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Fascinating Medical Evidences Buffalo July 2002
Introduction 1. Look at what the Bible says concerning disease prevention, public health, and medical practice. 2. Compare the Bible’s instructions with that of the ancient Egyptians as well as with more “modern” day public health and medical practice.
The Bible’s Instructions First five books of the bible are incredibly detailed and specific regarding the law. Ever wonder why God was so “picky” about so many seemingly obscure things? Example: (Leviticus 12: 1 -2)Why is a woman “unclean” for seven days after giving birth? ?
God’s Promise to Abraham “Look up at the heavens and count the stars if indeed you can count them. ” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be. ” (Genesis 15: 4 -6)
Genesis 17: 2 -6 God made many promises: • • • He would greatly increase his numbers Be the father of many nations Be very fruitful Make nations of him Kings would come from him Establish His covenant through him
Fulfillment of many of God’s promises requires: 1. FAITH in God’s word 2. OBEDIENCE to what He says
The Test To put the word into practice. We can’t just listen to the word, but must do what it says. James 1: 21 -24 (Speaker’s paraphrase)
The Covenant
Abraham’s Test In Genesis 17: 9 -14 God told Abraham that he was to undergo circumcision and that for the generations to come every male eight days old was to undergo circumcision.
Healthy Offspring? Could it be that there was a benefit to circumcision that helped Abraham’s offspring to be healthy and multiply?
1971 “There are no valid medical indications for circumcision in the neonatal period. ”
Dr. Thomas Wiswell discovered: : Uncircumcised boys were ten times more likely to suffer urinary tract infections than circumcised boys.
Over the next few years’ nine different studies found circumcision to protect against urinary tract infections.
1989 “Newborn circumcision has potential medical benefits and advantages. ”
Consider It is estimated that in the U. S. circumcisions currently prevent more than ten thousand UTI’s per year. If these boys were not circumcised these infections would kill up to two hundred boys.
• In Abraham’s time before there were antibiotics these infections would have been much more serious. UTI Infections could have resulted in thousands of boys dying.
COINCIDENCE? Or is the Bible the Inspired Word of God?
Men, no need to run out and get circumcised!!!!
Why on the eighth day? “For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised. ” (Genesis 17: 12)
The Chemistry of Blood Clotting
Here is How it Works 1. Blood Clotting Proteins (Prothrombin) are continually produced in the liver. 2. The Liver needs Vitamin K to make clotting proteins. 3. Vitamin K is produced in our intestinal tract. 4. When a baby is born the Vitamin K levels are similar to that of the mother.
5. Infants are born without the required bacteria in their intestines to produce Vitamin K 6. It takes about five days for the bacteria to build up in order for the baby to start producing its own Vitamin K 7. As a result Prothrombin drops to 30 percent of normal
Clotting Protein Peaks on Day Eight Available Prothrombin
The greatest risk of bleeding occurs between the second and seventh day of life.
God told Abraham 4000 years ago that the time to circumcise was on the eighth day. It took medical science years to figure that out.
COINCIDENCE? Or is the Bible the Inspired Word of God?
Flint Knife Joshua 5: 2 “Make flint knives and circumcise the Israelites again. ”
Why Flint instead of Metal? • Making a Flint knife produced a clean bacteria free sharp edge. • Bacteria and germs would only be discovered thousands of years later, yet God instructed Joshua to use a surgical instrument which would be germ free! • We did not have to wait for Louis Pasteur’s Germ theory of disease to tell us that!
COINCIDENCE? Or is the Bible the Inspired Word of God?
Ritualistic Surgeons Even today, ritualistic surgeons are infecting babies with fatal cases of gangrene, tetanus, tuberculosis due to using dirty instruments.
