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Feb. 6, 2011 - Burmah Road Gospel Hall Wiping out the Old and Welcoming in the New This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Exo. 12: 2 I. IN EGYPT – THE FEASTS. Exo. 12: 2 A. THE NECESSARY BACKGROUND – Israel in Slavery in Egypt. B. THE NEW BEGINNING – Israel Set to leave Egypt. C. THE NAMED FEASTS AND THEIR BASE. II. IN GILGAL – THE FORWARD MARCH! Josh. 5: 9 A. RENEWAL OF THE PASSOVER UNDER JOSHUA. JOSH. 5. III. IN JERUSALEM – THE FORGOTTEN BOOK. B. REINSTATEMENT OF THE PASSOVER UNDER JOSIAH. II Kgs. 23: 21 -23; II Chr. 35: 1 -19 PIG - 1983 RABBIT - 1987, 1999
I. IN EGYPT – THE FEASTS. Exo. 12: 2 This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. A. THE NECESSARY BACKGROUND – Israel in Slavery in Egypt. 1. The Condition for the People. Exo. 5: 1 a. The Lord’s Command to hold the Feast unto Him. Let My people go, that they may hold a feast unto Me in the wilderness. b. The Lord’s Condition for Israel to keep the Feast: Exo. 10: 9 We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds will we go; for we must hold a feast unto the LORD.
A. THE NECESSARY BACKGROUND – Israel in Slavery in Egypt. 1. The Condition for the People. Exo. 5: 1 a. The Compromises b. The Concluding suggested by Pharaoh. i. Plague. "Sacrifice in the land” Exo. 11: 1 cf. 12: 31 -33 8: 25 Ct. Gen. 46: 34 Yet will I bring one ii. "Only ye shall not go plague more upon far away. ” 8: 28 Pharaoh, and upon Egypt; afterwards he will iii. "Go now ye that are men" but… 10: 8 -11 let you go hence: when he shall let you go, he i. e. No! Have only the shall surely thrust you men go…, NIV out hence altogether.
A. THE NECESSARY BACKGROUND – Israel in Slavery in Egypt. B. THE NEW BEGINNING – Israel Set to leave Egypt. 1. The Change in the Calendar. Exo 12: 2 a. Nisan (Abib, Mar-Apr) 7 th mth. in the Civil Calendar => 1 st mth. in the Religious Calendar. in the month Abib thou camest out from u unto yo 16: 1 Egypt. Exo. 34: 18 icf. ) 13: 4; ll 23: 15; Deut. sha be (Ab b shall be onth This m b. Tishri (Ethanim, months: it g of Sept-Oct) to you bmth. ninthe Civile. Newr Year he egin in th of th yea t 1 st irst mon Religious Calendar. he => t 7 thf mth. in the
B. THE NEW BEGINNING – Israel Set to leave Egypt. 1. The Change in the Calendar. Exo 12: . 2 2. The Commencement of the Change meant… a. "Blotting out" of the last 6 months b. Beginning of the next 12 months c. The Base of the `New Year' d. The Basis of Communion/ Relationship - Old life before Conversion WIPING OUT THE OLD - New life in Christ WELCOMING IN THE NEW - the Passover Lamb Exo. 12: 2, 3 - the Blood of the Lamb. Exo. 12: 13
B. THE NEW BEGINNING – Israel Set to leave Egypt. 1. The Change in the Calendar. Exo 12: . 2 2. The Commencement of the Change meant… 3. The Challenge to the Christian a. To the Backslidden: Blot out the Failures of the Past. WIPING OUT THE OLD… b. To the Uncommitted: Begin the Future with the Present WELCOMING IN THE NEW. c. To the Faithful: Be pressing Faithfully on toward the Prize - Phil. 3: 13, 14 forgetting those things which are behind This one thing I do I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
