Скачать презентацию FDT Technology IEC 62453 ISA SP 103 Скачать презентацию FDT Technology IEC 62453 ISA SP 103


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FDT Technology IEC 62453 / ISA SP 103 Standardized Communication Interface Between Field Devices FDT Technology IEC 62453 / ISA SP 103 Standardized Communication Interface Between Field Devices and Systems Stefan Lugert Endress+Hauser Process Solutions on behalf of Klaus-Peter Lindner: Vice President Associations & Standardization FDT Group Brussels, Belgium www. fdtgroup. org

Welcome Stefan Lugert stefan. lugert@solutions. endress. com l Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG, Reinach, Switzerland Welcome Stefan Lugert stefan. lugert@solutions. endress. com l Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG, Reinach, Switzerland Manager Marketing & Sales 10 years at Endress+Hauser Process Solutions Responsible for Sales of PC PS Solutions Products and Services to Endress+Hauser Sales Organisations l. l l l Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 2/34

PC Process Solutions Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG was founded to create added value to PC Process Solutions Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG was founded to create added value to Endress+Hauser core business by providing products, systems, services and process automation solutions based on open standards. n Founded December 1999, start-up January 2000 n Located in Reinach, Switzerland n Currently employs more than 110 people n Joint ventures of Endress+Hauser: n Code. Wrights, Karlsruhe, Germany (67%) n Metso Endress+Hauser Technology AG, Reinach, Switzerland (50%) n Open Field Communications, Morisset, Australia (70%) Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG PCPS_Pres. EN 3/34

Solutions from Endress+Hauser Process Management Process Control Supply Chain Management Plant Asset Mgmt. Inventory Solutions from Endress+Hauser Process Management Process Control Supply Chain Management Plant Asset Mgmt. Inventory Control Products Systems Competencies Integration Technologies Instruments E+H Solutions Customer Process Applications/Solutions Plant Production Process Endress+Hauser Process Solutions AG Asset Management Process PCPS_Pres. EN Logistic Process 4/34

Agenda l User requirements overview l Technical concept l Nested communication l Application examples Agenda l User requirements overview l Technical concept l Nested communication l Application examples l Standardization of FDT l The FDT Group Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 5/34

General user Requirements Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 6/34 General user Requirements Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 6/34

Device Integration Requirements Optimization Engineering Operations l l l 0 7 Configuration Parameterization Commissioning Device Integration Requirements Optimization Engineering Operations l l l 0 7 Configuration Parameterization Commissioning Control/Operation Communication Control application Alarms/events Process graphics Operation Display Alarm signals Diagnosis Maintenance Calibration Controller l Process variables Time synchronization Status Advanced applications l l l Diagnosis Calibration Maintenance Field Devices Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 7/34

FDT Technology Windows® Interface The printer driver is used in different programs in the FDT Technology Windows® Interface The printer driver is used in different programs in the same way The printer driver contains the configuration, diagnostics and other functionalities l The printer driver is developed and delivered from the printer manufacturer l l l Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 8/34

FDT Technology FDT/DTM Interface The DTM is used in different programs in the same FDT Technology FDT/DTM Interface The DTM is used in different programs in the same way The DTM contains the configuration, diagnostics and other functionalities l The DTM is developed and delivered by the device manufacturer l l l Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 9/34

General Architecture DTM • Device Type Manager • Represents the device • Supplied by General Architecture DTM • Device Type Manager • Represents the device • Supplied by device vendor Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Frame Application • Launches the DTM • Supplied as part of host system • Manages the device instances Copyright FDT Group 10/34

Nested Communication with FDT l Routing through system topology A DTM does not have Nested Communication with FDT l Routing through system topology A DTM does not have any knowledge about the network topology l A DTM must only support its own communication protocol l Communication / routing through ANY network topology, no limitations l Communication / routing is possible even if the underlying protocol is unknown by the engineering or standalone tool l Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 11/34

Plant wide data access with FDT l Over the complete network l Communication driver Plant wide data access with FDT l Over the complete network l Communication driver for each protocol: l l l l l Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 AS-Interface Device. Net FOUNDATION fieldbus HART INTERBUS IO-Link MODBUS SL/TCP PROFIBUS PROFINET I/O … Copyright FDT Group 12/34

DTM and Frame Application DTM Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 13/34 DTM and Frame Application DTM Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 13/34

Example 1: Radar Level Transmitter l l DTM used for device calibration DTM used Example 1: Radar Level Transmitter l l DTM used for device calibration DTM used for configuration of linearization Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 14/34

Example 2: Valve Positioner l l DTM enables advanced valve diagnostics Control valve diagnostics Example 2: Valve Positioner l l DTM enables advanced valve diagnostics Control valve diagnostics enables better decisions for shut down planning Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 15/34

