Прохоркина,Идрисова, Позднякова. Типы судов. Англ..pptx
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ФЕДЕРАЛЬНОЕ АГЕНСТВО ПО РЫБОЛУВСТВУ «Дальневосточное мореходное училище (филиал) федерального государственного бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Дальневосточный государственный технический рыбохозяйственный университет» Types of vessels Выполнили студенты 721 группы: Прохоркина Полина, Позднякова Эльвира Идрисова Эльмира г. Находка 2018
Tanker - sea or river cargo ship. The tanker is designed for the carriage of bulk cargoes. The hull is divided by partitions into a number of compartments, which are filled with bulk cargoes. The hull consists of a frame to which is attached a metal sheathing. The volume of one tank can be from 600 to 10 000 m³.
Bulker - a vessel or transportation of bulk cargo. Bulker transports coal, grain, cement, ore. Its deadweight is over 360, 000 tons
Barge Is a cargo vessel, it is used for transportation of goods on water.
Container ship A specialized cargo vessel, for the carriage of goods in uniform enlarged cargo units. As a rule, the crew of a container ship consists of 10 -26 people, since such ships are extremely automated.
Ice breaker A self-propelled specialized vessel designed for various types of icebreaking operations in order to maintain navigation in freezing basins.
Gas carrier A specially constructed vessel for the transport of liquefied natural gas (as well as liquefied petroleum gas - propane and butane) in tanks (tanks):
Trawler fishing vessel intended for fishing by trawling fish and non-fish objects and their primary processing. Trawlers are equipped with refrigeration units for freezing and storage of products in holds.
Ferry A boat used to transport passengers and vehicles between two banks of a water obstacle (a river, a lake, a strait and even a sea).
Прохоркина,Идрисова, Позднякова. Типы судов. Англ..pptx