Favorite food of Belarus.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 8
Ingredients Potato gratin with mushrooms: 1. Potatoes-2 kg 2. Mushrooms-500 gr 3. Onions-2 pcs. 4. Egg-1 pc. 5. Vegetable oil-5 o ml 6. Butter-20 g 7. Ground black pepper 8. Salt
Potato gratin with mushrooms prescription Belarusian cuisine , cooked very quickly and easily. Potato mash. Fry mushrooms and onions in vegetable oil with the addition of butter. Form for baking cakes oiled , put half of the mashed potatoes. Top layer of mashed mushrooms , cover all the second half of the potatoes. Lubricate the surface with egg and bake casserole for 25 -30 minutes at 180 -200 degrees. For the preparation of this recipe, you can use any mushrooms.
Ingredients green salad with croutons 1. Cabbage - 300 g 2. Cucumber - 2 pcs. 3. Green onion - 2 -3 pc. 4. Dill - 1 bunch 5. White bread - 4 slices 6. Sour cream - 3 -4 tbsp 7. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp 8. Ground black pepper 9. salt
Recipe green salad with croutons To prepare such an easy and simple recipe Belarusian cuisine , like green salad with croutons , cabbage, finely chop and mash , if it is not young , with the addition of salt. Cucumbers cut into strips and add to the cabbage , sprinkle with chopped dill and pepper, pour in the cream and stir. With bread crust removed , cut into small cubes and fry in a dry pan. When serving salad decorate finely chopped green onions and croutons.
Ingredients Carrot- apple mousse Carrots - 80 g Apples - 80 g Sugar - 120 g Gelatin - 16 g Water - 0. 5 l Citric acid - 0. 5 tsp
Recipe: Carrot- apple mousse Carrot and apple mousse prescription Belarusian cuisine can be prepared easily and quickly. Boil carrots and wipe. Cored apples , boil , drain the broth and apples wipe. Combine apples with carrots, apple broth , sugar and citric acid. Gelatin , and then enter into the mixture and bring to a boil. Warm mousse cooled to 40 degrees, and then whipped into a foam-like substance. Pour carrot- apple mousse in molds , cool , decorate the dish with berries and serve.
Favorite food of Belarus.pptx