Example 3: Multivariable Transmitter l DTM used to calculate coefficients for dp flow transmitter Example 3: Multivariable Transmitter l DTM used to calculate coefficients for dp flow transmitter l l Calculate and you get special parameters as result. l Copyright FDT Group The calculation values of the Primary Device entered here are the basis for the flow calculation l Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Switch Flow Measurement “On” Download parameters in device. 16/34

Example 4: Segment Coupler Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 17/34 Example 4: Segment Coupler Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 17/34

Example 5: Universal Motor Controller l DTM used to configure motor controller an display Example 5: Universal Motor Controller l DTM used to configure motor controller an display diagnostic information Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 18/34

Example 6: H 1 usb DTM l Functionality l Enables any FDT Frames to Example 6: H 1 usb DTM l Functionality l Enables any FDT Frames to access FF/H 1 field devices via H 1 usb interface l Plug&Play parameterization, diagnostics and maintenance l Comm. DTM acc. to FDT 1. 2 l Acts as H 1 Client l Live list l Set/change device address Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 19/34

Basic Structure of IEC 62453 Part 2 Concepts and detailed description Part 3 xy Basic Structure of IEC 62453 Part 2 Concepts and detailed description Part 3 xy Communication Profile Integration Part 4 z Object Model Integration Profile Part 5 xy Communication Profile Implementation Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Part 61 DTM Style Guide Copyright FDT Group 20/34

IEC 62453 Structure l Part 1 (TR): Overview and guidance l Part 2 (IS): IEC 62453 Structure l Part 1 (TR): Overview and guidance l Part 2 (IS): Concepts and detailed description l Part 301 (IS): Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 1 l Part 302 (IS): Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 2 l Part 303 -1 (IS): Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CP 3/1 and CP 3/2 l Part 303 -2 (IS): Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CP 3/3, CP 3/4 and CP 3/5 l Part 306 (IS): Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 6 l Part 309 (IS): Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 9 l Part 315 (IS): Communication profile integration - IEC 61784 CPF 15 l Part 41 (TR): Object model integration profile – Common object model l Part 501 (TR): Communication profile implementation - IEC 61784 CPF 1 l Part 502 (TR): Communication profile implementation - IEC 61784 CPF 2 l Part 503 -1 (TR): Communication profile implementation - IEC 61784 3/1 and CP 3/2 l Part 503 -2 (TR): Communication profile implementation - IEC 61784 CP 3/3, CP 3/4 and CP 3/5 l Part 506 (TR): Communication profile implementation - IEC 61784 CPF 6 l Part 509 (TR): Communication profile implementation - IEC 61784 CPF 9 l Part 515 (TR): Communication profile implementation - IEC 61784 CPF 15 l Part 61 (TR): DTM Style Guide Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 21/34

IEC 62453 History IEC 62453 / SC 65 E WG 4: Field Device Tools IEC 62453 History IEC 62453 / SC 65 E WG 4: Field Device Tools Interface l IEC 62453 PAS FDT Specification was positive voted in October 2005. l Establishment of IEC SC 65 C WG 14 l l Reorganization to IEC SC 65 E WG 4 beginning of 2007 l l l Members (DE, FR, FI, Swiss, UK) Chairman: Prof. Dr. Christian Diedrich, ifak Kick Off – 31 th January to 1 st February 2006 Same members and chairman Additional 3 Chinese members IEC 62453 CDV FDT Specification was positive voted in August 2008. Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 22/34

IEC 62453 Schedule IEC 62453 Milestones: l l l CD 1 CD 2 CDV IEC 62453 Schedule IEC 62453 Milestones: l l l CD 1 CD 2 CDV FDIS IS 29 August 2006 June 2007 Closing date for comments 2007 -09 -07 February 2008 December 2008 May 2009 Publicly Available Standard (PAS) 62453 Oct Committee Draft (CD) 2 Apr Aug Committee Draft (CD) 1 2006 Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Final Draft International Standard (FDIS) 2007 Feb Committee Draft for Vote (CDV) 2008 Copyright FDT Group Dec May International Standard (IS) 2009 23/34

ISA SP 103 Scope 1) To form the core of the U. S. TAG ISA SP 103 Scope 1) To form the core of the U. S. TAG to IEC SC 65 E WG 4 and to assist TAG to select experts from the U. S. 2) To define the interfaces for both the vertical and the horizontal data flow, called Function Control and Data Access, in the framework of a Client-Server architecture. It shall allow application software and configuration tools to interact with field devices in a unified way, while hiding the manufacturer-specific interaction with devices or subsystems in a software module. 3) This standard shall allow any field bus, device or sub-system specific software tool to be integrated as part of a universal life-cycle management tool of a plant automation system. Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 24/34

