- Количество слайдов: 16
Feeding the 5, 000 John 6: 1 -15
Review • Jesus said there were many reasons people should believe He was the Son of God – John the Baptizer’s testimony – The miracles He performed – The Father’s voice from heaven – The prophecies He had fulfilled • All these things pointed to one obvious conclusion – But many were unwilling to accept that conclusion • And once again Jesus leaves Jerusalem to return to Galilee
Introduction • The feeding of the 5, 000 – The only incident (after His baptism and prior to the final week of His life) recorded in all gospels • Mt 14: 13 -21; Mk 6: 30 -44; Lk 9: 10 -17 • That should make us take notice of this event – Something very significant was taking place – John knew of the other gospels, but still recorded this incident – We’ll start with the miracle (as recorded in all the gospels) and lessons learned • Later lessons we’ll look at the follow-up teachings John records to find additional lessons
Setting • John 6: 1 -3 – Jesus and disciples crossed over the Sea of Galilee • Mark and Luke tell us this happened after John the Baptizer was beheaded – Matthew points out Jesus had just heard the news – Luke tells us Herod Antipas was seeking to see Jesus – Jesus takes His disciples and goes to a deserted place near Bethsaida (Lk 9: 10)
Bethsaida • Two villages of this name – One near Capernaum • Called Bethsaida of Galilee • Home of Peter, Andrew, and Philip – The other, called Bethsaida Julius, a mile NE of the Sea of Galilee • The shoreline was deserted, perhaps due to seasonal flooding • Jesus went up onto the nearby mountain (where the picture was taken from) • This Bethsaida was in the land of Iturea, ruled by Herod Philip outside the reach of Herod Antipas • Jesus goes here privately, but a multitude follow – Knew of the various healings, raisings, etc
The multitude • John 6: 4 -6 – Near the Passover, another year has passed – Sees the multitude coming (Mk 6: 30 -34) before they even land the boat • They had to walk around the Sea of Galilee – About a 5 mile walk from Capernaum – Jesus immediately thinks about the fact they will be hungry • Asks Philip a “test question” • No towns closer than Capernaum (a town of 1, 500), where can we find enough to feed the crowd?
Options • John 6: 7 – Philip’s thought: Jesus said “buy bread” • Even 200 denarii wouldn’t be enough – Maybe they had that amount – Maybe it was just an impossible amount (almost a year’s wages) • Can’t see any possibility • Day spent teaching and healing, then disciples suggest dispersing the crowd (Mk 6: 35 -37) – Disciples have been thinking about what Jesus said to Philip • Still have no answer other than Philip’s
What other options were there? • Sometimes we are as limited in our thinking as the apostles – The apostles had just returned from the limited commission • They had healed the sick, cast out demons • Had power to raise the dead and cleanse lepers – Mt 9: 8 – But they couldn’t imagine how God could help with THIS problem • Not a problem of illness, disease, or death – Fortunately, God’s power isn’t limited by man’s ability to think how it can be done (Eph 3: 20 -21)
Loaves and fishes • John 6: 8 -9 – Andrew finds one boy with 5 loaves and two fish • “Loaves” were about the size of a biscuit – Barley was the cheapest grain • “Fishes” in the diminutive, tiny fish • But still can’t imagine what use they could be
The miracle • John 6: 10 -13 – Jesus kept breaking the loaves and fishes and handing the pieces to the disciples • The disciples distributed to the people • The people were allowed to eat until they were filled, no limit – 5, 000 men, not including women and children – After all were filled, 12 baskets of leftovers • One basket for each apostle • [Perhaps a side-point: don’t be wasteful]
The reaction • John 6: 14 – He was truly the Prophet • The Prophet foretold by Moses • He had spent the day healing their sick • But not until He feeds them do they decide He is the Prophet – Moses had fed the people (actually God) in the wilderness – Jesus had just done something similar in scope and magnitude – Faith was a good reaction, that was the purpose of the miracles, confirming His earlier teaching
The overreaction • John 6: 15 – Following the reaction of faith, they decide He should be king, even if He doesn’t want it • What better king than one who can supply unlimited food? • Some people still think of God as a “one-stopshop” for their own desires – Want God to provide what they want – Jesus leaves before they can try to fulfill their idea
Lessons • When it comes to our faith in God – Sometimes we undervalue God’s power • Nothing He can do, so why ask? – Sometimes we mistake our desires for God’s will • I want it, so God must want me to have it • We may even twist God’s word to justify our belief – The Messiah was to be King, so they would just grab Him and force Him to be King – But God’s will is not forced by man’s will
Conclusion • Do you believe in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God? – The multitudes understood there was no other explanation • Do you have faith in God as the one who can do above all we can ask or think? • Are you willing to submit your own desires to the will of God? • If the answer to each question is, YES, then why not obey Him?