INITIATED INTO DEATH Infected from botched circumcisions, beaten and exposed to bitter cold - it’s not surprising five boys died. “Some of them lay shivering with fever, apparently the upshot of septicaemia resulting from infected circumcision cuts. ” The Star, Wednesday, June 26 2002
The Promise of a healthy disease free life Egypt 3500 years ago
Papyrus Ebers
Ebers Papyrus • Written in Egypt in 1552 B. C. • Contains 877 recipes concerning a great variety of diseases and symptoms
Days of the Papyrus ebers (Egyptians)
Prescriptions 1. “To cure pinkeye apply the urine of a faithful wife. ” 2. To Embedded splinters they applied worms’ blood and asses dung. 3. To prevent hair from turning gray, anoint it with the blood of a black calf which has been boiled in oil, or with the fat of a rattlesnake. ”
The Bible Says Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life. (Proverbs 16: 31)
Rx for Hair loss • “When it falls out, one remedy is to apply a mixture of six fats, namely those of the horse, hippopotamus, the crocodile, the cat, the snake, and the ibex. To strengthen it, anoint it with the tooth of a donkey crushed in honey. ”
Leviticus 13: 40 -41 “When a man has lost his hair and is bald, he is clean. If he has lost his hair from the front of his scalp and has a bald forehead, he is clean. ”
Drugs of Choice included: • • • Lizards blood Swine’s teeth Putrid meat Moisture from Pigs’ears Excreta from animals including human beings, donkeys, antelope, dogs, cats and flies
Exodus 15: 26 He said, “If you listen carefully to the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you. ”
Moses' Test Acts 7: 22 tells us that Moses was educated in all the wisdom of the Egyptians
The Difference • Instructions in the Bible were altogether different form the Papyrus Ebers. The Bible definitely was not copying the medical authorities of the day…Far from it! • We do not find a single harmful or useless remedy from the Egyptians in the Bible • God’s divine instructions were not only devoid of harmful practices, but had many detailed positive remedies.
We find remedies such as: “The sting of the hornet is healed by the housefly, crushed and applied to the wound” in a Jewish book of medical knowledge from the time of the New Testament writings. WE NEVER FIND SUCH A PRESCRIPTION IN THE BIBLE!!!
LEPROSY • Killed millions of people in Europe and around the world for hundreds of years. • “Fear of all other diseases taken together can hardly be compared to the terror spread by Leprosy” Dr. George Rosen
MEDICAL COMMUNITY HAD NO ANSWERS They taught that it was brought on by eating hot food, pepper, garlic and the meat of diseased hogs. NO MORE PERI CHICKEN! Other physicians said it was caused by malign conjunction of the planets. The suggestions were utterly worthless!!
Black Death
Sixty Million Deaths • In the 14 th Century alone Black Death took the lives of one out of every four persons, an estimated 60, 000 • Greatest disaster ever recorded in human history
What brought the major plagues of the dark ages under control? • It was the church that finally took leadership as the physicians had nothing to offer. • The guiding principle was the concept of contagion or quarantine as described in the Old Testament
Leviticus 13: 46 “As long as he has the infection he remains unclean. He must live alone; he must live outside the camp. ”
Mission Accomplished!! By following the precepts laid down in the book of Leviticus the church accomplished the feat of methodical eradication of Leprosy and then Black Death.
COINCIDENCE? Or is the Bible the Inspired Word of God?
Disease Prevention • Intestinal diseases such as cholera, dysentery and typhoid fever continued to take a heavy toll of lives in Europe into the late 1800’s • In London because of the high cost of a funeral (20 weeks wages) it was not uncommon for a family to keep the dead body of a relative who died for days and even weeks in their one or two room house.
Edwin Chadwick
Sir Edwin Chadwick’s proposal • Clean up city and build proper sewage system • No burials within city limits and the bodies to removed from people’s houses immediately and taken to mortuary for burial
Deuteronomy 23: 12 -13 “Designate a place outside the camp where you can relieve yourself. As part of your equipment have something to dig with, and when you relieve yourself, dig a hole and cover up your excrement. For the Lord your God moves about in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you. ”
Disgusting!!! • Undertaker quotes: “…even after the coffins had been tapped to let out the liquid products of decomposition, till maggots were seen crawling about the floor…till, as the body was borne away, escaping matter ran down the shoulders of the bearers. ”
Deuteronomy 21: 23 • God directed the people not to even leave executed criminals unburied. “…you must not leave his body on the tree overnight, be sure to bury him that same day…”
Good Idea! • Parliament did not think so • 1854 Chadwick Sacked!!! • For decades England’s poor would continue to pass diseases from the dead to the living.
Parliament should have listened • to Chadwick and • Looked to the scriptures!