ISA SP 103 Purpose 1) To ensure the consistent management of a plant-wide control ISA SP 103 Purpose 1) To ensure the consistent management of a plant-wide control and automation technology, it is necessary to fully integrate fieldbuses, devices and sub-systems as seamless part of a wide range of automation tasks covering the whole automation lifecycle. The main aims are: l Universal and central plant-wide tooling for the life-cycle management of heterogeneous fieldbus environments, multi-vendor devices and sub-systems independently of the automation domain (e. g. process, manufacturing) l Integrated and consistent life-cycle data of the control system including the fieldbuses, devices and sub-systems l Simple but still powerful vendor-independent integration of different automation devices and sub-systems into the life-cycle management tools of a control system. 2) The main application domains are industrial process control and manufacturing execution systems. 3) The benefits are savings in operation, engineering and maintenance of the control systems. Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 25/34

Members of ISA SP 103 , Rockwell , Endress+Hauser , Yokogawa , ABB , Members of ISA SP 103 , Rockwell , Endress+Hauser , Yokogawa , ABB , Rockwell , Saudi Aramco , Schneider , IX , Flowserve , ISA , Zhejiang University Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 , Flowserve Copyright FDT Group 26/34

The FDT Group l The FDT Group is an l open l independent l The FDT Group l The FDT Group is an l open l independent l non-profit association of currently 61 international companies l Owner of the FDT Technology l Responsible for maintenance, further development, and promotion of FDT Technology l Responsible for certification and compliance testing of FDT products l Dedicated to establishing and maintaining FDT Technology as an international standard with broad acceptance within the automation industry l Open to all companies that wish to participate Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 28/34

62 Members (Status March 2008) Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 29/34 62 Members (Status March 2008) Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 29/34

Certification Process Manufacturer Test site Product successfully pre-tested FDT-Conformance test based on test tool Certification Process Manufacturer Test site Product successfully pre-tested FDT-Conformance test based on test tool Contract Test report Check Report, issue certificate FDT Group Certification Office Listing at FDT Group homepage Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Product certificate On request of Manufacturer Copyright FDT Group 30/34

FDT Specification – The Key Points l FDT is an interface specification for integrating FDT Specification – The Key Points l FDT is an interface specification for integrating device specific software components l FDT specification defines mechanisms to satisfy standalone tool‘s and control system‘s requirements l FDT-Specification covers use cases: l l l Configuration Parameterization Commissioning Diagnosis Audit Trail Product documentation, application documentation Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 31/34

WIB Test Results l l l Commissioned by WIB Performed by SHELL Global Solutions WIB Test Results l l l Commissioned by WIB Performed by SHELL Global Solutions lab during Q 2 and Q 3 07 Compares performance of DTM and e. EDDL technologies in commissioning, operation and maintenance for FF based devices l Systems: l l l Devices: l l Frames: Emerson, Invensys, Yokogawa Stand alone tools: PACTware, Field Mate, Field Care Positioners: Metso, Invensys, Emerson Multivariable: Yokogawa Conclusion e. EDDL offers required data accessibility and functionality as used in commissioning of FF smart devices l FDT/DTM offers required data accessibility and extended functionality as used in commissioning and maintenance of FF smart devices in a very effective manner. l More FF devices are needed in e. EDDL and in FDT/DTM l The two technologies are complementary l FDT is the right platform for HMI and Applications l Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 32/34

FDT Group Co-Operations via ECT Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 33/34 FDT Group Co-Operations via ECT Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 33/34

Future Work Outlook l FDT Group joined EDDL Cooperation Team (ECT) in 2007 l Future Work Outlook l FDT Group joined EDDL Cooperation Team (ECT) in 2007 l Working Group for Field Device Integration (FDI) established l Scope: Next generation of integration technology l Target: One single solution for device integration satisfying process and factory automation by using the benefits both technologies: EDDL and FDT l Goal: First draft specification mid 2009 Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 34/34

EDD Integration using i. DTM™ interprets EDDs and enables integration of 3 rd party EDD Integration using i. DTM™ interprets EDDs and enables integration of 3 rd party devices without dedicated device DTMs using a FDT Frame Application (e. g. Field. Care) l i. DTM™ HART available in March 2008 l i. DTM™ for FOUNDATION Fieldbus and PROFIBUS to follow l Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 Copyright FDT Group 35/34

Thank you for your attention! Open access to device intelligence Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 www. Thank you for your attention! Open access to device intelligence Pharmatex, Cork 18/09/08 www. fdtgroup. org Copyright FDT Group 36/34 info@fdtgroup. org