- Количество слайдов: 9
Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology Meteo. Swiss Radar wind profiler activities within WMO CBS ET-SBO Dominique Ruffieux, Dean Lockett, Stuart Goldstraw and connections with the OSCAR team Jörg Klausen
Outline, what was done - ET SBO Questionnaire (2014) - ET SBO definition of metadata for radar wind profilers and comparison between those and WMDS and OSCAR - First selection of mandatory metadata - Ceilometers
WMO questionnaire (2014) in two parts: - How to use a radar wind profiler within a network http: //www. wmo. int/pages/prog/www/OSY/Meetings/ICT-IOS 8/documents/ICT-IOS 8 -INF-4 -Wind-profiler-survey. pdf Argentina Belize Chile Cyprus Gabon Iceland Ireland Kenya Mauritius Netherlands Guinea Conakry Serbia Spain Tanzania United Kingdom Australia Benin China Denmark Guatemala Indonesia Israel Macao China Monaco Pakistan Republic of Korea Singapore Sweden Tunisia Uzbekistan Bahrain Canada Cook Islands Ecuador Hungary Iran Japan Mali Mongolia Peru Republic Dominica Slovak Republic Switzerland Ukraine Venezuela Table 1. List of Countries having answered the questionnaire. - Caracteristics of the systems (metadata)
ET SBO definition of metadata for radar wind profilers and comparison between those and WMDS and OSCAR
First selection of mandatory data RWP Metadata element Location Name RWP element description Name of the site or location of the WPR WIGOS Metadata Standard WMDS 3 -01 Station/platform name OSCAR field T_GO_STATION_NAME_TX Country The country in which the WPR is located 3 -02 Territory of origin of data T_GO_STATION_TERRIOTRY. TERRITORY_ID Organization Owner Organization Station ID The organization that owns the WPR The station number or identifier as designated by the organization owner 9 -01 Supervising organization T_GO_OBSERV_SEGMENT. ORGANIZATION_ID 3 -06 Station/platform unique identifier [alias] T_GO_STATION_ALIAS. STATION_ID WMO Station No. Latitude 3 -06 Station/platform unique identifier 3 -07 Geospatial location T_GO_STATION. WMO_INDEX_TX T_GO_STATION_CRD. LATITUDE_NU 3 -07 Geospatial location T_GO_STATION_CRD. LONGITUDE_NU Commenced Operation The WMO number for the site if one has been allocated Decimal latitude (preferred precision of 1 second), -90. 0000 to +90. 0000, negative indicates southern hemisphere latitude Decimal longitude (preferred precision of 1 second), -180. 0000 to 180. 0000, negative indicates western hemisphere longitude Date at which the WPR became operational the site - format: d-MMM-YYYY Site Altitude WPR Altitude of the WPR site ground above Mean Sea Level (metres) Altitude of zero altitude reference for the WPR above Mean Sea Level (metres) Manufacturer Model Manufacturer of the majority componentry of the WPR Manufacturer or organization identification name of the Model and/or type of WPR system Radio frequency at which the WPR is operated (MHz) Longitude Operating Frequency 1 -03 Temporal extent T_GO_OBSERV_SEGMENT. OBSERV_SINCE_DT; T_GO_INSTRUMENT. USE_SINCE_DT 3 -07 Geospatial location T_GO_STATION_CRD. ELEVATION_NU Vertical distance from reference surface (m) ? ? ? But exists 5 -09 Instrument model and serial number T_GO_INSTR_CATALOGUE_REF. MANUFACTURER_TX T_GO_INSTR_CATALOGUE_REF. MODEL_TX 5 -03 Instrument specifications T_GO_INSTR_FREQUENCIES. EMISSION_FREQUENCY_MIN_NU; T_GO_INSTR_FREQUENCIES. EMISSION_FREQUENCY_MAX_NU ; T_GO_INSTR_FREQUENCIES. EMISSION_BANDWIDTH_NU; same for …SENSING…; same for …TELECOMS…
Summary (radar wind profilers) • Good overlap between the two approaches with an 80% overlap and a broadly 10% / 10% split for the remainder with ~10% of the data that is currently gathered by RWP operators having no provision in OSCAR Surface metadata and ~10% of OSCAR requirements having no source data in common RWP practice. • The importance of the 20% difference will be impacted by the classification of the parameters as Mandatory or Optional.
Ceilometers within EUMETNET-E-PROFILE Maxime Hervo and Alexander Haefele
Radar wind profilers within EUMETNET-E-PROFILE Maxime Hervo and Alexander Haefele