HOW How could these recommendations, which were given to Moses, possibly offer ideas of sanitation and disease prevention 3, 500 years ahead of him?
COINCIDENCE? Or is the Bible what it claims to be. The Inspired Word of God!!
Vienna 1847 • In maternity wards one out of every six women dies. • Obstetricians ascribe deaths to constipation, fear and poisonous air.
Allegemeine Krankenhaus
Death Rate falls from 18% to 1%
Was Semmelweis Applauded? • To the contrary he was demoted and eventually sacked. • His successor threw out the washbasins and the death rate shot back up. • Died of blood poisoning in a mental hospital
Numbers 19: 11 “Whoever touches the dead body of anyone will be unclean for seven days. ”
Wash as described in Numbers 19 Hyssop 1. Hyssop contains antiseptic Thymol 2. Repeated washing running water 3. Exposure to the sun 4. Scrub Cedar Oil & Wool fibers 5. Repeat
Hand washing
COINCIDENCE? Or is the Bible what it claims to be. The Inspired Word of God!!
Pride The Doctors should have listened to Semmelweis and looked to the Scriptures. Pride and Laziness kept doctors from accepting the obvious and in their comfort zones while women and their unborn babies kept on dying needlessly.
The Bible’s Instructions Ever wonder why God was so “picky” about so many seemingly obscure things? Why is a woman “unclean” after childbirth? ? (Leviticus 12: 1 -2) To protect the woman from infection! God Loves us
Modern Medical Practice and Biblical Wisdom
Heart Disease Ø 42% of all deaths each year in U. S. Ø 1 million people per year have heart attacks Ø A heart attack every 20 seconds Ø A death every 60 seconds
Risk Factors (mentioned directly or indirectly in Bible) üStress üCholesterol üHigh blood pressure üObesity üDiabetes üSmoking üSedentary lifestyle
Heart disease
Leviticus 7: 22 -24 Do not eat any of the fat of cattle, sheep, or goats. The fat of an animal found dead or torn by wild animals may be used for any other purpose, but you must not eat it.
COINCIDENCE? Or is the Bible what it claims to be. The Inspired Word of God!!
Smoking 1
Smoking • 80% of smokers start before age 16 • In the US 3000 start each day • 1000 die each day of smoking-related illness • Lung cancer: 120 000 Americans per year • Heart disease: 200 000 Americans per year • 2 nd hand smoke: 80 000 Americans per year
Normal Lung Emphysema damaged lung
Other cancers due to cigarettes • Cancer of the lips and mouth • Cancer of the larynx • Cancer of esophagus and pancreas • Cancer of the bladder • Breast cancer
God says: Take care of your body • 1 Corinthians 6: 19 -20 • 1 Corinthians 3: 16 -17 • 1 Corinthians 10: 31 • Romans 6: 13 -14 • Romans 12: 1 -2
Alcohol-related problems • 80% highway related deaths • 57% of all rapes • 47% of all robberies • 60% of all assaults • 53% of all murders • 80% of all suicides
Proverbs 23: 29 -34 “Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has strife? Who has complaints? Who has needless bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes? Those who linger over wine… it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper. ”
Girl dying of AIDS
AIDS Statistics 2001 World 40 000 people infected Africa 28 000 people infected South Africa 4 700 000 infected 2010 Africa 26 000 orphans South Africa 4 000 orphans Children 1 child dies every minute 1 new case every 6 seconds
Epidemic of Sexual Diseases • Herpes, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, Chlamydia • Genital warts and Cancer of Cervix • Teenage pregnancy and Abortions • Infertility and Tubal pregnancy • Pelvic infection • Rape, abuse, violence • AIDS and other infections
Prevention of AIDS and sexual diseases • Faithful marriage Genesis 2, Hebrews 13 • Avoid promiscuity and homosexuality Proverbs 5, 6, 7 Leviticus 18: 22 • Avoid sex with period Leviticus 18: 19 • Circumcision Genesis 17, Joshua 5 • Genetic diseases Leviticus 18
Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life… Deuteronomy 30: 19
LISTEN TO THE BIBLE! Do what it says and Choose Life!
Fascinating Medical Evidences Buffalo July 2002