A. THE NECESSARY BACKGROUND. B. THE NEW BEGINNING. C. THE NAMED FEASTS AND THEIR BASE. 1. The Proclamation of the Feasts. Lev. 23 a. The Proclamation of the Feasts. vv. 1, 2, 4 -44 1. Passover 1 st mth. 14 th day 2. Unleavened Bread 1 st mth. 15 th day (7 days) 3. Firstfruits Morrow after 1 st Sabbath 4. Weeks (Pentecost) Morrow after 7 th Sabbath 5. Trumpets 7 th mth. 1 st day 6. Atonement Day 7 th mth. 10 th day 7. Tabernacles 7 th mth. 15 th day (8 days)
C. THE NAMED FEASTS AND THEIR BASE. 1. The Proclamation of the Feasts. Lev. 23 a. The Proclamation of the Feasts. vv. 1, 2, 4 -44 b. A Proposed significance of the Feasts. e. g. I Cor. 5: 7, 8 i. A Pictorial Record of the Christian Life from Conversion to Coronation, e. g. I Jn. 3: 2 ii. A Personal Record of the Christ from the Cross to the Crown, e. g. I Pet. 1: 10, 11 iii. A Prophetical Record of the Course of time from the Cross to the Consummation. e. g. I Cor. 15: 23 ff c. The Place of the Passover Feast – Lev. 23: 3 i. The Foundation of the Feasts. 23: 5 ii. The Followed Order of the Feasts - in their seasons 23: 4
2. The Place of the Passover Feast – Lev. 23: 3 a. The Foundation of the Feasts. 23: 5 b. The Followed Order of the Feasts - in their seasons 23: 4 c. The First Observation of the Passover for the Jews. Lev. 23: 5; Exo. 12 i. The Passover Introduced. Ø It Commemorated the Final plague in Egypt. Exo. 11: 1 Ø It Celebrated the Freedom from slavery in Egypt. } Exo. 12: 15 -20; 34: 18 Ø It Continued with the Feast of Unleavened Bread. } cf. II Chr. 35: 17; Note: Passover sometimes referred to as Unleavened Bread. Mt. 26: 17 ii. The Passover Instituted. Ø The Lamb Chosen on the 10 th day of the first month of the new year. Exo. 12: 3 Ø The Lamb Cut off from the Company of others on the 14 th day. Exo. 12: 6 Ø The Lamb Consumed in the evening: Exo. 12: 6 "in the evening", lit. between two evenings. Exo. 12: 6 (mar). cf. Lev. 23: 32 in contrast to the morning, cf. Exo. 30: 7, 8 i. e. at the time of the sun setting. Deut. 16: 6
ii. The Passover Instituted. The Lamb Chosen on the 10 th day. Exo. 12: 3 The Lamb Cut off on the 14 th day. Exo. 12: 6 The Lamb Consumed in the evening: Exo. 12: 6 The LAMB Crucified in the evening. Jesus Crucified at Gogoltha in the third hour (9. 00 am) Mk. 15: 25 Darkness Covered the earth about the sixth hour… until the ninth hour. (12 n. to 3 pm). Lk. 23: 44 Jesus Committed His Spirit to His Father about the 9 th hour (3 pm) Lk. 23: 46 cf. 44, NIV Thus, the PASSOVER LAMB OF GOD died at Passover time. Cf. II Cor. 5: 7
WIPING OUT THE OLD AND WELCOMING THE NEW I. IN EGYPT – THE FEASTS. Exo. 12: 2 II. IN GILGAL – FORWARD MARCH. Josh. 5: 9 A. THE RENEWAL OF THE 2. The New Commencement at JOSHUA. 1. The Necessary Crossings PASSOVER UNDERof ch eproa - Cf. Rom. 6: 3, 4 4: 19 he R y t. Gilgal. a They encamped in Gilgal. a. Crossing the Red. Rolled aw Sea you. ve I Slavery off. Looking back, lled. Jordan after 400 ha of the day years gypt from a. watersce is caback, h Egypt Tinis E the pla flowed 9 sh. : me of overflowing 5 its banks. 4: 18 - Baptized into His na the death. his day. Jo re the e unto b. Crossing for Wildernesst The people had overcome the Wheyears. GAL for 40 GIL for the Turbulent Waters of Jericho. h. 5: 9 s Rebels to Wilt. away. Jo b. Looking forward, a new day - Buriedswith Him panorama spread before the to thi un c. Crossing River Jordan to a people. 4: 19 new life ahead through The people were now facing the Warfare Threatening Walls of Jericho. - Raised up with Him.
