai Mokhov 0. 5 FTE Alexander Drozhdin 0. 5 FTE Sergei Striganov 0. 5 FTE Noriaki Nakao 1. 0 FTE Total 2. 5 FTE FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 74
ILC Americas Magnets for RDR (WBS 4. 3. 1) • Scope: Conceptual design and cost estimation of magnet systems in support of the RDR • FY 06 Status: – Effort was organized and funded half way through FY 06 – Gathered information from Area System leaders as to the type and number of magnets required – Preparing parametric cost estimates for magnets • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 75
ILC Americas Magnets for RDR (WBS 4. 3. 1) • Scope: Conceptual design and cost estimation of magnet systems in support of the RDR • FY 07 Goals: – Continue to provide conceptual design and cost estimation for magnets in support of the RDR – Work on detailed designs for magnets to better understand parameter space and physical dimensions • FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 76
ILC Americas Magnets for RDR (WBS 4. 3. 1) • FY 07 Personnel: – – John Tompkins 0. 5 FTE Vladimir Kashikhin 0. 5 FTE Vadim Kashikhin 0. 25 FTE Mike Tartaglia 0. 25 FTE Total 1. 5 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 77
ILC Americas Cryomodule Cost Est. (WBS 4. 4. 1) • Scope: Initial cryomodule cost estimate in support of RDR • FY 06 Status: – Working Group formed with TJNL and SLAC to estimate cost of RF Unit production • Parallel effort to Industrial Cost Study • Will include cost estimate of required infrastructure – Follow through on order for Industrial Cost Study of RF Unit • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 78
ILC Americas Cryomodule Cost Est. (WBS 4. 4. 1) • Scope: Develop cryomodule cost estimate • FY 07 Goals: – Continue effort to estimate cryomodule cost including cost of required infrastructure – Develop simulation model for fabrication process to allow optimization and what-if scenarios • FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 79
ILC Americas Cryomodule Cost Est (WBS 4. 41) • FY 07 Personnel: – – – – – Rich Stanek Harry Carter Tom Peterson Phil Pfund Gregg Kobliska Tom Nicol Tug Arkan Bob Bernstein Bill Borowski Don Mitchell Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 0. 1 FTE 0. 15 FTE 0. 1 FTE Total 1. 1 FTE ILC ART Review 80
ILC Americas Instrumentation RDR ( WBS 4. 7. 1) • Scope: System layout, RDR cost estimation, technical details for the TDR • FY 06 Status: – Specifications of most subsystems completed – Main Linac layout almost complete • FY 06 Resources: No GDE support for this task • FY 07 Scope: Same • FY 07 goals: – System layout for Injector, DR, RTM & BDS instrumentation (in collaboration) – Completing the cost estimation of all instrumentation subsystems (in collaboration) – Detailed technical description of all major instrumentation subsystems (in collaboration) – Details on related systems (timing & trigger, clock distribution, DAQ, control system, etc. ) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 81
ILC Americas Instrumentation RDR ( WBS 4. 7. 1) • Personnel: – – Jim Crisp 0. 15 FTE Peter Prieto 0. 15 FTE Alexei Semenov 0. 10 FTE Manfed Wendt 0. 35 FTE Total 0. 75 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 82
ILC Americas RF Power ( WBS 5. 8. 3) • Scope: Provide RF power to FNAL test stands • FY 06 Status: – Two large modulators under construction – PD (4. 5 ms) done 6/06, ILC ( 1. 5 ms) complete 12/06 • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 83
