Подростковая культура.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 16
Features adolescent culture
Culture? The totality of human activities in the past and the present, all that is done by man. Certain system of values. Lifestyle people, its traditions, customs, religious views, language
Youth Culture? -It is part of the general culture of the nation inherent in these social group as a youth. -Teens create their own culture, their own language, fashion, and most importantly their attitude toward the world.
Company teenagers Teenage society- different gender, age, interests of the participants/ informal differ from other their views, School Associations. principles, beliefs. Create For example, clubs, sports groups, have their image, have clubs, theater groups. their own symbols and attributes, certainly there is a leader of the informal organization are: large and small, fixed and random, uneven and even-aged
FEATURE personal development of teenagers DIRECTION OF INTERESTS Educational Activities Relations between people Artistic and aesthetic activities Work activities Achievements in sport
RELEVANT TO THE CASE activity industry responsibility initiative
attitude towards people collectivism honesty justice unselfishness sociability fellowship tenderness courtesy
volitional qualities courage determination perseverance composure
SITUATION collective /Authority in the classroom /Likes /display of aggression
Teenagers: What Problems? • What is a teenager? Officially a teenager is anyone aged from 13 to 19. In other words teenagers are people who are in the stage of their life when they are developing from children into adults.
Which is a problem for teenagers • Some teens are • - Lazy - Rude to seniors - cynical - untidy - Too opinionated - Spend all your time listening to awful music
Actually, it seems to be quite the opposite of the truth. Teenagers spend a lot of time thinking about their work (studies) , their families and friends and their hobbies, they also think of clothes, money, their bodies, how to behave in a certain situation. But isn’t it the same for most people? The majority of young people are polite, friendly, open, interested and hard working.
Do teenagers have problems? Teens have questions - What’s going to happen at school tomorrow? - Why does Mum / Dad like my sister / brother better than me? - Am I too fat / skinny / tall / short…? - Does my boyfriend / girlfriend really like me? - How can I afford to buy…? - Am I stupid / shy / loser / lonely…?
To solve their problems young people have to learn: • - Must be able to compromise - Listen to the views of another - Find real friends - Keep yourself in shape, to say "no" to drugs, alcohol, smoking - Do not shock people by their appearance and behavior - Have a positive attitude towards life and people
Words of Wisdom Anyway People are often Unreasonable and self-centred. Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, People may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are honest, People may cheat you. Be honest anyway. If you find happiness, People may be jealous. Be happy anyway. The good you do today May be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, And it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.