- Количество слайдов: 19
FEMA-1505 -DR San Simeon Earthquake Santa Barbara County Dave Rickard
Inspection Team
Building “C” Superior Court
Building “C” Superior Court
Typical Concrete Sidewalk Damage
Building “B” Example Cracking
Building “G” Main Courthouse Cracking
Building “G” South Wall Cracking Concrete Damage
Building “G” Basement Floor Crack 1/8” Crack
Building “G” Basement Floor Cracking Example 1/8” open cracking 15 LF in File Room
Building “G” Jail Holding Spot Sceam Cracking
Building “G” Basement Cont’ Example Wall Cracking Entire Length of Wall
Building “G” Jail Area Typical Cracking – Patch and Paint Crack
Planter in front of Courthouse Quake punched out concrete and broke paint
Laguna Sanitation Wastewater Treatment Plant Repairs to fiberglass baffles
Repairs to primary digester and feed piping
County Insurance – Self Insured n The County's deductible for Earthquake [EQ] coverage is 5% of the total values per "Unit" per occurrence subject to a $500, 000 minimum. A "Unit" is defined as a separate building, contents within a separate building, property in the open (yard), or time element coverage at a separate building.
List of Projects & Dollar Amount n n n n Laguna Sanitation Wastewater Treatment Plant $50, 000 Public Defender Build. Interior Bathrooms and Exterior Cracking $30, 000 Court House “Facility G” Exterior and Interior $125, 000 Building “B” 312 Cook St Exterior Cracking = $5, 000 Sidewalks and Planter repairs – $5, 000 Juvenile Hall (SB) = $20, 000 HMGP Grant Request = Retrofit All Courthouses to Required Codes and Standards = $4, 000 Total Requested – Public Assistance = $235, 000 – Hazard Mitigation Proposal = $4, 000
Any Questions “Here’s Your $4 Million” Santa Barbara “Burp”