ILC Americas RF Power ( WBS 5. 8. 3) • Scope: Provide RF power to FNAL test stands • FY 07 goals: – Complete ILC modulator for ILCTA_NM ($20 K, . 5 FTE) – Modulator will be used to supply RF to 1 st Type III cryomodule in Fall of 07 – Build a new 10 MW modulator for FNPL RF gun ( $ 400 k, 1. 5 FTE) – Buy a set of spare parts for 10 MW modulator ($150 k) – Build two 200 KW RF systems for HTS systems – Order a 10 -MW klystron ($1000 k) – Procure rf distribution for 1 st cryomodule – Procure 1. 3 Ghz driver Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 84
RF Power ( WBS 5. 8. 3) ILC Americas • FY 07 Personnel: – – – J. Reid 1 new eng (accepted) C. Jensen D. Sun R. Pasquinelli 2 AD RF techs Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 0. 50 FTE 1. 00 FTE 0. 50 FTE 1. 00 FTE 0. 25 FTE 2. 00 FTE Total 5. 25 FTE ILC ART Review 85
ILC Americas Test Facility LLRF ( WBS 5. 8. 4) • Scope: Develop LLRF systems for FNAL ILCTA • FY 06 Status: – ILCTA_MDB_HTS • 1. 3 GHz system based on DESY’s Simcon 3. 1 LLRF system is available (tested at both A 0 CC 1 and MDB CC 2) • A 3. 9 GHz up/down converter box is being fabricated to support 3. 9 GHz coupler conditioning and 3. 9 GHz cavity testing at ILCTA_MDB – ILCTA_IB 1_VTS • Design based on Jlab VTS LLRF system, buy in FY 06 • FY 06 Resources (shared with WBS 3. 8. 3) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 86
ILC Americas Test Facility LLRF ( WBS 5. 8. 4) • Scope: Develop LLRF systems for FNAL ILCTA • FY 07 goals: – ILCTA_NML • Photoinjector: LLRF upgrade of A 0 photoinjector based on improved Simcon 3. 1 system (RF Gun, CC 1, CC 2) • First ILC cryomodule: LLRF system based on improved 8 Ch Simcon 3. 1 system • Beyond FY 07: ILC RF unit (three cryomodules): LLRF system based on a new generation 24 -Ch LLRF module – ILCTA_IB 1_HTS • LLRF system for a two-cavity HTS facility based on improved Simcon 3. 1 system Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 87
ILC Americas Test Facility LLRF ( WBS 5. 8. 4) • Personnel: – Accelerator Division: 2 FTE • (B. Chase, J. Branlard, E. Cullerton, T. Koeth, M. Kucera, D. Nicklaus) – Computing Division: 2 FTE • (G. Cancelo, K. Treptow, R. Kwarcyany, B. Haynes, T. Zmuda, S. Rapisarda, G. Duerling, Other (Tech)) – Technical Division: 2 FTE • (R. Carcagno, D. Orris, J. Ozelis, A. Makulski, R. Nehring, Y. Pischalnikov, J. Nogiec, D. Shpakov, F. Lewis, D. Eddy, S. Helis, New Engineer) Total 6 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 88
ILC Americas Test Facility LLRF (WBS 5. 8. 4) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 89
Horizontal Test Stand (WBS 5. 9. 1) ILC Americas • Scope: ILCTA_MDB HTS • Cryostat: – Accepts single “dressed” cavities, 1. 3 GHz or 3. 9 GHz – Similar to the DESY HTS but has access at both ends. • Cryogenics: – – • MDB has an existing 1800 W @ 4 K cryogenic system New distribution system built to supply cavity test areas Large vacuum pump has been added to achieve 60 W at 1. 8 K Cryogenic costs for this are in WBS 5. 9. 3 RF System: – 300 KW klystron & modulator provides pulsed RF power – Costs associated with RF system are in 5. 8. 3 ILCTA_IB 1 HTS • A second HTS will be built for IB 1 – Improved throughput (HTS is bottleneck @ DESY) – Design improvements – Accepts two 1. 3 GHz cavities simultaneously. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 90
ILC Americas Horizontal Test Stand (WBS 5. 9. 1) • FY 06 Status: ILCTA_MDB HTS – Cryostat delivery: mid May-2006 – Cryo lines to cave installed, feed can under construction – Working 1. 3 GHz RF system in MDB ( tested with CC II) ILCTA_IB 1 HTS – Working on ( two cavity) cryostat design • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 91
ILC Americas Horizontal Test Stand (WBS 5. 9. 1) • FY 07 Goals: – Operate ILCTA_MDB for 3. 9 Ghz – Convert ILCTA_MDB to 1. 3 GHz and begin operation ( $ 50 K M&S) – Cryo ops: 2 FTE, testing/analysis: 2 FTE, mechanical/RF tech: 2 FTE – ILCTA_IB 1 HTS: Eng/Design: 2 FTE, cryo & electrical techs: 2 FTE RF Eng: 0. 5 FTE, instrumentation: 0. 5 FTE – M&S: IB 1 cryostat $ 250 K, electrical & infra 85 K – M&S: build mezzanine, shielding cave & interlocks $ 200 K • FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 92
