Скачать презентацию Fashion designer Design — from English Скачать презентацию Fashion designer Design — from English

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Fashion designer Fashion designer

 Design - from English Design - from English "design" the project, the plan, drawing - the term designating a kind of art and design activity, the subject environment covering creation (cars, things, interiors) and based on the principles of a combination of convenience, profitability and beauty.

nd u ld or er n he T sig de he -t re c nd u ld or er n he T sig de he -t re c or at fw o ro a

Profession history Emergence of design of clothes as separate branch of design belongs to Profession history Emergence of design of clothes as separate branch of design belongs to 19 — 20 eyelids, the period of development of mass production of clothes which had to combine beauty and advantage. From now on the clothes are projected to satisfy the corresponding spiritual and material needs of her owner. The modern design of clothes corresponds to a changing way of life and needs of people. It is guided by new tendencies both in a material, and as clothes.

The fashion designer is an inventor. He thinks out models of clothes, a detail, The fashion designer is an inventor. He thinks out models of clothes, a detail, accessories. Thinks out and adapts them for our everyday life. Otherwise, as though beautifully and magnificently ideas didn't look, they won't be demanded.

Why I chose a profession of the fashion designer? Why I chose a profession of the fashion designer?

o rk o w r of ne t en esig t n o C o rk o w r of ne t en esig t n o C ion d sh fa e th f

The fashion designer together with other experts or independently improves already created models of The fashion designer together with other experts or independently improves already created models of clothes or offers the.

The fashion designer participates in designing, design of new types and the directions. The fashion designer participates in designing, design of new types and the directions.

The fashion designer pays the main attention to external characteristics – a material, a The fashion designer pays the main attention to external characteristics – a material, a form, color.

The fashion designer studies dynamics of demand a state on production of different function. The fashion designer studies dynamics of demand a state on production of different function.

The fashion designer establishes the reasons of her insufficient appeal. The fashion designer establishes the reasons of her insufficient appeal.

The fashion designer proposes perspective design, esthetic and sanitary and hygienic solutions. The fashion designer proposes perspective design, esthetic and sanitary and hygienic solutions.

The fashion designer works as a part of group or individually, if necessary - The fashion designer works as a part of group or individually, if necessary - on itself tests made production, considers all merits and demerits of a product.

Features of a profession Fashion designer Features of a profession Fashion designer

To begin the way in the profession connected with designing and sewing of clothes, To begin the way in the profession connected with designing and sewing of clothes, it is possible today and independently, having studied the remote courses, special editions. Vocational training gives the chance of further creative and career growth, beginning from the simple cutter, finishing the fashion designer or the owner of a brand, firm, studio.

Requirements to specific features of the fashion designer Requirements to specific features of the fashion designer

 The fashion designer has to possess art and technical endowments. Practical mentality, the The fashion designer has to possess art and technical endowments. Practical mentality, the good esthetic taste, developed imagination and evident and figurative thinking, sociability, persistence, self-criticism is too everything the fashion designer has to have

Only the self-assured person visits various type of action. And the confidence to it Only the self-assured person visits various type of action. And the confidence to it is given by beautiful, stylish and fashionable clothes. In such dress it isn't a shame to appear anywhere! Arai Sembekova