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FCM Council Meeting & General Assembly FCM Secretariat Rome April 29 th 2015
Outline (I) I. Introduction & Minutes II. Membership Management update III. FCM activities IV. Financial Statements 2013, 2014 & Budget 2015 2
Outline (II) V. Elections–Nominating Committee Proposal • • • 5. 1 Election of the new President 5. 2 Election of the new Vice -President 5. 3 Election of the new Treasurer 5. 4 Composition of the Executive Committee 5. 5 Structure of the Secretariat VI. FCM Accountant for 2015 VII. Other business & Closing remarks 3
II FCM Membership update • • • • • • The Albanian Institute of Authorised Chartered Accountants (IEKA) The Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Bulgaria (IDES) The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC) The Egyptian Society of Accountants and Auditors (ESAA) Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes de France (CNCC) Conseil Superieur de l'Ordre des Experts Comptables de France (CSOEC) The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Greece (SOEL) The Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel (ICPAS) Consiglio Nazionale Dottori Commercialisti e Esperti Contabili Italiani (CNDCEC) Society of Certified Accountants and Auditors of Kosovo (SCAAK) The Malta Institute of Accountants (MIA) Ordre des Experts Comptables du Maroc (OEC) Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas de Portugal (OROC) Ordem dos Tecnicos Oficiais de Contas (OTOC) Palestinian Association of Certified Public Accountants (PACPA) The Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania (CECCAR) Serbian Association of Accountants and Auditors (SAAA) Consejo General de Colegios de Economistas de Espana (CGCE) Consejo Superior de Colegios Oficiales de Titulados Mercantiles y Empresiales de Espana Ordre des Experts Comptables de Tunisie (OECT) Union of Chambers of Certified Public Accountants of Turkey (TURMOB) Expert Accountants Association of Turkey (EAAT) Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) 4
III FCM ACTIVITIES Strategy Plan for 2014 – To be continued… • The mapping of the administrative situation • Confirming current membership and new membership • Members’ expectations • FCM strategic meetings with the international bodies • Development of specific projects • Revision of the FCM structure and Statutes 5
V. Nominating committee: proposals Last Council meeting held in Rabat appointed, for the composition of the Nominating committee: § Samir Agoumi – Current President § Masum Turker – Former FCM President 2004 -2006 –Turkey § William Nahum –Former FCM President 2006 – 2008 – France § Jose Maria Casado –FCM Council Member –Spain § Hysen Cela –FCM Council Member -Albania 7
Proposal of the Nominating Commitee § Samir Agoumi will assure the presidency for the next six months (May to October 2015) § Hysen çela will assume the vice presidency for the upcoming six months § In October/November 2015 a new President will be nominated. The countries nominated are: 1. Italy 2. Romania 3. Turkey § In case Italy and/or Romania decides not to accept the nomination, Turkey will take the presidency for the next two years mandate. § Panagiotis Alamanos has been nominated as vice-president for the next two years mandate. 8
STRUCTURE OF THE SECRETARIAT § CURRENT SITUATION § The Secretariat services are provided from Brussels as convened in the Service Contract signed with Maria Casado. § No staff has been hired since the leave of Flavia and Maria Teresa. § All the secretarial and administrative work is provided by Maria Casado. 9
V. NEW STRUCTURE OF THE SECRETARIAT Three possible options 1. Secretary General based in Brussels + one part-time secretariat support based in Brussels FCM Headquarters legally based in Brussels or virtual Headquarters 2. Secretary General based in Brussels + one part-time secretariat support based in one MB's' headquarters, with FCM having virtual Headquarters (email and/or post box). 3. Secretary General based in Brussels + one part-time secretariat support based in one MB's headquarters (where FCM would pay for one small office and for the part-time secretary) § The rental contract of the office in Rome will end in April 30, 2015. 10
New Structure of the Secretariat 3 Options SG based in Brussels + Secretariat support SG based in Brussels from FCM Member + Secretariat support Institution (1/2 time) Institution where the (1/2 time) based in legal office will be Brussels established Headquarters FCM Member different of Brussels or virtual Member Institution the country providing secretarial support Italy
IV. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: CURRENT AND FUTURE COMPOSITION General Assembly 30 April 2013 (for 2013 -2015) Council meetings 30 April 2013 (for 2013 -2015) President, Samir Agoumi (OEC Morocco) Executive Committee for 2013 -2015, Hysen Cela (IEKA Albania) Treasurer, Philippe Arraou (CSOEC France) and Ardiana Bunjaku. Deputy President, Daniela Vulcan (CECCAR Romania) FUTURE 14
VI. FCM Technical Committee (I) § As established in the FCM statues (article 11), the Federation is governed by a Council, which consists of one representative appointed by each member body of the Federation. Each member body will appoint only one representative, who may be assisted by no more than two technical advisors. § The Council may delegate discussion to technical committees and task forces. The representatives on these technical committees and task forces shall be drawn from among the Federation’s members, and from others as approved by the Council. Such technical committees and task forces shall make recommendations to the Council. § In the view of being more effective, we would like to nominate the representatives from the different members’ bodies for the composition of a Technical Committee on a permanent basis. The candidates do not necessarily be the same persons appointed by the member’s bodies as its Council representatives. 15
VI. FCM Technical Committee (II) § Instead, the objective is to select technical experts who will assist the council members in the development of technical projects and will provide technical assistance when working with international organisations such as World Bank, IFAC and donors. § The technical committee will be the main support to the secretariat technical activities and projects (e. g Survey on Capacity building) and its recommendations will be submitted to the approval of the FCM Executive Committee. § § The Technical Committee should be operative in the upcoming weeks. ADD confirmation from Members delegating a technical expert for the composition of the technical committee by February 13 16
VII. FCM Strategy § The Technical committee should provide the assistance to the FCM Secretariat for the formulation of FCM strategy 17
VIII. FCM Website § Renewal of the website - The Secretariat will request different estimates that will be submitted for approval at the next general Assembly 18
IX. Membership § Define the strategy following the discussion held at the last Council meeting in Rabat 19
X. Activities with the World Bank § Egypt Strengthening Practice Requirements? Event (June 2015) § Building an MSME Enabling Environment – How Can Auditing / Accounting Policy and Capacity Be Developed to Meet this Objective? (June 2015) § CV MENA Article on the Research / Survey (over the summer) 20
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