ILC Americas Horizontal Test Stand ( WBS 5. 9. 1) • FY 07 Personnel: – – – Andy Hocker 1. 00 FTE TD IB 1 tech grp 1. 75 FTE Valeriy Poloubotko 0. 25 FTE Clark Reid 0. 25 FTE New Physicist 1. 00 FTE Total 4. 25 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 93
ILC Americas ILCTA_MDB Cryogenics (WBS 5. 9. 3) • FY 07 Goals: – Complete Cryogenics construction at ILCTA_MDB for HTS – MDB Refrigerator and vacuum pump improvements – Additional instrumentation • FY 07 Resources – O. 25 engineer, 0. 75 tech assigned from AD cryo group Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 94
ILC Americas Vertical Test Stand (WBS 5. 9. 2) • Our goal is to rapidly advance the intellectual understanding of SCRF surface physics and establish process controls to reliably achieve high gradient ( 35 MV/M) SCRF cavity operation • Approach: Establish a “tight loop” processing and test infrastructure in the U. S. • Tight loop elements: – – – Cavity fabrication improvements ( e. g. single crystal) BCP & Electro-polish facilities High purity water and High pressure rinse Vertical test facilities SCRF experts & materials program to interpret results • Vertical test facilities exist at Cornell and TJNL (bare cavities) • These are being modified for near-term use by ILC R&D • On a longer term ( 2007) new Vertical Test Stand (designed for 35 MV/M) cavity testing is being built at FNAL Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 95
ILCTA_VTS ILC Americas • A Vertical Test Stand VTS is sited in IB 1 because this building currently houses the Magnet Test Facility large refrigerator capable of 60 W at 1. 8 K • Bare 1. 3 GHz 9 -cell Tesla-style cavities LHe & vacuum lines ü Measure Q vs. T and Q vs. Eacc • 250 W (CW) RF power required at maximum gradient (Q=5 x 109, Eacc=35 MV/m) • Installed in a vertical pit in the Floor • Shielding against X-rays and Neutrons is an important issue for 35 MV/M cavities • Maintain “Controlled Area” status in IB 1 Industrial Building 1 Cornell ü <5 mrem/hr immediately outside shielding ü <0. 25 mrem/hr in normal working areas Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 96
ILC Vertical Test Stand (WBS 5. 9. 2) Americas • FY 06 Status – – – – Civil Design done, Radiation review ~done Civil work done in ~ 2 months Dewar design is advanced order soon Instrumentation, rack layout, etc. has begun Refrigerator modifications in the fall Input coupler design will start soon RF Power, LLRF, controls are elsewhere • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 97
ILC Americas Vertical Test Stand (WBS 5. 9. 2) FY 07 Personnel 6. 5 FTE on average Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 98
ILC Vertical Test Stand (WBS 5. 9. 2) Americas • FY 07 Goals: – – – – Detailed plan exists Design and fabricate Dewar top Develop and build coupler Modify IB 1 cryogenics Install RF, controls, instrumentation, etc Put all together Make it all work • FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 99
ILC Cryomodule Assembly Facility (CAF) Americas ( WBS 5. 9. 5) • Scope: Build a CAF to – Dress a single cavity for Horizontal Testing – Prepare a 8 cavities string – Build a Cryomodule • FY 06 Status: – – The MP 9 building was improved to house the CAF. Clean Room has been constructed Equipment & Components for the clean room All the fixture for string assembly and cryomodule fabrication purchased – Ready to Assemble Cryomodule June 2006 – Training of Fermilab staff and Procedure development at DESY • FY 06 Resources (Fermilab core Funds) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 100
