- Количество слайдов: 20
Federal Department of Home Affairs FDHA Federal Office of Meteorology and Climatology Meteo. Swiss GAWSIS GAW Station Information System Jörg Klausen Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva 20 -23 September 2010
GAWSIS Scope • Collect and distribute metadata to facilitate discovery and use of atmospheric data from GAW stations and partner programmes. Global GAW stations Regional GAW stations Associated and partner networks Contributing GAW stations GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 2
GAWSIS Web Statistics GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 3
GAWSIS Design Principles • • K. I. S. S. (keep it small & simple) • No Flash etc. • No plug-ins • Little Javascript Involve the user • Public for viewing • Password-protection for editing Machine-to-machine metadata exchange • Regular updates Self-maintaining (well …) GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 4
GAWSIS Discovery Tools • Simple search • Advanced search • Links to WDCs • Google. Earth™ port GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 5
GAWSIS Main Features • Lists (and maps) of stations • Lists of contacts • Station reports • Site characterization • Measurement program • Meta data for each series • Hyperlinks to data (archive) • Contacts • Bibliographic references • Clearinghouse for 3 -letter station codes (incl. GAW IDs) GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen ted at SV C rm fo 6
GAWSIS: v. Card GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 7
GAWSIS: Global Overview on AOD GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 8
GAWSIS: Metadata from NDACC GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 9
Interoperability of data centers • Facilitate discovery • Find information regardless of origin • Find everything about a station • Find all sites measuring a given variable • Converge towards international standards • Same vocabularies • Same quality standards • Facilitate network management and development • Increase visibility and traffic to archives GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 10
GAWSIS – Metadata Integration for WIS WDCPC CAPMon WMO Global Atmosphere Watch World Data Centre for Aerosols AERONET Operational & comprehensive Operational, incomplete No direct link at present GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 11
WIS Compliance of GAWSIS Achieved within ET-WDC WIGOS/WIS Pilot Project • Metadata from various sources are exposed as WIScompliant XML files, ready for harvesting GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 12
Data Retrieval – A future capability of GAWSIS? GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 13
Data Retrieval – A future capability of GAWSIS? • Example of quicklook plot produced with data retrieved from WDCGG • This capability would be useful if correlative plots with data from different archives could be produced. . . GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 14
GALION in GAWSIS • GALION stations are identified and discoverable in GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 15
GALION in GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 16
Challenges / Future Directions • Maintenance of metadata information • Responsiveness of station managers • Availability of metadata from data centres • Identification of metadata items obtained from data centers (vocabularies!) • Need to decide what stations/programmes to include in GAWSIS and establish trusted relationships with (meta)data providers • Renewal of GAWSIS architecture • Establish GAWSIS as a permanent World Data Centre for Metadata within GAW with a view of becoming a DCPC in WIS (CAS-XV) GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 17
CAS-XV (Incheon, 2009) on GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 18
Future Plans (~18 months) • Include AERONET, SKYNET if agreements can be found • Improve GAWSIS’ capabilities to use and offer web services • Improve vocabularies • Improve and extend information on data quality • Agree on GAWSIS as clearing-house for Laboratory ID (much like GAW IDs) and implement a scheme • Extend search capabilities in response to user requests GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 19
What do I need to do? • Go home and enter your page information • Remember that your site is tentatively a contributing station • We need a step to confirm that sites that submit their information are accepted into the GALION family • Please copy me, Gelsomina, and Geir when it is done GAWSIS | Second GALION Workshop, WMO, Geneva, 20 -23 September 2010 Jörg Klausen 20