A. THE RENEWAL OF THE PASSOVER UNDER JOSHUA. 1. The Necessary Crossings: - Cf. Rom. 6: 3, 4 2. The New Commencement at Gilgal. Josh. 4: 19 3. The New Commitment: The iii. The Ritual of Passover Rite of Circumcision Revived. Renewed. Josh. 5: 10 -12 Josh. 5: 2 -8 Ø Passover Feast observed for First a. The Necessity: time in the land. 5: 10 i. The Circumcised males had Redemption by blood. died in the wilderness. 5: 6, 7 Ø Reminder ofrd [Kept only 3 time; the second at its ii. The Covenant relationship 1 st ann. , Num. 9: 4, 5] must be revived. Gen. 17: 9 -14 Ø Rituals of Circumcision & Passover b. The Need merged at Gilgal. Cf. 2 Ordinances. i. Their Reproach had Rolled away. (Gilgal = rolling) 5: 9 Ø Refreshing diet for nation – 5: 11, 12 v Promising Foretaste of the Fruit. 5: 12 Past Failures Forgiven and - a new life had begun: Forgotten. 5: 9 ii. Their Relationship Righted Conflicts and Conquests ahead! with God. 5: 9
WIPING OUT THE OLD AND WELCOMING THE NEW I. IN EGYPT – THE FEASTS. Exo. 12: 2 II. IN GILGAL – FORWARD MARCH Josh. 5: 9 A. THE RENEWAL OF THE PASSOVER UNDER JOSHUA. III. IN JERUSALEM – THE FORGOTTEN BOOK B. THE REVIVAL OF THE PASSOVER UNDER JOSIAH. 1. Repair of the Temple - a. Josiah’s Covenant with II 22: 3 -7 35: 1 -19 II Kgs. 23: 21 -23; II Chr. God and Judah’s Commitment. 23: 1 -3 2. Recovery and Reading b. Jerusalem’s and of the Book of the surrounding Cities’ Covenant (Deut. ? ) idolatry brought down. II Kgs. 22: 8 -14 23: 4 -14, 19 3. Reading of the Law c. Jeroboam’s Altar and before all and Josiah’s all Contaminations Reforms: II Kgs. Ch. 23. removed. 23: 15 -20
B. The Revival of the Passover under Josiah. II Kgs. 23: 21 -23; II Chr. 35: 1 -19 3. Reading of the Law and Josiah’s Reforms: II Kgs. Ch. 23. d. Josiah’s Command to Celebrate the Passover. 23: 21 -23 Surely there was not holden such a passover from the days of the judges that judged Israel, nor in all the days of the kings of Israel, nor of the kings of Judah; i. Was there no observation of the Passover from Judges to Josiah? 23: 22 ii. Was there no greater celebration of the Passover since the Judges? 23: 23 cf. II Chr. 35: 18 iii. The Reinstatement of the Passover. II Chr. 35 It was based on. . . iv. Requirements Enacted in the original Covenant. Cf. II Chr. 35: 6 v. Repentance from the past and Commitment to Reforms. vi. Redemption from Egypt to be Commemorated Regularly.
Summary Wiping out the Old and Welcoming in the New Text: This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Exo. 12: 2 Josh. 5: 10, 11; II Kgs. 23: 21 -23; II Chr. 35: 17, 18 WIPING OUT THE OLD AND WELCOMING IN THE NEW I. IN EGYPT – THE FEASTS. Exo. 12: 2 A. THE NECESSARY BACKGROUND – Israel in Slavery in Egypt. B. THE NEW BEGINNING – Israel Set to leave Egypt. C. THE NAMED FEASTS AND THEIR BASE. II. IN GILGAL – THE FORWARD MARCH Josh. 5: 9 A. RENEWAL OF THE PASSOVER UNDER JOSHUA. JOSH. 5. III. IN JERUSALEM – THE FORGOTTEN BOOK B. REINSTATEMENT OF THE PASSOVER UNDER JOSIAH. II Kgs. 23: 21 -23; II Chr.
Conclusion: The Reforms for 2011: ØStart with the Lord’s Supper, a Picture of the Passover – Purpose to be Present regularly. Focus on Christ, our Passover Lamb ØPass over the Past and Renew for the Future – Wipe out the Old and Welcome in the New - GILGAL! ØResolve Reforms for 2011 and live a life after the Red Sea, after River Jordan! Ct. Num. 14: 25, 3 b
A Fulfilling and Fruitful Visit: And www. berita-bethel-ung. com A Blessed and Bountiful Chinese New Year To All Concerned.