CAF ( WBS 5. 9. 5) ILC Americas • Scope: Dress cavities for Horizontal testing and Assemble ILC Cryomodule. • FY 07 goals: – Build and commission a High Pressure Rinse system for ILC Cavities ( may ship these M&S funds to MSU) – Upgrade Ultra Pure Water System – Dress ILC Cavities for Horizontal testing at ILCTA-MDB – Assemble 1 st ILC Cryomodule using Kit provided by DESY and INFN. • FY 07 Resources: M&S includes 4 contract techs Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 101
CAF ( WBS 5. 9. 5) ILC Americas • FY 07 Personnel: – – – – Tug Arkan Brian Smith Marco Battistoni Jeff Eliott Glen Smith Jeff Wittenkeller Mark Clebek Euvgene Borissov Mark Steinke John Zweibohmer QC Process Eng Technician 0. 6 FTE 1. 0 1. 0 (Contract) 0. 4 0. 5 0. 2 1. 0 3. 0 (2 Contract) Total 8. 0 FTE Note: Move the contract Techs to M&S and do not count them as FTE. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 102
ILC ILCTA_NM Facility Infrastructure Americas ( WBS 5. 9. 6) • Scope: Infrastructure to install and operate one ILC RF unit with beam in New Muon Lab at FNAL • FY 06 Status: – Cleaned the NML Building, Removing the CCM – General infrastructure improvement including computing, network, electrical and water. – Funded with FNAL core funds in FY 06 • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 103
ILCTA_NM ( WBS 5. 9. 6) ILC Americas • Scope: Improve infrastructure to install and commission Photo-injector and one Cryomodule • FY 07 goals: – – Build cave for the test of ILC RF unit with photo-injector Interlocks and electrical infrastructure Move loading dock and build a beam dump Temporary Beam-line extension from the end of the Cryomodule to Beam Dump • FY 07 Resources: Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 104
ILCTA_NM ( WBS 5. 9. 6) ILC Americas • FY 07 Personnel: – – – – Paul Czarapata 0. 5 FTE Tom Sperry 0. 5 FTE Margaret Crayton 0. 7 FTE John Bell 0. 5 FTE Bocean Virgil 0. 3 FTE James Catalanello 0. 4 FTE James Kilmer 0. 25 FTE Misc AD & PPD Eng/Techs 2. 05 FTE Total 5. 0 FTE This crew exists and is working in FY 06 Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 105
ILC ILCTA_NM Cryo Construction (WBS 5. 9. 7) Americas • Scope: Construction of ILCTA_NML cryogenic system • FY 07 Goals: – Engineering and technical support for cryogenic system construction – FY 06 SWF + M&S support to start on the NML cryogenics was provided by AD cryo using Fermilab core funds ($1050 K) – Effort moving from cryo in MDB to ILCTA_NM – M&S Support includes • • Compressor and vacuum pump installation ($207 K) Gas storage components ($30 K) Coldbox installation ($100 K) Cryogenic storage and distribution system ($467 K) Controls and spares ($250 K) Cryomodule interface equipment (end cans) ($1120 K) M&S support for 5 contract engineers, designers, and techs (as required - $600 K) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 106
ILC Americas ILCTA_NM cryo construction ( WBS 5. 9. 7) • FY 07 Resources • FY 07 Personnel: – Crew worked in FY 06 on MDB cryogenics NM cryo – 15 FTE are a combination of AD Cryogenic Department and PPD Mechanical Department personnel (presently working on the project) and represents the baseline of support that can be counted on in FY 07. Additional support will be required (using either contract or temporary help) in order to maintain the schedule. Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 107
ILC Americas Electron Source ILCTA_NM ( WBS 5. 9. 8) • Scope: N/A • FY 06 Status: N/A • FY 06 Resources – Was not funded in FY 06 • Scope: Provide a new rf photo-gun (DESY type) • FY 07 goals: – – Laser upgrade 200 K Laser table upgrade 140 K new rf gun 760 K Miscellaneous 100 K • Collaboration with Budker INP on the gun design, production and testing Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 108
