political system of Germany.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 11
Federal Republic of Germany
National symbols of Germany the coat of arms Ø the flag Ø the bird Ø the national tree (oak) Ø the national anthem Ø the motto Ø
The coat of Arms (Bundeswappen) Ø It has originated in the late eleventh century Ø It portrays a black eagle on a yellow shield Ø It is adopted (принят) in 1950 Ø The official design is due (принадлежит) to Tobias Schwab and was introducted in 1928
Flag of Germany und national anthem (Nationalhymne) Ø The flag’s colors were taken from the uniforms of German soldiers during the Napoleonic Wars. Ø “Das Lied der Deutschen” or “ The song of the Germans” Ø The song was adopted (принята)as the anthem of Germany in 1922. Ø In 1990 Germany decided to adopt only the third stanza (строфа) as the national anthem. Motto : “Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit” – “Unity and Justice and Freedom”
Facts about Germany Ø The capital city is Berlin Ø Germany consists of 16 states: Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Lower Saxony, North Rhine. Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony-Anhalt, Schleswig. Holstein, Thuringia. Ø The Basis Law (Grundgesetz) 1949 Ø The principles of the constitution: - the separation of powers (разделение власти) - the federal structure - the rule of law
President of the Federal Republic of Germany Ø The president is the head of state Ø He is invested with representative (представительная) responsibilities and powers. Ø He is elected (избирается) by the Bundesversammlung Bundestagspräsident (President of Bundestag) Ø He is elected by the Bundestag Joachim Gauck since 18 March 2012 * Bundesversammlung – Federal Convention * Bundestag – Federal Diet * Bundesrat – Federal Council
The Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Ø The Chancellor is the head of government Ø executive power (исполнительная власть) Ø She is appointed by the Bundespräsident after being elected by the Bundestag Ø She choses the other members of the government Angela Merkel since 22 November 2005
Party system of the Federal Republic of Germany The parliament of Germany has a multi-party system. The major parties: Ø Christian Democratic Union (CDU) Ø the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) Ø the Free Democratic Party (FDP) Ø The Left ØThe Greens
Legal system of the Federal Republic of Germany Ø Federal Constitutional Court is the German Supreme Court responsible for constitutional matters. Ø The inquisitorial Federal Court of Justice is the highest court of appeal Ø The Federal Labour Court (фед. суд по трудовым спорам) Ø The Federal Social Court (по соц. вопросам) Ø The Federal Finance Court (по финансовым вопросам) Ø The Federal Administrative Court (фед. административный суд)
Questions When was laid out The Basis Law of Germany? in 1949 Who is the president of Germany today? Joachim Gauck What colour has the Social Democratic Party of Germany? Who exercises executive power in Germany? What is the motto of Germans? red The Chancellor “Unity and Justice and Freedom”
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political system of Germany.pptx