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Feedback Italia S. p. A.
Feedback Italia S. p. A. Feedback Italia is a world leading company in the video communication market. We develop software solutions for interactive video communication over IP 2
easymeeting™ easymeeting is a software application for bidirectional video communication Works on Windows©, Mac© and Tablets It allows multipoint real time communication on Video, Audio and Data Between the headquarter and its subsidiaries or stores Between the company and its suppliers Between the company and its customers It increases efficiency in the management of the information flow During commercial and marketing meetings During training By supporting and consulting the customers 3
easymeeting™ User interface Up to 20 full duplex channels Toolbar Other participants 4
easymeeting™ User interface Chairman Documents’ window Speakers 5
easymeeting™ Main features - 1 Based on IP multicast protocol, works with any IP connectivity Supports several CODECs (Microsoft, DIVX, THEORA, Feedback Italia proprietary codec) Customizable bandwidth consumption Simple and customizable user interface 6
easymeeting™ Main features - 2 Audio, video and data encryption customer defined algorithm using Up to 8 independent audio channels to manage Multilanguage sessions Software gateways to traditional H. 323 devices and phone terminals 7
easymeeting™ Features - 1 Up to 1. 000 concurrent users for each session and unlimited concurrent sessions Up to 20 full duplex channels Floating and resizable windows Windows position arranged automatically Customizable layout: save and recall up to 9 presets and extending the interface over a maximum of 8 monitors Real time delivery of files and videos Screen and applications sharing 8
easymeeting™ Features - 2 Whiteboard and Video Pointer Integrated Chat between users available Power. Point Synchronization Sessions can be recorded by allowed users Web-based scheduling and Outlook-based plugin to access easymeeting sessions Instant messaging videolearning™ training tool 9
videolearning™ It is an integrated application that enables typical classroom features on easymeeting™ The supervisor becomes Tutor in order to manage training courses, workshops, practice sessions etc It is an easy-to-use survey tool to get questionnaires and manage real time polling through common Power. Point presentations. 10
videolearning™ The PPT presentation can be sent to each attendee. The teacher can acquire the questionnaire in real time and save the results on an external file. Presentation sent by the teacher Each user can express his own choice The teacher can acquire the results in real time 11
easymeeting™ How to access to a session How to access to an easymeeting™ session? Instant meetings: you can start or join a session by using easymeeting. On. Call (the instant messaging tool of easymeeting) and / or using the easymeeting Client. Scheduled meetings: each user can plan an easymeeting session through the free. easymeeting. it portal, the Outlook plugin or the web scheduler (easymeeting™ scheduler). 12
easymeeting. On. Call How to connect with easymeeting. On. Call 13
easymeeting. On. Call It is an easy-to-use instant messaging agent It allows to start or join in real time an easymeeting™ session with your colleagues or with any user in your address book It can be activated to all users or to specific groups A private or public chat is included You can add users to your contact list and interact with them any time You can filter your contact list by name or status 14
free. easymeeting. it The web portal 15
free. easymeeting. it Features easymeeting™ web portal where you can register for free Free trial period that requires only a valid email address to register You can easily manage conferences and contacts your own profile, Completely integrated with easymeeting. On. Call 16
easymeeting™ scheduler Web-based interface for the management of users, conferences and agenda Conferences can be booked Online Automatic notification sent by email for new, modified and cancelled conferences 17
Outlook plugin Dedicated function inside the Outlook interface to schedule easymeeting™ sessions Automatic invitation email with a direct link to join the conference Automatic notification for any change in the meeting Easily change between face to face and virtual meeting 18
easymeeting™ Advantages It is a complete software solution It interfaces with standard hardware and does not require dedicated equipment It can be used from the user’s desk Runs in PC and Mac environments while assuring interoperability among them Audio and video quality can be customized depending on available bandwidth, hardware resources or meeting type Communications, truly bidirectional and interactive, are guaranteed Safe data exchange guaranteed by encryption Unlimited scalability on concurrent users Audio and video synchronization always guaranteed 19
easymeeting™ Vs Web-conference systems easymeeting™ Audio – video quality QCIF 4 CIF Web Conference Systems Gauranteed Customizable Adjustable Concurrent users More than 1000 into a single session 10 users maximum 2 or 3 as maximum Full – Duplex users Up to 20 into a single session Document sharing Security Bandwidth control Visualizing Sending Remote control For every type of document Cryptography User Authentication Groups and ACL Total control Visualizing Sending None 20
easymeeting™ Vs Traditional video conference systems easymeeting™ Typology Document Sharing Software Traditional V. C. S. Hardware Visualizing Sending Remote control, file and applications sharing For every type of document Visualizing Standard Economic Dedicated Expensive Usage mode user’s desk meeting rooms home from hotels and congress center Only from meeting rooms Scalability For concurrent users For audio-video quality Audio and video quality QCIF 4 CIF Hardware Gauranteed Customizable Adjustable none CIF 21
easymeeting™ Business Models - 1 The software client is: Free The download can be easily done from: www. easymeeting. it or http: //free. easymeeting. it It works on every Windows© PC and Mac© It works with common devices as webcam, microphone and earphones 22
easymeeting™ Business Models - 2 ASP Users connect to the easymeeting™ public servers. Pay per use or monthly flat rate modes are available ENTERPRISE The easymeeting™ server is on the customer’s premises. License can be sold or rent on specific needs LIVE Thanks to a wide network of hotels, live events can be easily managed by ”easymeeting™ live”. 23
easymeeting™ Roadmap i. Pad 2 version for easymeeting™ is available Play. Book and Android easymeeting™ versions are currently being tested H. 323 support and phone call placing directly from easymeeting. On. Call will be available very soon free. easymeeting. it release 2 is under development 24
References Finance References Training
References Industry 26
References P. A. and Associations
References Health Care 28
References Services
References Services 2
Feedback Italia S. p. A. Via J. F. Kennedy, 10 - 10024 Moncalieri (TO) - Italy Phone: + 39 011 1950 1111 - Fax: + 39 011 1950 1199 Web site: www. feedbackitalia. it Milan - Italy Serbelloni Palace, 3 rd floor Corso Venezia, 18 20121 – Milano, Italy Mumbai - India 510 Peninsula Plaza, Veera Desai Rd, Andheri West Mumbai, Maharashtra 400058, India Area Email Demo demo@feedbackitalia. it Sales commerciale@feedbackitalia. it Marketing & Press Office comunicazione@feedbackitalia. it Administration & Finance segreteria@feedbackitalia. it amministrazione@feedbackitalia. it Logistics & Deployment deployment@feedbackitalia. it Technical Support helpdesk@feedbackitalia. it 31