ILC Electron Source ILCTA_NM ( WBS 5. 9. 8) Americas • FY 07 Personnel: – – R. Fliller J. Santucci New laser phys (offer accepted) R. Andrews Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 0. 5 FTE 0. 25 FTE 0. 75 FTE 0. 5 FTE Total 2. 0 FTE 109
ILC Americas Test Facility Ops ( WBS 5. 9. 10) • Scope: Operations support for all three ILCTA test areas (MDB HTS, IB 1 VTS, NML cryomodules) • FY 07 Goals: – In FY 07 each of the areas will need support for operations. It is planned to share personnel between areas for cryo and RF operations and while we grow expertise in cavity handling – Engineering and technical support: • • • Operation of cryogenic system Handling of cavities and cryomodules Operational support for RF power, LLRF and controls Minor modifications and upgrades to existing systems Repairs and maintenance – M&S costs estimates are based on costs to operate other cryogenic and RF systems at FNAL Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 110
ILC Americas Test Facility Operations ( WBS 5. 9. 10) • FY 07 Resources *M&S includes cost for cryogens and other operating expenses Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 111
ILC Americas Test Facility Operations ( WBS 5. 9. 10) • FY 07 Personnel: – ILCTA_NML • Paul Czarapata (0. 25), John Reid (0. 25), AD Electrical Techs (0. 5), AD Cryogenics Engineer (0. 5), PPD Mechanical Techs (1) – ILCTA_MDB • Paul Czarapata (0. 25), John Reid (0. 25), AD Electrical Techs (0. 5), AD Cryogenics Engineer (0. 5), AD Mechanical Techs (2) – ILCTA_IB 1: • Joe Ozelis (0. 6), Yuenian Huang (0. 5), Cosmore Sylvester (0. 3), Darryl Orris (0. 3), New Engineer II (0. 3), Yuriy Pischalnikov (0. 2), Ruben Carcagno (0. 2), Dennis Shpakov (0. 2), Andrzej Makulski (0. 2), Roger Nehring (0. 2), Electrical & Mechanical Tech Support (1) Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 112
Test Facility Instr. ( WBS 5. 9. 12) ILC Americas • Scope: Beam Instrumentation for FNAL ILCTA • FY 06 Status: – RF interlock system design and prototyping completed – Cold cavity-BPM EM simulations and design underway • FY 06 Resources: None, new task for FY 07 • FY 07 Scope: same • FY 07 goals: – – Completion of the RF interlock system Prototyping of a cold cavity-BPM for the cryostat Establishment of a cavity-BPM test-stand Development, prototyping and production of a general purpose digitizer board (ATCA-based) – Design of an analog signal pre-processing interface for button BPM’s of the photo-injector – Design of bunch phase monitor electronics – Design of a cavity-BPM signal down-converter Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 113
ILC Americas Test Facility Instr ( WBS 5. 9. 12) • Personnel: – – – – John Van Bogaert 0. 25 FTE Charlie Briegel 0. 25 FTE Jim Crisp 0. 50 FTE Bob Dysert 0. 25 FTE Nathan Eddy 0. 50 FTE Brian Fellenz 0. 25 FTE Jim Fitzgerald 0. 25 FTE Marv Olson 0. 25 FTE Peter Prieto 0. 75 FTE Andrea Saewert 0. 25 FTE John Seraphin 0. 25 FTE Randy Thurman-Keup 0. 25 FTE Manfred Wendt 0. 25 FTE Duane Voy 0. 25 FTE Total 4. 50 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 114
ILC Americas Test Facility Instr (WBS 5. 9. 12) FY 07 Resources: Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 115
ILC Americas Bid to Host: Conventional Facilities (WBS 7. 1. 1) • Scope: Fermilab ILC site planning • FY 07 Goals: – FNAL site specific technical drawings and machine layouts – Characterize local surface and geotechnical site – Optimize design and perform site specific cost estimate in conjunction with A&E consultants • FY 07 Resources FESS labor on charge system so M&S Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 116
ILC Industrial Cost Study and RF Unit Fabrication (WBS 4. 10. 1, 7. 2. 1) Americas • Scope: Initiate the RF Unit Costs Study • FY 06 Status: – Provide necessary back up documentation and justifications to move the RF Unit Cost Study contract through the signature authorization process – Provide interface with industrial vendors to transmit required designs and specifications to allow accurate cost estimation and monitor progress of contract – *Conventional Facilities Cost Study is also planned in FY 06 • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 117
ILC Industrial Cost Study and RF Unit Fabrication (WBS 4. 10. 1, 7. 2. 1) Americas • Scope: Complete the RF Unit Cost Study and initiate industrial order to fabricate an RF Unit as part of bid-to-host • FY 07 Goals: – 4. 10. 1: Continue to provide interface with industrial vendors to transmit required designs and specifications to allow accurate cost estimation and monitor progress of contract – 7. 2. 1: Begin a multi-year bid-to-host effort to qualify U. S. industry for ILC components (first step: fabricate a complete RF Unit using U. S. industry and lab infrastructure) • FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 118
ILC Americas FY 07 Personnel (WBS 4. 10. 1, 7. 2. 1) • Personnel: – Phil Pfund 0. 45 FTE – Gregg Kobliska 0. 1 FTE – Mark Steinke 0. 2 FTE Total 0. 75 FTE Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 119
ILC U. S. Site Specific Prog Mgmt (WBS 7. 3. 1) Americas • Scope: U. S. Site Specific accelerator design effort • FY 07 Goals: – – – Lead effort on U. S. Site Specific accelerator design ( for TDR) Accelerator design optimized for FNAL site Central Damping Rings, cryogenic facilities, etc. Minimize impact on surrounding community, etc. Candidate chosen by international search but must reside @ FNAL • FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 120
Conclusions ILC Americas • FNAL’s ILC effort is growing rapidly • Our request for FY 07 is large $ 55 M (remove GDE, detector) – 186 FTE – $ 26 M M&S (direct) but several M of this goes to other labs – Not included: $ 3. 2 M for Detector R&D + $ 1. 2 M for test beam • The vast majority of this proposed effort is focused on R 1, R 2 R&D (cavities and cryomodules) and on the RDR TDR machine design effort • More people wish to join… we should not have to send them away because the ILC B&R category won’t support them right now • Most have their salaries paid with HEP funds now • However, there still needs to be enough overall funding in the labs and universities to support the desired level of effort Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 121
END ILC Americas • GDE common fund is below Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 122
ILC Americas GDE Common Fund (WBS 1. 7) • Scope: Support the GDE Office and Staff • FY 06 Status: – GDE Office was established with staff support person and ILC Americas communicator – Coordinate activities associated with GDE meetings – Developed (in conjunction with all three regions) the “ILC Newsline” web based communication tool • FY 06 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 123
ILC Americas GDE Common Fund (WBS 1. 7) • Scope: Support the GDE Office and Staff • FY 07 Goals: – Continue to support the GDE Office and coordinate associated GDE meetings – Upkeep of the ILC web page and develop additional communication tools (incl. brochure) – Implement EDMS solution for ILC • FY 07 Resources Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 124
ILC Americas GDE Common Fund (WBS 1. 7) • Personnel: – Max Hronek 1. 0 FTE – Elizabeth Clements 1. 0 FTE – Web Specialist* 1. 0 FTE Total 3. 0 FTE * Posted opening Fermilab Apr 4 -6, 2006 ILC ART Review 125